JMRI Resources
This is the resources/icons/mediumschematics/searchlights directoryUp one level
These icons were extracted from images on Carsten S. Lundsten's web site,
with updates by Dick Bronson. They were expanded to this size by Keith Usher
Please see
Your usage of these is subject to the licensing terms in the COPYING file.
Images with names like "right-yellow-marker.gif" represent:
"right" - the signal is for a right-bound train
"yellow" - the searchilight aspect is yellow (c.f. "red-green" for
red over green)
"marker" - the mast has a marker plate, e.g. is a block signal
"held" - the signal is being held (red) by logic
"flashing" - the image represents a flashing signal on the layout
"short" - the image is for a dwarf or dual head signal
"white" - actually gray outline so it will show against black background panels
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