Uses of Package
Packages that use jmri.implementation Package Description apps Provides application level support for JMRI; includes specific applications in subpackages.jmri Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI layout management concepts.jmri.implementation Provides implementations of various JMRI interfaces.jmri.implementation.configurexml jmri.implementation.swing Provides Swing-specific implementations of various JMRI Provides specific implementations of various audio systems.jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast jmri.jmrit.catalog Provides a tree-based catalog for browsing.jmri.jmrit.decoderdefn Decoder definitions via XML, including the decoder index.jmri.jmrit.dispatcher jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Layout Editor currently represents both structure and graphical display through a single set of objects.jmri.jmrit.display.logixng jmri.jmrit.entryexit Implements Entry/Exit ( NX ) dispatching using Layout Editor panels.jmri.jmrit.logix Support for implementing Warrants in JMRI.jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation jmri.jmrit.logixng.util jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines jmri.jmrit.permission jmri.jmrit.progsupport Provides helpful panels and GUI widgets for working with JMRI Programmer and ProgrammerManager classes.jmri.jmrit.simpleclock Contains a simple FastClock implementation based on the computers clock.jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog Basic support for advanced programming, primarily used by DecoderPro.jmri.jmrit.withrottle jmri.jmrix.acela This package handles communications for the CTI Acela hardware.jmri.jmrix.anyma jmri.jmrix.bidib jmri.jmrix.can.cbus Defines classes for interfacing to a MERG CBUS network.jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.eventtable Provides an Event Table for CBUS Events..jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI C/MRI serial implementation.jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc jmri.jmrix.dccpp jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp Defines classes for interfacing to a DCC++ Base Station via a telnet connection to a DCCppOverTcp driver.jmri.jmrix.easydcc jmri.jmrix.ecos Support for the ESU ECoS.jmri.jmrix.grapevine This package handles communications for the ProTrak Grapevine hardware.jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee jmri.jmrix.internal The jmrix.internal package contains a JMRI connection implementation for use without a layout.jmri.jmrix.ipocs jmri.jmrix.jmriclient jmri.jmrix.lenz jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite jmri.jmrix.loconet Provides access to LocoNet systems, along with a lot of Swing-based tools.jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing jmri.jmrix.maple jmri.jmrix.marklin Classes to interact with a Marklin Network Connection.jmri.jmrix.mqtt Provides JMRI layout objects that use MQTT connections.jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng jmri.jmrix.mrc jmri.jmrix.nce jmri.jmrix.oaktree jmri.jmrix.openlcb Implementation of the JMRI OpenLCB hardware interface.jmri.jmrix.pi jmri.jmrix.powerline This package handles communications for powerline adapters, such as X10.jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 This package handles communications for CM11 powerline adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 This package handles communications for CP290 powerline adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 This package handles communications for DMX lighting adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s This package handles communications for Insteon 2412S adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator jmri.jmrix.rfid This package handles communications for RFID adapters.jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 jmri.jmrix.rps This package contains software specific to the RPS system from NAC Services, Inc.jmri.jmrix.secsi This package handles communications for the TracTronics SECSI hardware.jmri.jmrix.sprog jmri.jmrix.srcp Provide a JMRI connection to an SRCP server.jmri.jmrix.tams Support for the ESU ECoS.jmri.jmrix.tmcc jmri.jmrix.xpa jmri.jmrix.zimo jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 jmri.managers Provides implementations of various JMRI managers. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by apps Class Description JmriConfigurationManager -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.implementation Class Description AbstractAnalogIO Base implementation of the AnalogIO interface.AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractIdTag Abstract implementation ofIdTag
containing code common to all concrete implementations.AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractMemory Base for the Memory interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSignalHead Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.AbstractSignalMast Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalMast interface.AbstractStringIO Base implementation of the StringIO interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.AccessoryOpsModeProgrammerFacade.ProgState AddressedHighCvProgrammerFacade.ProgState DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist.DefaultConditional Class providing the basic logic of the Conditional interface.DefaultConditional.DataPair DefaultConditional.TimeSensor Class for defining ActionListener for ACTION_DELAYED_SENSORDefaultConditional.TimeTurnout Class for defining ActionListener for ACTION_DELAYED_TURNOUTDefaultIdTag Concrete implementation of theIdTag
interface for the Internal system.DefaultMeter Abstract base class for current meter objects.DefaultSignalAppearanceMap Default implementation of a basic signal mast aspect - appearance mapping.DefaultSignalHead Default implementation of the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.DoubleTurnoutSignalHead Drive a single signal head via two "Turnout" objects.JmriSimplePropertyListener A service base class for monitoring a bound property in one of the JMRI Named beans (Turnout, Sensor, etc).MeterUpdateTask Handles updates of meters.MultiIndexProgrammerFacade.ProgState OffsetHighCvProgrammerFacade.ProgState OpsModeDelayedProgrammerFacade.ProgState ResettingOffsetHighCvProgrammerFacade.ProgState TripleTurnoutSignalHead Drive a single signal head via three "Turnout" objects.TurnoutSignalMast.TurnoutAspect TwoIndexTcsProgrammerFacade.ProgState VerifyWriteProgrammerFacade.ProgState -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.implementation.configurexml Class Description DccSignalMast This class implements a SignalMast that uses Extended Accessory Decoder Control Packet Format and outputs that packet to the DCC System via the generic CommandStation interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.implementation.swing Class Description AbstractShutDownTask Abstract ShutDownTask implementation.Bundle -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by Class Description AbstractAudio Base implementation of the Audio class.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast Class Description DccSignalMast This class implements a SignalMast that uses Extended Accessory Decoder Control Packet Format and outputs that packet to the DCC System via the generic CommandStation interface.DefaultSignalAppearanceMap Default implementation of a basic signal mast aspect - appearance mapping.SignalHeadSignalMast SignalMast implemented via one SignalHead object.TurnoutSignalMast SignalMast implemented via Turnout objects.VirtualSignalMast SignalMast implemented via one SignalHead object. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.catalog Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.decoderdefn Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.dispatcher Class Description AbstractShutDownTask Abstract ShutDownTask implementation. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.display.logixng Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.entryexit Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.logix Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractShutDownTask Abstract ShutDownTask implementation.SignalSpeedMap Default implementation to map Signal aspects or appearances to speed requirements. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.expressions Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.logixng.util Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.operations.rollingstock.engines Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.permission Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.progsupport Class Description AccessoryOpsModeProgrammerFacade Programmer facade for access to Accessory Decoder Ops Mode programming -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.simpleclock Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrit.withrottle Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractInstanceInitializer DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist.NmraConsist This is the Default DCC consist manager installed on systems which support the command station interface.NmraConsistManager Default Consist Manager which uses the NmraConsist class for the consists it builds -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.acela Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractSignalHead Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultSignalHead Default implementation of the basic logic of the SignalHead interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.anyma Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.bidib Class Description AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractRailComReporter Extend AbstractReporter for RailCom reportersAbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractSignalMast Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalMast interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractRailComReporter Extend AbstractReporter for RailCom reportersAbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultCabSignal Default implementation of a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface.MeterUpdateTask Handles updates of meters.NmraConsistManager Default Consist Manager which uses the NmraConsist class for the consists it builds -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.can.cbus.eventtable Class Description AbstractShutDownTask Abstract ShutDownTask implementation. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc Class Description AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractRailComReporter Extend AbstractReporter for RailCom reportersAbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.dccpp.dccppovertcp Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.easydcc Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.ecos Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.grapevine Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractSignalHead Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultSignalHead Default implementation of the basic logic of the SignalHead interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.internal Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.ipocs Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.jmriclient Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.lenz Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.loconet Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractIdTag Abstract implementation ofIdTag
containing code common to all concrete implementations.AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractSignalHead Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalHead interface.AbstractSignalMast Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalMast interface.AbstractStringIO Base implementation of the StringIO interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist.DccSignalMast This class implements a SignalMast that uses Extended Accessory Decoder Control Packet Format and outputs that packet to the DCC System via the generic CommandStation interface.DefaultCabSignal Default implementation of a Cab Signal Object, describing the state of the track ahead relative to a locomotive with a given address.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface.DefaultIdTag Concrete implementation of theIdTag
interface for the Internal system.DefaultSignalHead Default implementation of the basic logic of the SignalHead interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.logixng Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing Class Description DccSignalMast This class implements a SignalMast that uses Extended Accessory Decoder Control Packet Format and outputs that packet to the DCC System via the generic CommandStation interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.maple Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.marklin Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractSignalMast Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalMast interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable.DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.mqtt.logixng Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.mrc Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.nce Class Description AbstractConsistManager An Abstract Consist Manager on top of which system specific consist managers can be built.AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DccConsist This is the Default DCC consist.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.oaktree Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.openlcb Class Description AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractSignalMast Abstract class providing the basic logic of the SignalMast interface.AbstractStringIO Base implementation of the StringIO interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.pi Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.powerline Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractVariableLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the logic of the Light interface when the Intensity is variable. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.rfid Class Description AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 Class Description AbstractIdTagReporter Extend AbstractReporter for IdTag reportersAbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractRailComReporter Extend AbstractReporter for RailCom reportersAbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.rps Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractReporter Abstract base for the Reporter interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.secsi Class Description AbstractLight Abstract class providing partial implementation of the Light interface.AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.sprog Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.srcp Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface.DefaultClockControl Class providing default logic of the ClockControl interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.tams Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractSensor Abstract class providing the basic logic of the Sensor interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.tmcc Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.xpa Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.zimo Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 Class Description AbstractNamedBean Abstract base for the NamedBean interface.AbstractTurnout Abstract base for the Turnout interface. -
Classes in jmri.implementation used by jmri.managers Class Description AbstractInstanceInitializer DefaultSignalSystem Default implementation of a basic signal system definition.SignalMastRepeater SignalSpeedMap Default implementation to map Signal aspects or appearances to speed requirements.