Package jmri.implementation
Provides implementations of various JMRI interfaces.
As a long term project, we're moving various Abstract* and Default*
implementations out of the jmri
package itself, and moved
into here. In the meantime, you'll find many of them still in
Implementations of managers can be found in the
Implementations that use Swing should be put in the
- Since:
- 2.1.5
- See Also:
Class Summary Class Description AbstractAnalogIO Base implementation of the AnalogIO interface.AbstractAudio Base implementation of the Audio class.AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractIdTag Abstract implementation ofIdTag
containing code common to all concrete implementations.AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractInstanceInitializer AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractMemory Base for the Memory interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractRailComReporter Extend AbstractReporter for RailCom reportersAbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractShutDownTask Abstract ShutDownTask implementation.AbstractSignalHead Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.AbstractSignalMast Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalMast interface.AbstractStringIO Base implementation of the StringIO interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable.AccessoryOpsModeProgrammerFacade Programmer facade for access to Accessory Decoder Ops Mode programmingAddressedHighCvProgrammerFacade Programmer facade, at this point just an example.Bundle DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist.DccConsistManager The Default Consist Manager which uses the DccConsist class for the consists it builds.DccSignalHead This class implements a SignalHead that maps the various appearances values to aspect values in the Extended Accessory Decoder Control Packet Format and outputs that packet to the DCC System via the generic CommandStation interfaceDccSignalMast This class implements a SignalMast that uses Extended Accessory Decoder Control Packet Format and outputs that packet to the DCC System via the generic CommandStation interface.DefaultCabSignal Default implementation of a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface.DefaultConditional Class providing the basic logic of the Conditional interface.DefaultConditional.DataPair DefaultConditionalAction The consequent of the antecedent of the conditional proposition.DefaultConditionalExecute Helper class for DefaultConditional that executes the actions of a DefaultConditional.DefaultIdTag Concrete implementation of theIdTag
interface for the Internal system.DefaultLightControl Each LightControl object is linked to a specific Light, and provides one of the controls available for switching the Light ON/OFF in response to time or events occurring on the layout.DefaultLogix Class providing the basic logic of the Logix interface.DefaultMemory Concrete implementation of the Reporter interface for the Internal system.DefaultMeter Abstract base class for current meter objects.DefaultMeter.DefaultCurrentMeter Default implementation of a current meter.DefaultMeter.DefaultVoltageMeter Default implementation of a voltage meter.DefaultRailCom Concrete implementation of theRailCom
interface.DefaultRoute Class providing the basic logic of the Route interface.DefaultSection Sections represent a group of one or more connected Blocks that may be allocated to a train traveling in a given direction.DefaultSignalAppearanceMap Default implementation of a basic signal mast aspect - appearance mapping.DefaultSignalGroup A Conditional type to provide Signal Groups (n Signal Heads w/Conditionals for a main Mast).DefaultSignalHead Default implementation of the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.DefaultSignalMastLogic Default implementation ofSignalMastLogic
.DefaultSignalSystem Default implementation of a basic signal system definition.DefaultStringIO Base implementation of the StringIO interface.DefaultTransit A Transit is a group of Sections representing a specified path through a layout.DoubleTurnoutSignalHead Drive a single signal head via two "Turnout" objects.FileLocationsPreferences JmriClockPropertyListener A service class for monitoring a bound property in one of the JMRI Named beans For use with properties having two states which are determined by containment in an interval (e.g.JmriConfigurationManager JmriMemoryPropertyListener A service class for monitoring a bound property in one of the JMRI Named beans For use with properties having two states which are determined by equality to a String value (e.g.JmriMultiStatePropertyListener A service base class for monitoring a bound property in one of the JMRI Named beans (Turnout, Sensor, etc).JmriSimplePropertyListener A service base class for monitoring a bound property in one of the JMRI Named beans (Turnout, Sensor, etc).JmriTwoStatePropertyListener A service class for monitoring a bound property in one of the JMRI Named beans (Turnout, Sensor, etc).LsDecSignalHead Implement SignalHead for Littfinski Daten Technik (LDT) signals.MatrixSignalMast SignalMast implemented via a Binary Matrix (Truth Table) of Apects x Turnout objects.MergSD2SignalHead Implement SignalHead for the MERG Signal Driver 2.MeterUpdateTask Handles updates of meters.MultiIndexProgrammerFacade Programmer facade for accessing CVs that require one or more "index CVs" to have specific values before doing the final read or write operation.NmraConsist This is the Default DCC consist manager installed on systems which support the command station interface.NmraConsistManager Default Consist Manager which uses the NmraConsist class for the consists it buildsNoFeedbackTurnoutOperator Concrete subclass of TurnoutOperator for a turnout that has no feedback.OffsetHighCvProgrammerFacade Programmer facade, at this point just an example.OpsModeDelayedProgrammerFacade Programmer facade for access to Accessory Decoder Ops Mode programmingProgrammerFacadeSelector Utility to load a specific ProgrammerFacade from an XML element.QuadOutputSignalHead Drive a single signal head via four "Turnout" objects.RawTurnoutOperator Concrete subclass of TurnoutOperator for a turnout that has no feedback.ResettingOffsetHighCvProgrammerFacade Programmer facade, at this point just an example.SE8cSignalHead Extend jmri.SignalHead for signals implemented by an SE8C.SensorGroupConditional A Conditional type to provide runtime support for Densor Groups.SensorTurnoutOperator SignalHeadSignalMast SignalMast implemented via one SignalHead object.SignalMastRepeater SignalSpeedMap Default implementation to map Signal aspects or appearances to speed requirements.SingleTurnoutSignalHead Drive a single signal head via one "Turnout" object.TripleOutputSignalHead Drive a single searchlight signal head via three "Turnout" objects.TripleTurnoutSignalHead Drive a single signal head via three "Turnout" objects.TurnoutSignalMast SignalMast implemented via Turnout objects.TurnoutSignalMast.TurnoutAspect TwoIndexTcsProgrammerFacade Programmer facade for single index multi-CV access.VerifyWriteProgrammerFacade Programmer facade which verifies each write via a read, if possible.VirtualSignalHead A signal head that exists only within the program.VirtualSignalMast SignalMast implemented via one SignalHead object.