Installing JMRI
Getting Started
Starting DecoderPro
DecoderPro Programming Modes
The Basic Programmer
The Comprehensive Programmer
The Advanced Programmer
DecoderPro Main Window
Creating a New Decoder Definition
Error Messages

DecoderPro®Comprehensive Programmer

Roster Entry Pane


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The Comprehensive Programmer begins the same way as the Basic Programmer, opening with the Roster Entry Pane. The contents are identical, so they will not be repeated here. . To use the Comprehensive Programmer just be sure that you select the Comprehensive Programmer in the Preferences.

When you are on theService Mode Programmer Setup and click on the Open Programmer button, the appropriate Programmer window will open, in this case the Comprehensive Programmer.. All programmers, Basic and Comprehensive, open to the Roster Entry pane, which will be similar to that shown below. (Using Tsunami Diesel Genesis OEM for Athearn N FP45 decoder examples) in the Program(locomotive roster title) (Programming Track)

comp roster

Note that the Roster Entry pane is essentially unchanged from the Basic programmer, but the window has a LOT more options in the Tabs at the top of the window!!! If you are unsure how to handle the Roster Entry information, go back to that section in the Basic Programmer. If you're ready to move on to bigger and better things, let's go to the next tab, the Expanded Basic Tab.


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