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Hardware Support: JMRI Tools for LocoNet® Devices

JMRI software provides a variety of tools to support hardware connected to the LocoNet® bus. These tools provide a variety of features, such as monitoring status, reading and writing configuration. Each of the tools provides a set of features which is appropriate to the type of device it supports, as summarized in the table below.

JMRI LocoNet Tools

Access to the LocoNet Tools is from the LocoNet menu that appears when JMRI is connected to a LocoNet®-based DCC system, or to a Standalone LocoNet.

In the table below, each tool name is a link to its tool-specific help page.

Tool Monitor Status Control Configure Download Firmware Download Sound Project Applies To
Monitor LocoNet All LocoNet Traffic
Monitor Slots (limited) Command Station's "Slots"
Monitor Clock LocoNet Fast Clock
Monitor LocoNet Stats PR3, PR4, LocoBuffer, LocoBuffer-II, LocoBuffer-USB
When connected via its USB Interface: DCS52, DCS240
Configure BDL16x BDL16, BDL162, BDL168
(See Note 1)
Configure DS64 DS64
(See Note 1 and Note 2)
Configure PM4x PM4, PM42
(See Note 1)
Configure SE8C SE8C
(See Note 1)
Configure Command Station DB150, DCS100, DCS200 DCS50, DCS51
(See Note 1 and Note 3)
Limited support for DCS240, DCS210, and DCS52
(See Note 1, Note 3 and Note 4)
Configure LocoNet ID UR90, UR91(Infrared & Simplex), UR92(Infrared), UR92CE(Infrared)
Configure Duplex Group (limited) UR92(Duplex), UR92CE(Duplex), some aspects of LNWI
(See Note 5)
Manage LNCV Modules Uhlenbrock and Digikeijs stationary modules
Manage LocoIO LNSV1 Modules LocoIO, LocoServo, HDL LocoBooster, LocoRCD, GCA50, GCA50a, GCA51
Send Throttle Message (limited) DT400, DT400R, DT402, DT402R, DT402D, DT402DCE
Send LocoNet Packet LocoNet Traffic
Select PR3 Mode (limited) PR3
Download Firmware LocoNet hardware which supports Firmware upgrades
(See Note 6)
Download Sounds Digitrax Mobile Sound Decoders


Note 1
The JMRI Roster allows users to configure these devices in approximately the same way as the standalone tool. The Roster method has the advantage that the user may save each individual device's settings to a unique file on the computer's storage media, and later read from the computer's storage media for restoring the individual device's saved settings.
Note 2
The JMRI Roster mechanism does not allow configuration of the turnout numbers which control the DS64 output, and cannot access in any way the DS64 "Routes".
Note 3
Configuring these devices is only possible when the device is acting as the command station. The specific LocoNet mechanism used by both the Roster mechanisms and by the "Command Station Configuration" tool cannot perform configuration operations on these devices when they are acting in "booster" mode.
Note 4
The Roster mechanism can access the various known OpSw settings for these command stations where the "Configure Command Station" tool can only access those OpSw settings which were implemented in previous command stations. The Roster mechanism is strongly preferred for these command station models.
Note 5
Using this tool can have an effect on both the Duplex radio settings (if one or more UR92 is present on LocoNet) and some aspects of LNWI configuration (if one or more LNWI is present on LocoNet). See the Duplex Group Configuration Tool help page discussion of its influence on the LNWI settings for more information.
Note 6
The Firmware Download tool can only update those devices which use firmware which is provided in the original firmware format. Newer Digitrax devices use a different firmware format and require a different firmware update methodology which is not currently supported in JMRI.

LocoNet® is a registered trademark of Digitrax, Inc.