001package jmri.managers;
003import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
004import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
005import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
006import jmri.IdTag;
007import jmri.InstanceManager;
008import jmri.RailCom;
009import jmri.RailComManager;
010import jmri.implementation.DefaultRailCom;
011import jmri.managers.configurexml.DefaultIdTagManagerXml;
012import org.slf4j.Logger;
013import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
016 * Concrete implementation for the Internal {@link jmri.RailComManager}
017 * interface.
018 *
019 * @author Kevin Dickerson Copyright (C) 2012
020 * @since 2.99.4
021 */
022public class DefaultRailComManager extends DefaultIdTagManager
023        implements RailComManager {
025    public DefaultRailComManager() {
026        super(new jmri.jmrix.CaptiveSystemConnectionMemo("R", "RailCom")); // NOI18N
027        setInstances();
028    }
030    final void setInstances() {
031        InstanceManager.store(this, RailComManager.class);
032        InstanceManager.setIdTagManager(this);
033    }
035    @Override
036    protected RailCom createNewIdTag(@Nonnull String systemName, String userName) {
037        // we've decided to enforce that IdTag system
038        // names start with RD by prepending if not present
039        if (!systemName.startsWith(getSystemPrefix() + "D")) {
040            systemName = getSystemPrefix() + "D" + systemName;
041        }
042        return new DefaultRailCom(systemName, userName);
043    }
045    @SuppressFBWarnings(value="RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE", justification="defensive programming check of @Nonnull argument")
046    private void checkSystemName(@Nonnull String systemName, @CheckForNull String userName) {
047        if (systemName == null) {
048            log.error("SystemName cannot be null. UserName was {}",
049                    (userName == null ? "null" : userName));
050            throw new IllegalArgumentException("SystemName cannot be null. UserName was "
051                    + ((userName == null) ? "null" : userName));
052        }
053    }
055    /**
056     * Provide by userName, then SystemName, else create new.
057     * {@inheritDoc}
058     */
059    @Override
060    @Nonnull
061    public IdTag newIdTag(@Nonnull String systemName, @CheckForNull String userName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
062        log.debug("new IdTag: {};{}", systemName, (userName == null ? "null" : userName));
063        checkSystemName(systemName, userName);
065        // return existing if there is one
066        RailCom s;
067        if ((userName != null) && ((s = (RailCom)getByUserName(userName)) != null)) {
068            if (getBySystemName(systemName) != s) {
069                log.error("inconsistent user ({}) and system name ({}) results; userName related to ({})",
070                        userName, systemName, s.getSystemName());
071            }
072            return s;
073        }
074        if ((s = (RailCom) getBySystemName(systemName)) != null) {
075            if ((s.getUserName() == null) && (userName != null)) {
076                s.setUserName(userName);
077            } else if (userName != null) {
078                log.warn("Found IdTag via system name ({}) with non-null user name ({})", systemName, userName);
079            }
080            return s;
081        }
083        // doesn't exist, make a new one
084        s = createNewIdTag(systemName, userName);
085        // save in the maps
086        register(s);
088        // if that failed, blame it on the input arguments
089        if (s == null) {
090            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
091        }
093        return s;
094    }
096    @Override
097    public void writeIdTagDetails() throws java.io.IOException {
098        if (this.dirty) {
099            new DefaultIdTagManagerXml(this,"RailComIdTags.xml").store();  // NOI18N
100            this.dirty = false;
101            log.debug("...done writing IdTag details");
102        }
103    }
105    @Override
106    public void readIdTagDetails() {
107        log.debug("reading idTag Details");
108        new DefaultIdTagManagerXml(this,"RailComIdTags.xml").load();  // NOI18N
109        this.dirty = false;
110        log.debug("...done reading IdTag details");
111    }
113    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultRailComManager.class);