Class XNetMessage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, Message
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class XNetMessage
    extends AbstractMRMessage
    Represents a single command or response on the XpressNet.

    Content is represented with ints to avoid the problems with sign-extension that bytes have, and because a Java char is actually a variable number of bytes in Unicode.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • XNetMessage

        public XNetMessage​(int len)
        Create a new object, representing a specific-length message.
        len - Total bytes in message, including opcode and error-detection byte. Valid values are 0 to 15 (0x0 to 0xF).
      • XNetMessage

        public XNetMessage​(XNetMessage message)
        Create a new object, that is a copy of an existing message.
        message - an existing XpressNet message
      • XNetMessage

        public XNetMessage​(XNetReply message)
        Create an XNetMessage from an XNetReply.
        message - existing XNetReply.
      • XNetMessage

        public XNetMessage​(java.lang.String s)
        Create an XNetMessage from a String containing bytes.
        s - string containing data bytes.
    • Method Detail

      • checkParity

        public boolean checkParity()
        Check whether the message has a valid parity.
        true if parity valid, else false.
      • getElementBCD

        public java.lang.Integer getElementBCD​(int n)
        Get an integer representation of a BCD value.
        n - message element index.
        integer of BCD.
      • length

        public int length()
        Get the message length.
        message length.
      • setXNetMessageRetries

        public static void setXNetMessageRetries​(int t)
        Set the default number of retries for an XpressNet message.
        t - number of retries to attempt
      • setXNetMessageTimeout

        public static void setXNetMessageTimeout​(int t)
        Set the default timeout for an XpressNet message.
        t - Timeout in milliseconds
      • replyExpected

        public boolean replyExpected()
        Most messages are sent with a reply expected, but we have a few that we treat as though the reply is always a broadcast message, because the reply usually comes to us that way. Is a reply expected to this message?

        By default, a reply is expected to every message; either a reply or a timeout is needed before the next message can be sent.

        If this returns false, the transmit queue will immediately go on to transmit the next message (if any).

        replyExpected in class AbstractMRMessage
        true by default in Abstract MR message.
      • setBroadcastReply

        public void setBroadcastReply()
        Tell the traffic controller we expect this message to have a broadcast reply.
      • getNMRAXNetMsg

        public static XNetMessage getNMRAXNetMsg​(byte[] packet)
        Encapsulate an NMRA DCC packet in an XpressNet message.

        On Current (v3.5) Lenz command stations, the Operations Mode Programming Request is implemented by sending a packet directly to the rails. This packet is not checked by the XpressNet protocol, and is just the track packet with an added header byte.

        NOTE: Lenz does not say this will work for anything but 5 byte packets.

        packet - byte array containing packet data elements.
        message to send DCC packet.
      • getTurnoutCommandMsg

        public static XNetMessage getTurnoutCommandMsg​(int pNumber,
                                                       boolean pClose,
                                                       boolean pThrow,
                                                       boolean pOn)
        Generate a message to change turnout state.
        pNumber - address number.
        pClose - true if set turnout closed.
        pThrow - true if set turnout thrown.
        pOn - accessory line true for on, false off.
        message containing turnout command.
      • getFeedbackRequestMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFeedbackRequestMsg​(int pNumber,
                                                        boolean pLowerNibble)
        Generate a message to receive the feedback information for an upper or lower nibble of the feedback address in question.
        pNumber - feedback address.
        pLowerNibble - true for upper nibble, else false for lower.
        feedback request message.
      • getBuildDoubleHeaderMsg

        public static XNetMessage getBuildDoubleHeaderMsg​(int address1,
                                                          int address2)
        Build a Double Header.
        address1 - the first address in the consist
        address2 - the second address in the consist.
        message to build double header.
      • getDisolveDoubleHeaderMsg

        public static XNetMessage getDisolveDoubleHeaderMsg​(int address)
        Dissolve a Double Header.
        address - one of the two addresses in the Double Header
        message to dissolve a double header.
      • getAddLocoToConsistMsg

        public static XNetMessage getAddLocoToConsistMsg​(int consist,
                                                         int address,
                                                         boolean isNormalDir)
        Add a Single address to a specified Advanced consist.
        consist - the consist address (1-99)
        address - the locomotive address to add.
        isNormalDir - tells us if the locomotive is going forward when the consist is going forward.
        message to add address to consist.
      • getRemoveLocoFromConsistMsg

        public static XNetMessage getRemoveLocoFromConsistMsg​(int consist,
                                                              int address)
        Remove a Single address to a specified Advanced consist.
        consist - the consist address (1-99)
        address - the locomotive address to remove
        message to remove single address from consist.
      • getNextAddressOnStackMsg

        public static XNetMessage getNextAddressOnStackMsg​(int address,
                                                           boolean searchForward)
        Given a locomotive address, search the database for the next member. (if the Address is zero start at the beginning of the database).
        address - is the locomotive address
        searchForward - indicates to search the database Forward if true, or backwards if False
        message to request next address.
      • getDBSearchMsgConsistAddress

        public static XNetMessage getDBSearchMsgConsistAddress​(int address,
                                                               boolean searchForward)
        Given a consist address, search the database for the next Consist address.
        address - is the consist address (in the range 1-99). If the Address is zero start at the beginning of the database.
        searchForward - indicates to search the database Forward if true, or backwards if false
        message to get next consist address.
      • getDBSearchMsgNextMULoco

        public static XNetMessage getDBSearchMsgNextMULoco​(int consist,
                                                           int address,
                                                           boolean searchForward)
        Given a consist and a locomotive address, search the database for the next Locomotive in the consist.
        consist - the consist address (1-99). If the Consist Address is zero start at the begining of the database
        address - the locomotive address. If the Address is zero start at the begining of the consist
        searchForward - indicates to search the database Forward if true, or backwards if False
        message to request next loco in consist.
      • getDeleteAddressOnStackMsg

        public static XNetMessage getDeleteAddressOnStackMsg​(int address)
        Given a locomotive address, delete it from the database .
        address - the locomotive address
        message to delete loco address from stack.
      • getLocomotiveInfoRequestMsg

        public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveInfoRequestMsg​(int address)
        Given a locomotive address, request its status .
        address - the locomotive address
        message to request loco status.
      • getLocomotiveFunctionStatusMsg

        public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveFunctionStatusMsg​(int address)
        Given a locomotive address, request the function state (momentary status).
        address - the locomotive address
        momentary function state request request.
      • getLocomotiveFunctionHighOnStatusMsg

        public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveFunctionHighOnStatusMsg​(int address)
        Given a locomotive address, request the function on/off state for functions 13-28
        address - the locomotive address
        function state request request f13-f28.
      • getLocomotiveFunctionHighMomStatusMsg

        public static XNetMessage getLocomotiveFunctionHighMomStatusMsg​(int address)
        Given a locomotive address, request the function state (momentary status) for high functions (functions 13-28).
        address - the locomotive address
        momentary function state request request f13-f28.
      • getSpeedAndDirectionMsg

        public static XNetMessage getSpeedAndDirectionMsg​(int address,
                                                          SpeedStepMode speedStepMode,
                                                          float speed,
                                                          boolean isForward)
        Generate a Speed and Direction Request message.
        address - the locomotive address
        speedStepMode - the speedstep mode see @jmri.DccThrottle for possible values.
        speed - a normalized speed value (a floating point number between 0 and 1). A negative value indicates emergency stop.
        isForward - true for forward, false for reverse.
        set speed and direction message.
      • getFunctionGroup1OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup1OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean f0,
                                                          boolean f1,
                                                          boolean f2,
                                                          boolean f3,
                                                          boolean f4)
        Generate a Function Group One Operation Request message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f0 - is true if f0 is on, false if f0 is off
        f1 - is true if f1 is on, false if f1 is off
        f2 - is true if f2 is on, false if f2 is off
        f3 - is true if f3 is on, false if f3 is off
        f4 - is true if f4 is on, false if f4 is off
        set function group 1 message.
      • getFunctionGroup1SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup1SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean f0,
                                                             boolean f1,
                                                             boolean f2,
                                                             boolean f3,
                                                             boolean f4)
        Generate a Function Group One Set Momentary Functions message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f0 - is true if f0 is momentary
        f1 - is true if f1 is momentary
        f2 - is true if f2 is momentary
        f3 - is true if f3 is momentary
        f4 - is true if f4 is momentary
        set momentary function group 1 message.
      • getFunctionGroup2OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup2OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean f5,
                                                          boolean f6,
                                                          boolean f7,
                                                          boolean f8)
        Generate a Function Group Two Operation Request message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f5 - is true if f5 is on, false if f5 is off
        f6 - is true if f6 is on, false if f6 is off
        f7 - is true if f7 is on, false if f7 is off
        f8 - is true if f8 is on, false if f8 is off
        set function group 2 message.
      • getFunctionGroup2SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup2SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean f5,
                                                             boolean f6,
                                                             boolean f7,
                                                             boolean f8)
        Generate a Function Group Two Set Momentary Functions message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f5 - is true if f5 is momentary
        f6 - is true if f6 is momentary
        f7 - is true if f7 is momentary
        f8 - is true if f8 is momentary
        set momentary function group 2 message.
      • getFunctionGroup3OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup3OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean f9,
                                                          boolean f10,
                                                          boolean f11,
                                                          boolean f12)
        Generate a Function Group Three Operation Request message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f9 - is true if f9 is on, false if f9 is off
        f10 - is true if f10 is on, false if f10 is off
        f11 - is true if f11 is on, false if f11 is off
        f12 - is true if f12 is on, false if f12 is off
        set function group 3 message.
      • getFunctionGroup3SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup3SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean f9,
                                                             boolean f10,
                                                             boolean f11,
                                                             boolean f12)
        Generate a Function Group Three Set Momentary Functions message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f9 - is true if f9 is momentary
        f10 - is true if f10 is momentary
        f11 - is true if f11 is momentary
        f12 - is true if f12 is momentary
        set momentary function group 3 message.
      • getFunctionGroup4OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup4OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean f13,
                                                          boolean f14,
                                                          boolean f15,
                                                          boolean f16,
                                                          boolean f17,
                                                          boolean f18,
                                                          boolean f19,
                                                          boolean f20)
        Generate a Function Group Four Operation Request message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f13 - is true if f13 is on, false if f13 is off
        f14 - is true if f14 is on, false if f14 is off
        f15 - is true if f15 is on, false if f15 is off
        f16 - is true if f18 is on, false if f16 is off
        f17 - is true if f17 is on, false if f17 is off
        f18 - is true if f18 is on, false if f18 is off
        f19 - is true if f19 is on, false if f19 is off
        f20 - is true if f20 is on, false if f20 is off
        set function group 4 message.
      • getFunctionGroup4SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup4SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean f13,
                                                             boolean f14,
                                                             boolean f15,
                                                             boolean f16,
                                                             boolean f17,
                                                             boolean f18,
                                                             boolean f19,
                                                             boolean f20)
        Generate a Function Group Four Set Momentary Function message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f13 - is true if f13 is Momentary
        f14 - is true if f14 is Momentary
        f15 - is true if f15 is Momentary
        f16 - is true if f18 is Momentary
        f17 - is true if f17 is Momentary
        f18 - is true if f18 is Momentary
        f19 - is true if f19 is Momentary
        f20 - is true if f20 is Momentary
        set momentary function group 4 message.
      • getFunctionGroup5OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup5OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean f21,
                                                          boolean f22,
                                                          boolean f23,
                                                          boolean f24,
                                                          boolean f25,
                                                          boolean f26,
                                                          boolean f27,
                                                          boolean f28)
        Generate a Function Group Five Operation Request message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f21 - is true if f21 is on, false if f21 is off
        f22 - is true if f22 is on, false if f22 is off
        f23 - is true if f23 is on, false if f23 is off
        f24 - is true if f24 is on, false if f24 is off
        f25 - is true if f25 is on, false if f25 is off
        f26 - is true if f26 is on, false if f26 is off
        f27 - is true if f27 is on, false if f27 is off
        f28 - is true if f28 is on, false if f28 is off
        set function group 5 message.
      • getFunctionGroup5SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup5SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean f21,
                                                             boolean f22,
                                                             boolean f23,
                                                             boolean f24,
                                                             boolean f25,
                                                             boolean f26,
                                                             boolean f27,
                                                             boolean f28)
        Generate a Function Group Five Set Momentary Function message.
        address - the locomotive address
        f21 - is true if f21 is momentary
        f22 - is true if f22 is momentary
        f23 - is true if f23 is momentary
        f24 - is true if f24 is momentary
        f25 - is true if f25 is momentary
        f26 - is true if f26 is momentary
        f27 - is true if f27 is momentary
        f28 - is true if f28 is momentary
        set momentary function group 5 message.
      • getFunctionGroup6OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup6OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean fA,
                                                          boolean fB,
                                                          boolean fC,
                                                          boolean fD,
                                                          boolean fE,
                                                          boolean fF,
                                                          boolean fG,
                                                          boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup7OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup7OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean fA,
                                                          boolean fB,
                                                          boolean fC,
                                                          boolean fD,
                                                          boolean fE,
                                                          boolean fF,
                                                          boolean fG,
                                                          boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup8OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup8OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean fA,
                                                          boolean fB,
                                                          boolean fC,
                                                          boolean fD,
                                                          boolean fE,
                                                          boolean fF,
                                                          boolean fG,
                                                          boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup9OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup9OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                          boolean fA,
                                                          boolean fB,
                                                          boolean fC,
                                                          boolean fD,
                                                          boolean fE,
                                                          boolean fF,
                                                          boolean fG,
                                                          boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup10OpsMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup10OpsMsg​(int address,
                                                           boolean fA,
                                                           boolean fB,
                                                           boolean fC,
                                                           boolean fD,
                                                           boolean fE,
                                                           boolean fF,
                                                           boolean fG,
                                                           boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup6SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup6SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean fA,
                                                             boolean fB,
                                                             boolean fC,
                                                             boolean fD,
                                                             boolean fE,
                                                             boolean fF,
                                                             boolean fG,
                                                             boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup7SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup7SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean fA,
                                                             boolean fB,
                                                             boolean fC,
                                                             boolean fD,
                                                             boolean fE,
                                                             boolean fF,
                                                             boolean fG,
                                                             boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup8SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup8SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean fA,
                                                             boolean fB,
                                                             boolean fC,
                                                             boolean fD,
                                                             boolean fE,
                                                             boolean fF,
                                                             boolean fG,
                                                             boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup9SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup9SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                             boolean fA,
                                                             boolean fB,
                                                             boolean fC,
                                                             boolean fD,
                                                             boolean fE,
                                                             boolean fF,
                                                             boolean fG,
                                                             boolean fH)
      • getFunctionGroup10SetMomMsg

        public static XNetMessage getFunctionGroup10SetMomMsg​(int address,
                                                              boolean fA,
                                                              boolean fB,
                                                              boolean fC,
                                                              boolean fD,
                                                              boolean fE,
                                                              boolean fF,
                                                              boolean fG,
                                                              boolean fH)
      • getCSVersionRequestMessage

        public static XNetMessage getCSVersionRequestMessage()
        Generate the message to request the Command Station Hardware/Software Version.
        message to request CS hardware and software version.
      • getCSStatusRequestMessage

        public static XNetMessage getCSStatusRequestMessage()
        Generate the message to request the Command Station Status.
        message to request CS status.
      • getCSAutoStartMessage

        public static XNetMessage getCSAutoStartMessage​(boolean autoMode)
        Generate the message to set the Command Station to Auto or Manual restart mode.
        autoMode - true if auto, false for manual.
        message to set CS restart mode.
      • getLIVersionRequestMessage

        public static XNetMessage getLIVersionRequestMessage()
        Generate the message to request the Computer Interface Hardware/Software Version.
        message to request interface hardware and software version.
      • getLIAddressRequestMsg

        public static XNetMessage getLIAddressRequestMsg​(int address)
        Generate the message to set or request the Computer Interface Address.
        address - Interface address (0-31). Send invalid address to request the address (32-255).
        message to set or request interface address.
      • getLISpeedRequestMsg

        public static XNetMessage getLISpeedRequestMsg​(int speed)
        Generate the message to set or request the Computer Interface speed.
        speed - 1 is 19,200bps, 2 is 38,400bps, 3 is 57,600bps, 4 is 115,200bps. Send invalid speed to request the current setting.
        message for set / request interface speed.
      • toMonitorString

        public java.lang.String toMonitorString()
        Generate text translations of messages for use in the XpressNet monitor.
        Specified by:
        toMonitorString in interface Message
        representation of the XNetMessage as a string.