Uses of Class
Packages that use Block Package Description jmri Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI layout management concepts.jmri.configurexml Provides an XML-based mechanism for storing and restoring configurations.jmri.implementation Provides implementations of various JMRI interfaces.jmri.jmrit.beantable Provides table GUI for manipulating NamedBean objects: Turnouts, Sensors, SignalHeads.jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit jmri.jmrit.beantable.block jmri.jmrit.ctc The CTC system provides the ability to create and run prototypical CTC dispatching.jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml Implements CTC data loading and storing.jmri.jmrit.ctc.ctcserialdata jmri.jmrit.ctc.topology jmri.jmrit.dispatcher jmri.jmrit.display Provides control panel and associated visible icon classes.jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Layout Editor currently represents both structure and graphical display through a single set of objects.jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorDialogs jmri.jmrit.entryexit Implements Entry/Exit ( NX ) dispatching using Layout Editor panels.jmri.jmrit.logix Support for implementing Warrants in JMRI.jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions jmri.jmrit.picker jmri.jmrit.roster jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile jmri.jmrit.tracker Provides support for tracking trains as they move around a layout.jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder Provides throttle-controlled locomotive sound simulation without the need of an on-board sound decoder.jmri.managers Provides implementations of various JMRI managers.jmri.server.json.block -
Uses of Block in jmri
Methods in jmri that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
BlockManager. createNewBlock(java.lang.String userName)
Create a new Block using an automatically incrementing system name.Block
BlockManager. createNewBlock(java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
Create a new Block, only if it does not exist.Block
BlockManager. getBlock(java.lang.String name)
Get an existing Block.Block
CabSignal. getBlock()
Get the Block position of the locomotive associated with the cab signal.Block
EntryPoint. getBlock()
Get the block.Block
Path. getBlock()
Section. getBlockBySequenceNumber(int seqNumber)
Get Block by its Sequence number in the Section.Block
BlockManager. getByDisplayName(java.lang.String key)
Section. getEntryBlock()
Section. getExitBlock()
EntryPoint. getFromBlock()
Section. getLastBlock()
CabSignal. getNextBlock()
Get the Next Block the locomotive is expected to enter.Block
Section. getNextBlock()
BlockManager. provide(java.lang.String name)
BlockManager. provideBlock(java.lang.String name)
If the Block exists, return it, otherwise create a new one and return it.Methods in jmri that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<Block>
SignalMastLogic. getAutoBlocks(SignalMast destination)
Return all the blocks that have been detected as being in use for this<Block>
SignalMastLogic. getAutoBlocksBetweenMasts(SignalMast destination)
Return a list of blocks just that have been detected as being directly between the source and destination<Block>
CabSignal. getBlockList()
Get Block List for the<Block>
Section. getBlockList()
Get a list of blocks in this sectionjava.util.List<Block>
SignalMastLogic. getBlocks(SignalMast destination)
Return the Layout Blocks that have been defined by the user to control the SML to the destination<Block>
BlockManager. getBlocksOccupiedByRosterEntry(BasicRosterEntry re)
Get a list of blocks which the supplied roster entry appears to be<Block>
Transit. getDestinationBlocksList(Block startBlock, boolean startInTransit)
Get a list of all destination blocks that can be reached from a specified starting<Block>
Transit. getEntryBlocksList()
Get a list of all entry Blocks to this<Block>
Transit. getInternalBlocksList()
Get a list of all blocks internal to this<Block>
BlockManager. getNamedBeanClass()
SignalMastLogic. setupLayoutEditorTurnoutDetails(java.util.List<LayoutBlock> blks, SignalMast destination)
Set the auto turnouts based upon a given list of layout blocks for a specific destination mast.Methods in jmri with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
Section. addBlock(Block b)
Add a Block to the Section.void
Block. addBlockDenyList(Block blk)
Section. connectsToBlock(Block b)
Section. containsBlock(Block b)
Transit. containsBlock(Block block)
Check if a Block is in this
SignalMastLogic. getAutoBlockState(Block block, SignalMast destination)
Return the Set State of a control block as it is configured between the source and destination
Transit. getBlockCount(Block block)
Get the number of times a Block is in this
Section. getBlockSequenceNumber(Block b)
Get the sequence number of a
SignalMastLogic. getBlockState(Block block, SignalMast destination)
Return the Set To State of a control block as it is configured between the source and destination<Block>
Transit. getDestinationBlocksList(Block startBlock, boolean startInTransit)
Get a list of all destination blocks that can be reached from a specified starting block.EntryPoint
Section. getEntryPointFromBlock(Block b, int dir)
Get the EntryPoint for entry from the specified Block for travel in the specified direction.EntryPoint
Section. getExitPointToBlock(Block b, int dir)
Get the EntryPoint for exit to the specified Block for travel in the specified<Transit>
TransitManager. getListEntryBlock(Block b)
TransitManager. getListUsingBlock(Block b)
Transit. getSectionFromBlockAndSeq(Block b, int seq)
Get a Section from one of its Blocks and its sequence number.Section
Transit. getSectionFromConnectedBlockAndSeq(Block b, int seq)
Get Section from one of its EntryPoint Blocks and its sequence number.boolean
Block. isBlockDenied(Block deny)
SignalMastLogic. isBlockIncluded(Block block, SignalMast destination)
Check whether the Block is part of at least one of the logics.void
Block. removeBlockDenyList(Block blk)
(package private) boolean
Block. setAsEntryBlockIfPossible(Block b)
CabSignal. setBlock(Block position)
Set the Block of the locomotivevoid
Path. setBlock(Block b)
Method parameters in jmri with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
SignalMastLogic. areBlocksIncluded(java.util.List<Block> blks)
Returns true if any of the blocks in the supplied list are included in any of the logics that set this signal.void
SignalMastLogic. setAutoBlocks(java.util.LinkedHashMap<Block,java.lang.Integer> blocks, SignalMast destination)
Set which blocks must be in a given state for the signal mast not to be set to a Stop aspect.void
SignalMastLogic. setBlocks(java.util.Hashtable<Block,java.lang.Integer> blocks, SignalMast destination)
Set which blocks must be in a given state for the signal mast not to be set to a Stop aspect.Constructors in jmri with parameters of type Block Constructor Description EntryPoint(Block b, Block pb, java.lang.String fbDir)
Path(Block dest, int toBlockDirection, int fromBlockDirection)
Convenience constructor to set the destination/source block and directions in one call.Path(Block dest, int toBlockDirection, int fromBlockDirection, BeanSetting setting)
Convenience constructor to set the destination/source block, directions and a single setting element in one call. -
Uses of Block in jmri.configurexml
Methods in jmri.configurexml with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
BlockManagerXml. loadPath(Block block, org.jdom2.Element element)
Load path into an existing Block from XML. -
Uses of Block in jmri.implementation
Methods in jmri.implementation that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
DefaultCabSignal. getBlock()
Get the Block position of the locomotive associated with the cab signal.Block
DefaultSection. getBlockBySequenceNumber(int seqNumber)
Get Block by its Sequence number in the Section.Block
DefaultSection. getEntryBlock()
DefaultSection. getExitBlock()
DefaultSection. getLastBlock()
DefaultCabSignal. getNextBlock()
Get the Next Block the locomotive is expected to enter.Block
DefaultSection. getNextBlock()
Methods in jmri.implementation that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<Block>
DefaultSignalMastLogic. getAutoBlocks(SignalMast destination)
Return all the blocks that have been detected as being in use for this<Block>
DefaultSignalMastLogic. getAutoBlocksBetweenMasts(SignalMast destination)
Return a list of blocks just that have been detected as being directly between the source and destination<Block>
DefaultCabSignal. getBlockList()
Get Block List to the end of Path or Signal Mast Stop, whichever<Block>
DefaultSection. getBlockList()
Get a list of blocks in this sectionjava.util.List<Block>
DefaultSignalMastLogic. getBlocks(SignalMast destination)
Return the Layout Blocks that have been defined by the user to control the SML to the destination<Block>
DefaultTransit. getDestinationBlocksList(Block startBlock, boolean startInTransit)
Get a list of all destination blocks that can be reached from a specified starting<Block>
DefaultTransit. getEntryBlocksList()
Get a list of all entry Blocks to this<Block>
DefaultTransit. getInternalBlocksList()
Get a list of all blocks internal to this<Block,java.lang.Integer>
DefaultSignalMastLogic. setupLayoutEditorTurnoutDetails(java.util.List<LayoutBlock> blks, SignalMast destination)
Set the auto turnouts based upon a given list of layout blocks for a specific destination mast.Methods in jmri.implementation with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
DefaultSection. addBlock(Block b)
Add a Block to the Section.boolean
DefaultSection. connectsToBlock(Block b)
DefaultSection. containsBlock(Block b)
DefaultTransit. containsBlock(Block block)
Check if a Block is in this
DefaultSignalMastLogic. getAutoBlockState(Block block, SignalMast destination)
Return the Set State of a control block as it is configured between the source and destination
DefaultTransit. getBlockCount(Block block)
Get the number of times a Block is in this
DefaultSection. getBlockSequenceNumber(Block b)
Get the sequence number of a
DefaultSignalMastLogic. getBlockState(Block block, SignalMast destination)
Return the Set To State of a control block as it is configured between the source and destination<Block>
DefaultTransit. getDestinationBlocksList(Block startBlock, boolean startInTransit)
Get a list of all destination blocks that can be reached from a specified starting block.EntryPoint
DefaultSection. getEntryPointFromBlock(Block b, int dir)
Get the EntryPoint for entry from the specified Block for travel in the specified direction.EntryPoint
DefaultSection. getExitPointToBlock(Block b, int dir)
Get the EntryPoint for exit to the specified Block for travel in the specified direction.Section
DefaultTransit. getSectionFromBlockAndSeq(Block b, int seq)
Get a Section from one of its Blocks and its sequence number.Section
DefaultTransit. getSectionFromConnectedBlockAndSeq(Block b, int seq)
Get Section from one of its EntryPoint Blocks and its sequence number.boolean
DefaultSignalMastLogic. isBlockIncluded(Block block, SignalMast destination)
Check whether the Block is part of at least one of the logics.void
DefaultCabSignal. setBlock(Block position)
Set the Block of the locomotiveMethod parameters in jmri.implementation with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
DefaultSignalMastLogic. areBlocksIncluded(java.util.List<Block> blks)
Returns true if any of the blocks in the supplied list are included in any of the logics that set this signal.void
DefaultSignalMastLogic. setAutoBlocks(java.util.LinkedHashMap<Block,java.lang.Integer> blocks, SignalMast destination)
Set which blocks must be in a given state for the signal mast not to be set to a Stop aspect.void
DefaultSignalMastLogic. setBlocks(java.util.Hashtable<Block,java.lang.Integer> blocks, SignalMast destination)
Set which blocks must be in a given state for the signal mast not to be set to a Stop aspect. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.beantable
Fields in jmri.jmrit.beantable declared as Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) Block
SectionTableAction. beginBlock
(package private) Block
SectionTableAction. endBlock
Fields in jmri.jmrit.beantable with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
SectionTableAction. blockBox
(package private) java.util.ArrayList<Block>
SectionTableAction. blockList
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<Block>
BlockTableAction. getManager()
Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.beantable with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
BlockTableAction. addToFrame(BeanTableFrame<Block> f)
Add the radioButtons (only 1 may be selected).void
BlockTableAction. setMenuBar(BeanTableFrame<Block> f)
Insert 2 table specific menus. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.beanedit that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
BlockEditAction. getByUserName(java.lang.String name)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
BlockTableDataModel. getBySystemName(java.lang.String name)
BlockTableDataModel. getByUserName(java.lang.String name)
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<Block>
BlockTableDataModel. getManager()
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
BlockTableDataModel. clickOn(Block t)
(package private) void
BlockTableDataModel. editButton(Block b)
BlockTableDataModel.ImageIconRenderer. updateLabel(Block b)
Constructor parameters in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block with type arguments of type Block Constructor Description BlockTableDataModel(Manager<Block> mgr)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.ctc
Fields in jmri.jmrit.ctc declared as Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) Block
CtcManager. foundBlock
Fields in jmri.jmrit.ctc with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,NamedBeanHandle<Block>>
CtcManager. blocks
Methods in jmri.jmrit.ctc that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description NamedBeanHandle<Block>
CtcManager. getBlock(java.lang.String name)
Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.ctc with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
CtcManager. putBlock(java.lang.String name, NamedBeanHandle<Block> block)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml
Methods in jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) NamedBeanHandle<Block>
CtcManagerXml. loadBlock(org.jdom2.Element element)
(package private) static NamedBeanHandle<Block>
ImportExternalData. loadBlock(java.lang.String value)
Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.ctc.configurexml with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) org.jdom2.Element
CtcManagerXml. storeBlock(java.lang.String elementName, NamedBeanHandle<Block> block)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.ctc.ctcserialdata
Fields in jmri.jmrit.ctc.ctcserialdata with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description NamedBeanHandle<Block>
CallOnData. _mExternalBlock
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.ctc.topology
Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.ctc.topology with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
TopologyInfo. addBlocks(java.util.List<Block> blocks)
Quick and dirty routine to all all of the sensors in the passed blocks to our internal lists. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.dispatcher
Fields in jmri.jmrit.dispatcher declared as Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) Block
AllocationRequest. mWaitingOnBlock
Methods in jmri.jmrit.dispatcher that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
ActiveTrain. getEndBlock()
protected Block
AllocatedSection. getEnterBlock(AllocatedSection previousAllocatedSection)
protected Block
AllocatedSection. getExitBlock()
ActiveTrain. getStartBlock()
Methods in jmri.jmrit.dispatcher that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<Block>
ActiveTrain. getBlockList()
Returns list of all Blocks occupied by or allocated to this train.Methods in jmri.jmrit.dispatcher with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AllocatedSection. addToActiveBlockList(Block b)
protected boolean
DispatcherFrame. checkForBlockInAllocatedSection(Block b, Section ignoreSection)
Checks for a block in allocated section, except oneprotected Transit
DispatcherFrame. createTemporaryTransit(Block start, Block dest, Block via)
Converts a list ofLayoutBlock
that represent a route to a transit.protected java.util.List<LayoutBlock>
DispatcherFrame. getAdHocRoute(Block start, Block dest, Block via)
Get a list ofLayoutBlock
that represent a routefloat
AllocatedSection. getLengthRemaining(Block block)
Get the length of the section remaining including current blockprotected float
AutoActiveTrain. getSpeedFromBlock(Block block)
protected void
AutoActiveTrain. handleBlockStateChange(AllocatedSection as, Block b)
protected void
AutoTrainAction. handleBlockStateChange(AllocatedSection as, Block b)
ActivateTrainFrame. initiateTrain(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e, RosterEntry re, Block b)
Open up a new train window for a given roster entry located in a specific block.protected boolean
AllocatedSection. isInActiveBlockList(Block b)
protected void
AllocatedSection. removeFromActiveBlockList(Block b)
ActiveTrain. setEndBlock(Block eBlock)
ActiveTrain. setStartBlock(Block sBlock)
protected void
AllocationRequest. setWaitingOnBlock(Block b)
Constructors in jmri.jmrit.dispatcher with parameters of type Block Constructor Description RespondToBlockStateChange(Block b, int occ, AllocatedSection as)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.display
Methods in jmri.jmrit.display that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
BlockContentsIcon. getBlock()
Methods in jmri.jmrit.display that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description NamedBeanHandle<Block>
BlockContentsIcon. getNamedBlock()
Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.display with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
BlockContentsIcon. setBlock(NamedBeanHandle<Block> m)
Attach a named Block to this display item. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor
Fields in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor declared as Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) Block
LayoutBlockConnectivityTools.FacingProtecting. facing
Fields in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description protected NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
LayoutEditorToolBarPanel. blockContentsComboBox
protected NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
LayoutEditorToolBarPanel. blockIDComboBox
(package private) java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlockConnectivityTools.FacingProtecting. protectingBlocks
Methods in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
LayoutBlock. getBlock()
Get the Block corresponding to this LayoutBlock.Block
ConnectivityUtil. getExitBlockForTrackNode(TrackNode node, Block excludedBlock)
Get an "exit block" for the specified track node if there is one, else returns null.(package private) Block
LayoutBlockConnectivityTools.FacingProtecting. getFacing()
LayoutBlock. getNeighbourAtIndex(int i)
Get the neighboring block at index i.Block
LayoutBlock. getNextBlock(Block destBlock, int direction)
LayoutBlock. getNextBlock(Block previousBlock, Block destBlock)
Used if we already know the block prior to our block, and the destination block. direction, is optional and is used where the previousBlock is equal to our block.Block
TrackNode. getNodeBlock()
Get the node block.Block
LayoutBlock. getRouteDestBlockAtIndex(int i)
Get the destination block at route iBlock
LayoutBlock. getRouteNextBlockAtIndex(int i)
Get the next block at route iBlock
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathDestination(int i)
Get the destination block at index iBlock
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathSource(int i)
Get the source block at index iMethods in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlock. getActiveNextBlocks(Block source)
ConnectivityUtil. getConnectedBlocks(Block block)
Get a list of all Blocks connected to a specified Block.(package private) java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlockConnectivityTools.FacingProtecting. getProtectingBlocks()
(package private) java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathDestinationBySource(Block source)
(package private) java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathSourceByDestination(Block dest)
Methods in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ConnectivityUtil. blockInternalToLevelXing(LevelXing x, Block block)
Check if block is internal to a level crossing.(package private) int
LayoutBlockConnectivityTools. findBestHop(Block preBlock, Block currentBlock, Block destBlock, int direction, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> offSet, boolean validateOnly, LayoutBlockConnectivityTools.Routing pathMethod)
LayoutBlock. getActiveNextBlocks(Block source)
(package private) jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Adjacencies
LayoutBlock. getAdjacency(Block blk)
(package private) int
LayoutBlock. getAdjacencyPacketFlow(Block blk)
ConnectivityUtil. getAnchorBoundariesThisBlock(Block block)
Get a list of all anchor point boundaries involving the specified Block.(package private) jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes
LayoutBlock. getBestRouteByHop(Block dest)
(package private) jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes
LayoutBlock. getBestRouteByLength(Block dest)
(package private) jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes
LayoutBlock. getBestRouteByMetric(Block dest)
LayoutBlock. getBlockHopCount(Block destination, Block nextBlock)
Get the number of layout blocks to our destintation block going from the next directly connected block.float
LayoutBlock. getBlockLength(Block destination, Block nextBlock)
Get the distance to our desintation block going from the next directly connected
LayoutBlock. getBlockMetric(Block destination, Block nextBlock)
Get the metric to our desintation block going from the next directly connected
LayoutBlock. getConnectedBlockRouteIndex(Block destBlock, int direction)
ConnectivityUtil. getConnectedBlocks(Block block)
Get a list of all Blocks connected to a specified Block.(package private) java.util.List<jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes>
LayoutBlock. getDestRoutes(Block dstBlock)
Get a list of valid Routes to our destination blockBlock
ConnectivityUtil. getExitBlockForTrackNode(TrackNode node, Block excludedBlock)
Get an "exit block" for the specified track node if there is one, else returns null.NamedBean
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingBean(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock, LayoutEditor panel, java.lang.Class<?> T)
Get a facing bean into a specified Block from a specified protected Block.NamedBean
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingNamedBean(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock, LayoutEditor panel)
Get the named bean of either a Sensor or signalmast facing into a specified Block from a specified protected Block.Sensor
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingSensor(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock, LayoutEditor panel)
Get the Sensor facing into a specified Block from a specified protected Block.SignalHead
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingSignalHead(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock)
Get the Signal Head facing into a specified Block from a specified protected Block.SignalMast
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingSignalMast(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock)
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingSignalMast(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock, LayoutEditor panel)
Get the Signal Mast facing into a specified Block from a specified protected
LayoutBlockManager. getFacingSignalObject(Block facingBlock, Block protectedBlock)
In the first instance get a Signal Mast or if none exists a Signal Head for a given facing block and protected block combination.LayoutBlock
LayoutBlockManager. getLayoutBlock(Block block)
ConnectivityUtil. getLayoutTurnoutsThisBlock(Block block)
Get a list of all layout turnouts involving the specified<LevelXing>
ConnectivityUtil. getLevelCrossingsThisBlock(Block block)
Get a list of all LevelXings involving the specified Block.NamedBean
LayoutBlockManager. getNamedBeanAtEndBumper(Block facingBlock, LayoutEditor panel)
Get the named bean of either a Sensor or signalmast facing into a specified Block from a specified protected
LayoutBlock. getNeighbourDirection(Block neighbourBlock)
LayoutBlock. getNextBestBlock(Block previousBlock, Block destBlock, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> excludeBlock, LayoutBlockConnectivityTools.Metric routingMethod)
last index - the index of the last block we returned ie we last returned index 10, so we don't want to return it again.Block
LayoutBlock. getNextBlock(Block destBlock, int direction)
LayoutBlock. getNextBlock(Block previousBlock, Block destBlock)
Used if we already know the block prior to our block, and the destination block. direction, is optional and is used where the previousBlock is equal to our
LayoutBlock. getNextBlockByIndex(Block destBlock, int direction, int offSet)
LayoutBlock. getNextBlockByIndex(Block previousBlock, Block destBlock, int offSet)
(package private) java.util.List<jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes>
LayoutBlock. getNextRoutes(Block nxtBlock)
Get a list of valid Routes via our next block(package private) jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes
LayoutBlock. getRouteByDestBlock(Block blk)
(package private) java.util.List<jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes>
LayoutBlock. getRouteByNeighbour(Block blk)
LayoutBlockManager. getSensorAtEndBumper(Block facingBlock, LayoutEditor panel)
Get a Sensor facing into a specific Block.SignalHead
ConnectivityUtil. getSignalHeadAtAnchor(PositionablePoint p, Block block, boolean facing)
Get the SignalHead at the Anchor block boundary.SignalHead
ConnectivityUtil. getSignalHeadAtLevelXing(LevelXing x, Block block, boolean facing)
Get the SignalHead at the level crossing.SignalMast
ConnectivityUtil. getSignalMastAtAnchor(PositionablePoint p, Block block, boolean facing)
Get the SignalMast at the Anchor block boundary.SignalMast
LayoutBlockManager. getSignalMastAtEndBumper(Block facingBlock, LayoutEditor panel)
Get a Signal Mast that is assigned to a block which has an end bumper at one end.(package private) java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathDestinationBySource(Block source)
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathIndex(Block sourceBlock, Block destinationBlock)
(package private) java.util.List<Block>
LayoutBlock. getThroughPathSourceByDestination(Block dest)
ConnectivityUtil. getTurnoutList(Block currBlock, Block prevBlock, Block nextBlock)
Provide a list of LayoutTurnouts in the specified Block, in order, beginning at the connection to the specified previous Block and continuing to the specified next<LayoutTrackExpectedState<LayoutTurnout>>
ConnectivityUtil. getTurnoutList(Block currBlock, Block prevBlock, Block nextBlock, boolean suppress)
Provide a list of LayoutTurnouts in the specified Block, in order, beginning at the connection to the specified previous Block and continuing to the specified next Block.(package private) jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes
LayoutBlock. getValidRoute(Block nxtBlock, Block dstBlock)
Get valid Routes, based upon the next block and destination blockboolean
LayoutEditor. highlightBlock(Block inBlock)
highlight the specified blockboolean
ConnectivityUtil. isInternalLevelXingAC(LevelXing x, Block block)
Check if the AC track of a Level Crossing and its two connecting Track Segments are internal to the specified block.boolean
ConnectivityUtil. isInternalLevelXingBD(LevelXing x, Block block)
Check if the BD track of a Level Crossing and its two connecting Track Segments are internal to the specified block.boolean
LayoutBlock. isRouteToDestValid(Block protecting, Block destination)
Is the route to the destination block, going via our neighbouring block valid. ie Does the block have a route registered via neighbour "protecting" to the destination block.(package private) boolean
LayoutBlock. isValidNeighbour(Block blk)
(package private) void
LayoutBlock. setRoutesValid(Block nxtHopActive, boolean state)
Set the valid flag for routes that are on a valid through path.boolean
LayoutBlock. validThroughPath(Block sourceBlock, Block destinationBlock)
Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
LayoutEditor. highlightBlockInComboBox(NamedBeanComboBox<Block> inComboBox)
BlockContentsIcon. setBlock(NamedBeanHandle<Block> m)
Attach a named Block to this display item.(package private) void
LayoutBlock. updateRoutesToNeighbours(java.util.List<Block> messageRecipients, jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.Routes ro, jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutBlock.RoutingPacket update)
Constructors in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor with parameters of type Block Constructor Description FacingProtecting(Block facing, java.util.List<Block> protecting, NamedBean bean)
Constructor parameters in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor with type arguments of type Block Constructor Description FacingProtecting(Block facing, java.util.List<Block> protecting, NamedBean bean)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorDialogs
Fields in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.LayoutEditorDialogs with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description protected NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
LayoutTurnoutEditor. editLayoutTurnoutBlockBNameComboBox
protected NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
LayoutTurnoutEditor. editLayoutTurnoutBlockCNameComboBox
protected NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
LayoutTurnoutEditor. editLayoutTurnoutBlockDNameComboBox
protected NamedBeanComboBox<Block>
LayoutTurnoutEditor. editLayoutTurnoutBlockNameComboBox
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.entryexit
Methods in jmri.jmrit.entryexit that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) Block
ManuallySetRoute. cycle(LayoutBlock protect, LayoutBlock face)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.logix
Subclasses of Block in jmri.jmrit.logix Modifier and Type Class Description class
OBlock extends jmri.Block to be used in Logix Conditionals and Warrants.Constructors in jmri.jmrit.logix with parameters of type Block Constructor Description OPath(Block owner, java.lang.String name)
Create an OPath object with default directions of NONE, and no setting element. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions
Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description LogixNG_SelectNamedBean<Block>
ActionLocalVariable. getSelectBlockNamedBean()
ActionTable. getSelectBlockNamedBean()
ActionBlock. getSelectNamedBean()
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions
Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description LogixNG_SelectNamedBean<Block>
ExpressionBlock. getSelectNamedBean()
Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
ExpressionBlock. isBlockAllocated(Block block)
A block is considered to be allocated if the related layout block has use extra color enabled. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.picker
Methods in jmri.jmrit.picker that return Block Modifier and Type Method Description Block
PickListModel.BlockPickModel. addBean(java.lang.String name)
Return bean with name given in parameter.Block
PickListModel.BlockPickModel. addBean(java.lang.String sysName, java.lang.String userName)
Methods in jmri.jmrit.picker that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description static PickListModel<Block>
PickListModel. blockPickModelInstance()
PickListModel.BlockPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.roster
Methods in jmri.jmrit.roster with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
RosterSpeedProfile. changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, Block blk, float speed)
Set speed of a throttle.void
RosterSpeedProfile. changeLocoSpeed(DccThrottle t, Block blk, float speed, float usePercentage)
Set speed of a throttle. -
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile
Fields in jmri.jmrit.roster.swing.speedprofile with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) BeanSelectCreatePanel<Block>
SpeedProfilePanel. blockCPanel
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.tracker
Fields in jmri.jmrit.tracker declared as Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) Block
MemoryTracker. block
(package private) Block
StoppingBlock. block
Constructors in jmri.jmrit.tracker with parameters of type Block Constructor Description MemoryTracker(Block b, java.lang.String namePrefix)
Create a Tracker object, providing a list of blocks to watchStoppingBlock(Block b)
Uses of Block in jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder
Fields in jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) java.util.ArrayList<Block>
VSDGeoFile. blockList
(package private) java.util.HashMap<VSDecoder,Block>
VSDecoderManager. currentBlock
(package private) java.util.HashMap<Block,LayoutEditor>
VSDGeoFile. possibleStartBlocks
Methods in jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description void
VSDecoderManager. atStart(Block blk)
Prepare the start of a VSDecoder on the layoutboolean
VSDecoderManager. checkForPossibleStartblock(Block blk)
Check if Block is a possible
VSDecoderManager. getLocoAddr(Block blk)
Get the loco address from a BlockMethod parameters in jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder with type arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
VSDecoderManager. registerBeanListener(Manager<Block> beanManager, java.lang.String sysName)
Uses of Block in jmri.managers
Fields in jmri.managers with type parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) java.util.List<Block>
DefaultSectionManager. blockList
A list of blocks that will be used to create a block based section.Methods in jmri.managers with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.ArrayList<Transit>
DefaultTransitManager. getListEntryBlock(Block b)
DefaultTransitManager. getListUsingBlock(Block b)
Uses of Block in jmri.server.json.block
Methods in jmri.server.json.block that return types with arguments of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description protected ProvidingManager<Block>
JsonBlockHttpService. getProvidingManager()
Methods in jmri.server.json.block with parameters of type Block Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
JsonBlockHttpService. doDelete(Block bean, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data, JsonRequest request)
JsonBlockHttpService. doGet(Block block, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type, JsonRequest request)
JsonBlockHttpService. doPost(Block block, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data, JsonRequest request)