001package jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp;
004import java.time.LocalTime;
005import java.util.ArrayList;
007import jmri.InstanceManager;
008import jmri.NmraPacket;
009import jmri.Reporter;
010import jmri.ReporterManager;
011import jmri.Sensor;
012import jmri.SensorManager;
013import jmri.Turnout;
014import jmri.TurnoutManager;
015import jmri.jmrix.loconet.LnConstants;
016import jmri.jmrix.loconet.LocoNetMessage;
017import jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1.Lnsv1MessageContents;
018import jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2.Lnsv2MessageContents;
019import jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.LncvMessageContents;
020import jmri.util.StringUtil;
022import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
023import org.slf4j.Logger;
024import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
027 * A utility class for formatting LocoNet packets into human-readable text.
028 * <p>
029 * Note that the formatted strings end in a \n, and may contain more than one
030 * line separated by \n. Someday this should be converted to proper Java line
031 * handling.
032 * <p>
033 * Much of this file is a Java-recoding of the display.c file from the llnmon
034 * package of John Jabour. Some of the conversions involve explicit decoding of
035 * structs defined in loconet.h in that same package. Those parts are (C)
036 * Copyright 2001 Ron W. Auld. Use of these parts is by direct permission of the
037 * author.
038 * <p>
039 * This class is derived from and replaces JMRI's
040 * jmri.jmrix.loconet.locomon.Llnmon.java .
041 * <p>
042 * Many major comment blocks here are quotes from the Digitrax LocoNet(r) OPCODE
043 * SUMMARY: found in the LocoNet(r) Personal Edition 1.
044 * <p>
045 * Some of the message formats used in this class are Copyright Digitrax, Inc.
046 * and used with permission as part of the JMRI project. That permission does
047 * not extend to uses in other software products. If you wish to use this code,
048 * algorithm or these message formats outside of JMRI, please contact Digitrax
049 * Inc for separate permission.
050 * <p>
051 * Reverse engineering of OPC_MULTI_SENSE was provided by Al Silverstein, used
052 * with permission.
053 * <p>
054 * Reverse engineering of the Duplex Group/Password/Channel management was
055 * provided by Leo Bicknell with help from B. Milhaupt, used with permission.
056 * <p>
057 * Reverse-engineering of device-specific OpSw messages, throttle text message,
058 * and throttle semaphore message was provided by B. Milhaupt, used with
059 * permission.
060 * <p>
061 * Reverse-engineering of device-specific LNSV messages was provided by K. Drenth,
062 * used with permission.
063 *
064 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003
065 * @author B. Milhaupt Copyright 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022
066 * @author Randall Wood Copyright 2016
067 * @author Michael Richardson Copyright (C) 2021
068 */
069public class LocoNetMessageInterpret {
070    private static final String Ln_Off = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OFF");
071    private static final String Ln_On  = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_ON");
073    /**
074     * Format the message into a text string.
075     * <p>
076     * Where the code is unable to determine a correct interpretation, the returned
077     * string contains a message indicating that the message is not decoded followed
078     * by the individual bytes of the message (in hexadecimal).
079     * <p>
080     * Note that many message types are "poorly defined" here, with many 
081     * "reverse-engineered" messages, and many that do not define actual bits.  This 
082     * means that this code can give interpretations that may not actually "decode"
083     * an actual message. 
084     * 
085     * @param l Message to parse
086     * @param turnoutPrefix "System Name" + prefix which designates the connection's
087     *          Turnouts, such as "LT"
088     * @param sensorPrefix "System Name" + prefix which designates the connection's
089     *          Turnouts, such as "LS"
090     * @param reporterPrefix "System Name" + prefix which designates the connection's
091     *          Turnouts, such as "LR"
092     * @return String representation of the interpretation of the message
093     */
094    public static String interpretMessage(LocoNetMessage l, String turnoutPrefix, String sensorPrefix, String reporterPrefix) {
096        String result;
098        /*
099         * 2 Byte MESSAGE OPCODES
100         * ; FORMAT = <OPC>,<CKSUM>
101         * ;
102         *
103         * 4 byte MESSAGE OPCODES
104         * ; FORMAT = <OPC>,<ARG1>,<ARG2>,<CKSUM>
105         * :
106         *  CODES 0xA8 to 0xAF have responses
107         *  CODES 0xB8 to 0xBF have responses
108         *
109         * 6 byte MESSAGE OPCODES
110         * ; FORMAT = <OPC>,<ARG1>,<ARG2>,<ARG3>,<ARG4>,<CKSUM>
111         * :
112         *  CODES 0xC8 to 0xCF have responses
113         *  CODES 0xD8 to 0xDF have responses
114         */
115        switch (l.getOpCode()) {
117            /*
118             * OPC_IDLE 0x85 ;FORCE IDLE state, Broadcast emergency STOP
119             *
120             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
121             */
122            case LnConstants.OPC_IDLE: {
123                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IDLE");
124            }
126            /*
127             * OPC_GPON 0x83 ;GLOBAL power ON request
128             *
129             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
130             */
131            case LnConstants.OPC_GPON: {
132                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_GPON");
134            }
136            /*
137             * OPC_GPOFF 0x82 ;GLOBAL power OFF request
138             *
139             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
140             */
141            case LnConstants.OPC_GPOFF: {
142                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_GPOFF");
143            }
145            /*
146             * OPC_GPBUSY 0x81 ;MASTER busy code, NULL
147             *
148             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
149             */
150            case LnConstants.OPC_GPBUSY: {
151                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MASTER_BUSY");
152            }
154            case LnConstants.OPC_RE_LOCORESET_BUTTON: {
155                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_RE_LOCO_RESET");
157            }
159            /*
160             * OPC_LOCO_ADR     0xBF   ; REQ loco ADR
161             *                         ; Follow on message: <E7>SLOT READ
162             *                         ; <0xBF>,<0>,<ADR>,<CHK> REQ loco ADR
163             *                         ; DATA return <E7>, is SLOT#, DATA that ADR was
164             *                         : found in.
165             *                         ; IF ADR not found, MASTER puts ADR in FREE slot
166             *                         ; and sends DATA/STATUS return <E7>......
167             *                         ; IF no FREE slot, Fail LACK,0 is returned
168             *                         ; [<B4>,<3F>,<0>,<CHK>]
169             *
170             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
171             */
172            case LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_ADR: {
173                String locoAddress = convertToMixed(l.getElement(2), l.getElement(1));
174                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_REQ_SLOT_FOR_ADDR",
175                        locoAddress);
176            }
178            case LnConstants.OPC_EXP_REQ_SLOT: {
179                String locoAddress = convertToMixed(l.getElement(2), l.getElement(1));
180                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_REQ_EXP_SLOT_FOR_ADDR",
181                        locoAddress);
182            }
184            /*
185             * OPC_SW_ACK       0xBD   ; REQ SWITCH WITH acknowledge function (not DT200)
186             *                         ; Follow on message: LACK
187             *                         ; <0xBD>,<SW1>,<SW2>,<CHK> REQ SWITCH function
188             *                         ;       <SW1> =<0,A6,A5,A4- A3,A2,A1,A0>
189             *                         ;               7 ls adr bits.
190             *                         ;               A1,A0 select 1 of 4 input pairs
191             *                         ;               in a DS54
192             *                         ;       <SW2> =<0,0,DIR,ON- A10,A9,A8,A7>
193             *                         ;               Control bits and 4 MS adr bits.
194             *                         ;               DIR=1 for Closed/GREEN
195             *                         ;                  =0 for Thrown/RED
196             *                         ;               ON=1 for Output ON
197             *                         ;                 =0 FOR output OFF
198             *                         ; response is:
199             *                         ; <0xB4><3D><00> if DCS100 FIFO is full, rejected.
200             *                         ; <0xB4><3D><7F> if DCS100 accepted
201             *
202             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
203             */
204            case LnConstants.OPC_SW_ACK: {
205                result = interpretOpcSwAck(l, turnoutPrefix);
206                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
207                    return result;
208                }
209                break;
210            }
212            /*
213             * OPC_SW_STATE     0xBC   ; REQ state of SWITCH
214             *                         ; Follow on message: LACK
215             *                         ; <0xBC>,<SW1>,<SW2>,<CHK> REQ state of SWITCH
216             *
217             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
218             */
219            case LnConstants.OPC_SW_STATE: {
220                result = interpretOpcSwState(l, turnoutPrefix);
221                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
222                    return result;
223                }
224                break;
225            }
228            /*
229             * OPC_RQ_SL_DATA   0xBB   ; Request SLOT DATA/status block
230             *                         ; Follow on message: <E7>SLOT READ
231             *                         ; <0xBB>,<SLOT>,<0>,<CHK> Request SLOT DATA/status block.
232             *
233             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
234             */
235            case LnConstants.OPC_RQ_SL_DATA: {
236                result = interpretOpcRqSlData(l);
237                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
238                    return result;
239                }
240                break;
241            }
243            /*
244             * OPC_MOVE_SLOTS   0xBA   ; MOVE slot SRC to DEST
245             *                         ; Follow on message: <E7>SLOT READ
246             *                         ; <0xBA>,<SRC>,<DEST>,<CHK> Move SRC to DEST if
247             *                         ; SRC or LACK etc is NOT IN_USE, clr SRC
248             *                         ; SPECIAL CASES:
249             *                         ; If SRC=0 ( DISPATCH GET) , DEST=dont care,
250             *                         ;    Return SLOT READ DATA of DISPATCH Slot
251             *                         ; IF SRC=DEST (NULL move) then SRC=DEST is set to
252             *                         ;    IN_USE , if legal move.
253             *                         ; If DEST=0, is DISPATCH Put, mark SLOT as DISPATCH
254             *                         ;    RETURN slot status <0xE7> of DESTINATION slot
255             *                         ;       DEST if move legal
256             *                         ;    RETURN Fail LACK code if illegal move
257             *                         ;       <B4>,<3A>,<0>,<chk>, illegal to move to/from
258             *                         ;       slots 120/127
259             *
260             * Page 8 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
261             */
262            case LnConstants.OPC_MOVE_SLOTS: {
263                result = interpretOpcMoveSlots(l);
264                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
265                    return result;
266                }
267                break;
268            }
270//            case LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SLOT_MOVE: {
271//                result = interpretOpcExpMoveSlots(l);
272//                if (result.length() > 0) {
273//                    return result;
274//                }
275//                break;
276//            }
278            /*
279             * OPC_LINK_SLOTS   0xB9   ; LINK slot ARG1 to slot ARG2=
280             *                         ; Follow on message: <E7>SLOT READ=
281             *                         ; <0xB9>,<SL1>,<SL2>,<CHK> SLAVE slot SL1 to slot SL2
282             *                         ; Master LINKER sets the SL_CONUP/DN flags
283             *                         ; appropriately. Reply is return of SLOT Status
284             *                         ; <0xE7>. Inspect to see result of Link, invalid
285             *                         ; Link will return Long Ack Fail <B4>,<39>,<0>,<CHK>
286             *
287             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
288             */
289            case LnConstants.OPC_LINK_SLOTS: {
290                int src = l.getElement(1);
291                int dest = l.getElement(2);
292                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LINK_SLOTS", src, dest);
293            }
295            /*
296             * OPC_UNLINK_SLOTS 0xB8   ;UNLINK slot ARG1 from slot ARG2
297             *                         ; Follow on message: <E7>SLOT READ
298             *                         ; <0xB8>,<SL1>,<SL2>,<CHK> UNLINK slot SL1 from SL2
299             *                         ; UNLINKER executes unlink STRATEGY and returns new SLOT#
300             *                         ; DATA/STATUS of unlinked LOCO . Inspect data to evaluate UNLINK
301             *
302             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
303             */
304            case LnConstants.OPC_UNLINK_SLOTS: {
305                int src = l.getElement(1);
306                int dest = l.getElement(2);
307                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UNLINK_SLOTS", src, dest);
308            } // case LnConstants.OPC_UNLINK_SLOTS
310            /*
311             * OPC_CONSIST_FUNC 0xB6   ; SET FUNC bits in a CONSIST uplink element
312             *                         ; <0xB6>,<SLOT>,<DIRF>,<CHK> UP consist FUNC bits
313             *                         ; NOTE this SLOT adr is considered in UPLINKED slot space.
314             *
315             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
316             */
317            case LnConstants.OPC_CONSIST_FUNC: {
318                result = interpretOpcConsistFunc(l);
319                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
320                    return result;
321                }
322                break;
323            }
325            /*
326             * OPC_SLOT_STAT1   0xB5   ; WRITE slot stat1
327             *                         ; <0xB5>,<SLOT>,<STAT1>,<CHK> WRITE stat1
328             *
329             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
330             */
331            case LnConstants.OPC_SLOT_STAT1: {
332                int slot = l.getElement(1);
333                int stat = l.getElement(2);
334                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_STAT1", slot, stat,
335                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
336                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(stat)), LnConstants.CONSIST_STAT(stat),
337                        LnConstants.LOCO_STAT(stat), LnConstants.DEC_MODE(stat));
338            }
340            /*
341             * OPC_LONG_ACK     0xB4   ; Long acknowledge
342             *                         ; <0xB4>,<LOPC>,<ACK1>,<CHK> Long acknowledge
343             *                         ; <LOPC> is COPY of OPCODE responding to (msb=0).
344             *                         ; LOPC=0 (unused OPC) is also VALID fail code
345             *                         ; <ACK1> is appropriate response code for the OPCode
346             *
347             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
348             */
349            case LnConstants.OPC_LONG_ACK: {
350                result = interpretLongAck(l);
351                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
352                    return result;
353                }
354                break;
355            }
357            /*
358             * OPC_INPUT_REP    0xB2   ; General SENSOR Input codes
359             *                         ; <0xB2>, <IN1>, <IN2>, <CHK>
360             *                         ;   <IN1> =<0,A6,A5,A4- A3,A2,A1,A0>,
361             *                         ;           7 ls adr bits.
362             *                         ;           A1,A0 select 1 of 4 inputs pairs in a DS54.
363             *                         ;   <IN2> =<0,X,I,L- A10,A9,A8,A7>,
364             *                         ;           Report/status bits and 4 MS adr bits.
365             *                         ;           "I"=0 for DS54 "aux" inputs
366             *                         ;              =1 for "switch" inputs mapped to 4K SENSOR space.
367             *                         ;
368             *                         ;           (This is effectively a least significant adr bit when
369             *                         ;            using DS54 input configuration)
370             *                         ;
371             *                         ;           "L"=0 for input SENSOR now 0V (LO),
372             *                         ;              =1 for Input sensor >=+6V (HI)
373             *                         ;           "X"=1, control bit,
374             *                         ;              =0 is RESERVED for future!
375             *
376             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
377             */
378            case LnConstants.OPC_INPUT_REP: {
379                result = interpretOpcInputRep(l, sensorPrefix);
380                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
381                    return result;
382                }
383                break;
384            } // case LnConstants.OPC_INPUT_REP
386            /*
387             * OPC_SW_REP       0xB1   ; Turnout SENSOR state REPORT
388             *                         ; <0xB1>,<SN1>,<SN2>,<CHK> SENSOR state REPORT
389             *                         ;   <SN1> =<0,A6,A5,A4- A3,A2,A1,A0>,
390             *                         ;           7 ls adr bits.
391             *                         ;           A1,A0 select 1 of 4 input pairs in a DS54
392             *                         ;   <SN2> =<0,1,I,L- A10,A9,A8,A7>
393             *                         ;           Report/status bits and 4 MS adr bits.
394             *                         ;           this <B1> opcode encodes input levels
395             *                         ;           for turnout feedback
396             *                         ;           "I" =0 for "aux" inputs (normally not feedback),
397             *                         ;               =1 for "switch" input used for
398             *                         ;                  turnout feedback for DS54
399             *                         ;                  ouput/turnout # encoded by A0-A10
400             *                         ;           "L" =0 for this input 0V (LO),
401             *                         ;               =1 this input > +6V (HI)
402             *                         ;
403             *                         ;   alternately;
404             *                         ;
405             *                         ;   <SN2> =<0,0,C,T- A10,A9,A8,A7>
406             *                         ;           Report/status bits and 4 MS adr bits.
407             *                         ;           this <B1> opcode encodes current OUTPUT levels
408             *                         ;           "C" =0 if "Closed" ouput line is OFF,
409             *                         ;               =1 "closed" output line is ON
410             *                         ;                  (sink current)
411             *                         ;           "T" =0 if "Thrown" output line is OFF,
412             *                         ;               =1 "thrown" output line is ON
413             *                         ;                  (sink I)
414             *
415             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
416             */
417            case LnConstants.OPC_SW_REP: {
418                result = interpretOpcSwRep(l, turnoutPrefix);
419                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
420                    return result;
421                }
422                break;
423            }
425            /*
426             * OPC_SW_REQ       0xB0   ; REQ SWITCH function
427             *                         ; <0xB0>,<SW1>,<SW2>,<CHK> REQ SWITCH function
428             *                         ;   <SW1> =<0,A6,A5,A4- A3,A2,A1,A0>,
429             *                         ;           7 ls adr bits.
430             *                         ;           A1,A0 select 1 of 4 input pairs in a DS54
431             *                         ;   <SW2> =<0,0,DIR,ON- A10,A9,A8,A7>
432             *                         ;           Control bits and 4 MS adr bits.
433             *                         ;   DIR  =1 for Closed,/GREEN,
434             *                         ;        =0 for Thrown/RED
435             *                         ;   ON   =1 for Output ON,
436             *                         ;        =0 FOR output OFF
437             *                         ;
438             *                         ;   Note-Immediate response of <0xB4><30><00> if command failed,
439             *                         ;        otherwise no response "A" CLASS codes
440             *
441             * Page 9 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
442             * Page 12 special form Broadcast.
443             * Page 13 special form LocoNet interrogate.
444             */
445            case LnConstants.OPC_SW_REQ: {
446                result = interpretOpcSwReq(l, turnoutPrefix);
447                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
448                    return result;
449                }
450                break;
451            }
453            /*
454             * OPC_LOCO_SND     0xA2   ;SET SLOT sound functions
455             *
456             * Page 10 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
457             */
458            case LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_SND: {
459                result = interpretOpcLocoSnd(l);
460                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
461                    return result;
462                }
463                break;
464            } // case LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_SND
466            /*
467             * OPC_LOCO_DIRF 0xA1 ;SET SLOT dir, F0-4 state
468             *
469             * Page 10 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
470             */
471            case LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_DIRF: {
472                result = interpretOpcLocoDirf(l);
473                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
474                    return result;
475                }
476                break;
477            }
479            /*
480             * OPC_LOCO_SPD 0xA0 ;SET SLOT speed e.g. <0xA0><SLOT#><SPD><CHK>
481             *
482             * Page 10 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
483             */
484            case LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_SPD: {
485                result = interpretOpcLocoSpd(l);
486                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
487                    return result;
488                }
489                break;
490            }
492            case LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_OR_SPEED_AND_DIR: {
493                result = interpretPocExpLocoSpdDirFunction(l);
494                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
495                    return result;
496                }
497                break;
498            }
500            /*
501             * OPC_PANEL_QUERY 0xDF messages used by throttles to discover
502             * panels
503             *
504             * This op code is not documented by Digitrax. Some reverse engineering
505             * performed by Leo Bicknell.  The opcode "name" OPC_PANEL_QUERY
506             * is not necessarily the name used by Digitrax.
507             */
508            case LnConstants.OPC_PANEL_QUERY: {
509                result = interpretOpcPanelQuery(l);
510                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
511                    return result;
512                }
513                break;
515            }
517            /*
518             * OPC_PANEL_RESPONSE 0xD7 messages used by throttles to discover
519             * panels
520             *
521             * This op code is not documented by Digitrax. Reverse engineering
522             * performed by Leo Bicknell.  The opcode "name" OPC_PANEL_RESPONSE
523             * is not necessarily the name used by Digitrax.
524             */
525            case LnConstants.OPC_PANEL_RESPONSE: {
526                result = interpretOpcPanelResponse(l);
527                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
528                    return result;
529                }
530                break;
532            }
534            /*
535             * OPC_MULTI_SENSE 0xD0 messages about power management and
536             * transponding
537             *
538             * If byte 1 high nibble is 0x20 or 0x00 this is a transponding
539             * message
540             *
541             * This op code is not documented by Digitrax. Reverse engineering
542             * performed by Al Silverstein, and corrections added by B. Milhaupt.
543             */
544            case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE: {
545                result = interpretOpcMultiSense(l, reporterPrefix);
546                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
547                    return result;
548                }
549                break;
550            }
552            /*
553             * ********************************************************************************************
554             * OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG 0xE0 messages about transponding.
555             *
556             * This op code is not documented by Digitrax. The use of this message was observed when using a
557             * Digikeijs 5088RC.  With a capable decoder, this message contains additional Railcom information
558             * (direction, speed, QoS) compared to the standard OPC_MULTI_SENSE message.
559             *
560             * Reverse engineering performed by Michael Richardson.
561             * ********************************************************************************************
562             */
563            case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG: {
564                result = interpretOpcMultiSenseLong(l, reporterPrefix);
565                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
566                    return result;
567                }
568                break;
569            }
571            /*
572             * ********************************************************************************************
573             * OPC_WR_SL_DATA 0xEF ; WRITE SLOT DATA, 10 bytes * ; Follow on
574             * message: LACK * ; <0xEF>,<0E>,<SLOT#>,<STAT>,<ADR>,<SPD>,<DIRF>,
575             * * ;        <TRK>,<SS2>,<ADR2>,<SND>,<ID1>,<ID2>,<CHK> * ; SLOT DATA
576             * WRITE, 10 bytes data /14 byte MSG *
577             * **********************************************************************************************
578             * OPC_SL_RD_DATA 0xE7 ; SLOT DATA return, 10 bytes * ;
579             * <0xE7>,<0E>,<SLOT#>,<STAT>,<ADR>,<SPD>,<DIRF>, * ;
580             * <TRK>,<SS2>,<ADR2>,<SND>,<ID1>,<ID2>,<CHK> * ; SLOT DATA READ, 10
581             * bytes data /14 byte MSG * ; * ; NOTE; If STAT2.2=0 EX1/EX2
582             * encodes an ID#, * ; [if STAT2.2=1 the STAT.3=0 means EX1/EX2 * ;
583             * are ALIAS] * ; * ; ID1/ID2 are two 7 bit values encoding a 14 bit
584             * * ; unique DEVICE usage ID. * ; * ; 00/00 - means NO ID being
585             * used * ; * ; 01/00 - ID shows PC usage. * ; to Lo nibble is TYP
586             * PC# * ; 7F/01 (PC can use hi values) * ; * ; 00/02 -SYSTEM
587             * reserved * ; to * ; 7F/03 * ; * ; 00/04 -NORMAL throttle RANGE *
588             * ; to * ; 7F/7E *
589             * **********************************************************************************************
590             * Notes: * The SLOT DATA bytes are, in order of TRANSMISSION for
591             * <E7> READ or <EF> WRITE. * NOTE SLOT 0 <E7> read will return
592             * MASTER config information bytes. * * 0) SLOT NUMBER: * * ; 0-7FH,
593             * 0 is special SLOT, * ; 070H-07FH DIGITRAX reserved: * * 1) SLOT
594             * STATUS1: * * D7-SL_SPURGE ; 1=SLOT purge en, * ; ALSO adrSEL
595             * (INTERNAL use only) (not seen on NET!) * * D6-SL_CONUP ;
596             * CONDN/CONUP: bit encoding-Control double linked Consist List * ;
597             * 11=LOGICAL MID CONSIST , Linked up AND down * ; 10=LOGICAL
598             * CONSIST TOP, Only linked downwards * ; 01=LOGICAL CONSIST
599             * SUB-MEMBER, Only linked upwards * ; 00=FREE locomotive, no
600             * CONSIST indirection/linking * ; ALLOWS "CONSISTS of CONSISTS".
601             * Uplinked means that * ; Slot SPD number is now SLOT adr of
602             * SPD/DIR and STATUS * ; of consist. i.e. is ;an Indirect pointer.
603             * This Slot * ; has same BUSY/ACTIVE bits as TOP of Consist. TOP is
604             * * ; loco with SPD/DIR for whole consist. (top of list). * ;
605             * BUSY/ACTIVE: bit encoding for SLOT activity * * D5-SL_BUSY ;
606             * 11=IN_USE loco adr in SLOT -REFRESHED * * D4-SL_ACTIVE ; 10=IDLE
607             * loco adr in SLOT -NOT refreshed * ; 01=COMMON loco adr IN SLOT
608             * -refreshed * ; 00=FREE SLOT, no valid DATA -not refreshed * *
609             * D3-SL_CONDN ; shows other SLOT Consist linked INTO this slot, see
610             * SL_CONUP * * D2-SL_SPDEX ; 3 BITS for Decoder TYPE encoding for
611             * this SLOT * * D1-SL_SPD14 ; 011=send 128 speed mode packets * *
612             * D0-SL_SPD28 ; 010=14 step MODE * ; 001=28 step. Generate Trinary
613             * packets for this * ; Mobile ADR * ; 000=28 step. 3 BYTE PKT
614             * regular mode * ; 111=128 Step decoder, Allow Advanced DCC
615             * consisting * ; 100=28 Step decoder ,Allow Advanced DCC consisting
616             * * * 2) SLOT LOCO ADR: * * LOCO adr Low 7 bits (byte sent as ARG2
617             * in ADR req opcode <0xBF>) * * 3) SLOT SPEED: * 0x00=SPEED 0 ,STOP
618             * inertially * 0x01=SPEED 0 EMERGENCY stop * 0x02->0x7F increasing
619             * SPEED,0x7F=MAX speed * (byte also sent as ARG2 in SPD opcode
620             * <0xA0> ) * * 4) SLOT DIRF byte: (byte also sent as ARG2 in DIRF
621             * opcode <0xA1>) * * D7-0 ; always 0 * D6-SL_XCNT ; reserved , set
622             * 0 * D5-SL_DIR ; 1=loco direction FORWARD * D4-SL_F0 ;
623             * 1=Directional lighting ON * D3-SL_F4 ; 1=F4 ON * D2-SL_F3 ; 1=F3
624             * ON * D1-SL_F2 ; 1=F2 ON * D0-SL_F1 ; 1=F1 ON * * * * * 5) TRK
625             * byte: (GLOBAL system /track status) * * D7-D4 Reserved * D3
626             * GTRK_PROG_BUSY 1=Programming TRACK in this Master is BUSY. * D2
627             * GTRK_MLOK1 1=This Master IMPLEMENTS LocoNet 1.1 capability, *
628             * 0=Master is DT200 * D1 GTRK_IDLE 0=TRACK is PAUSED, B'cast EMERG
629             * STOP. * D0 GTRK_POWER 1=DCC packets are ON in MASTER, Global
630             * POWER up * * 6) SLOT STATUS: * * D3 1=expansion IN ID1/2,
631             * 0=ENCODED alias * D2 1=Expansion ID1/2 is NOT ID usage * D0
632             * 1=this slot has SUPPRESSED ADV consist-7) * * 7) SLOT LOCO ADR
633             * HIGH: * * Locomotive address high 7 bits. If this is 0 then Low
634             * address is normal 7 bit NMRA SHORT * address. If this is not zero
635             * then the most significant 6 bits of this address are used in *
636             * the first LONG address byte ( matching CV17). The second DCC LONG
637             * address byte matches CV18 * and includes the Adr Low 7 bit value
638             * with the LS bit of ADR high in the MS postion of this * track adr
639             * byte. * * Note a DT200 MASTER will always interpret this as 0. *
640             * * 8) SLOT SOUND: * * Slot sound/ Accesory Function mode II
641             * packets. F5-F8 * (byte also sent as ARG2 in SND opcode) * * D7-D4
642             * reserved * D3-SL_SND4/F8 * D2-SL_SND3/F7 * D1-SL_SND2/F6 *
643             * D0-SL_SND1/F5 1= SLOT Sound 1 function 1active (accessory 2) * *
644             * 9) EXPANSION RESERVED ID1: * * 7 bit ls ID code written by
645             * THROTTLE/PC when STAT2.4=1 * * 10) EXPANSION RESERVED ID2: * * 7
646             * bit ms ID code written by THROTTLE/PC when STAT2.4=1 *
647             * ********************************************************************************************
648             * page 10 of LocoNet PE
649             */
650            case LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA:
651            case LnConstants.OPC_SL_RD_DATA: {
652                result = interpretOpcWrSlDataOpcSlRdData(l);
653                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
654                    return result;
655                }
656                break;
658            }
660            case LnConstants.OPC_ALM_WRITE:
661            case LnConstants.OPC_ALM_READ: {
662            // case OPC_EXP_RD_SL_DATA: // NOTE: Duplicate of definition of OPC_ALM_WRITE!
663            // case OPC_EXP_WR_SL_DATA: // NOTE: Duplicate of definition of OPC_ALM_READ!
665                result = interpretAlm(l);
666                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
667                    return result;
668                }
669                break;
670            }
672            /*
673             * OPC_PEER_XFER   0xE5    ; move 8 bytes PEER to PEER, SRC->DST   NO resp
674             *                         ; <0xE5>,<10>,<SRC>,<DSTL><DSTH>,<PXCT1>,<D1>,<D2>,<D3>,<D4>,
675             *                         ; <PXCT2>,<D5>,<D6>,<D7>,<D8>,<CHK>
676             *                         ; SRC/DST are 7 bit args. DSTL/H=0 is BROADCAST msg
677             *                         ;     SRC=0 is MASTER
678             *                         ;     SRC=0x70-0x7E are reserved
679             *
680             * Page 10 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
681             *
682             * Duplex group management reverse engineered by Leo Bicknell, with input from
683             * B. Milhaupt.
684             */
685            case LnConstants.OPC_PEER_XFER: {
686                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer(l, reporterPrefix);
687                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
688                    return result;
689                }
690                break;
691            }
693            //                   0xE4
694            case LnConstants.OPC_LISSY_UPDATE: {
695                result = interpretOpcLissyUpdate(l);
696                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
697                    return result;
698                }
699                break;
700            }
702            //                    0xED
703            case LnConstants.OPC_IMM_PACKET: {
704                result = interpretOpcImmPacket(l);
705                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
706                    return result;
707                }
708                break;
709            }
711            //                     0xD3
712            case LnConstants.RE_OPC_PR3_MODE: {
713                result = interpretOpcPr3Mode(l);
714                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
715                    return result;
716                }
717                break;
718            }
720            //                      0xA3
721            case LnConstants.RE_OPC_IB2_F9_F12: {
722                result = interpretIb2F9_to_F12(l);
723                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
724                    return result;
725                }
726                break;
727            }
729//          TODO: put this back for intellibox cmd station.
730//            it conflicts with loconet speed/dir etc.
731            //                        0xD4
732            case LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SLOT_MOVE_RE_OPC_IB2_SPECIAL: {
733                result = interpretIb2Special(l);
734                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
735                    return result;
736                }
737                result = interpretOpcExpMoveSlots(l);
738                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
739                    return result;
740                }
741                break;
742            }//  case LnConstants.RE_OPC_IB2_SPECIAL: { //0xD4
744            //$FALL-THROUGH$
745            default:
746                break;
747        } // end switch over opcode type
749        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE") +
750                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
751    }
754    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_1(LocoNetMessage l) {
755        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
756            case 0x08: {
757                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_RECEIVER_QUERY");
758            }
759            case 0x10: {
760                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_RECEIVER_RESPONSE");
761            }
762            default: {
763                break;
764            }
765        }
766        return "";
767    }
769    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_2(LocoNetMessage l) {
770        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
771            case 0x00: {
772                int channel = l.getElement(5) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x01) << 7);
774                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_CHANNEL_SET",
775                        Integer.toString(channel));
776            }
777            case 0x08: {
778                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_CHANNEL_QUERY");
779            }
780            case 0x10: {
781                int channel = l.getElement(5) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x01) << 7);
783                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_CHANNEL_REPORT",
784                        Integer.toString(channel));
785            }
786            default: {
787                break;
788            }
789        }
790        return "";
791    }
793    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_3(LocoNetMessage l) {
794        // Characters appear to be 8 bit values, but transmitted over a 7 bit
795        // encoding, so high order bits are stashed in element 4 and 9.
796        char[] groupNameArray = {(char) (l.getElement(5) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x01) << 7)),
797            (char) (l.getElement(6) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x02) << 6)),
798            (char) (l.getElement(7) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x04) << 5)),
799            (char) (l.getElement(8) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x08) << 4)),
800            (char) (l.getElement(10) | ((l.getElement(9) & 0x01) << 7)),
801            (char) (l.getElement(11) | ((l.getElement(9) & 0x02) << 6)),
802            (char) (l.getElement(12) | ((l.getElement(9) & 0x04) << 5)),
803            (char) (l.getElement(13) | ((l.getElement(9) & 0x08) << 4))};
804        String groupName = new String(groupNameArray);
806        // The pass code is stuffed in here, each digit in 4 bits.  But again, it's a
807        // 7 bit encoding, so the MSB of the "upper" half is stuffed into byte 14.
808        int p1 = ((l.getElement(14) & 0x01) << 3) | ((l.getElement(15) & 0x70) >> 4);
809        int p2 = l.getElement(15) & 0x0F;
810        int p3 = ((l.getElement(14) & 0x02) << 2) | ((l.getElement(16) & 0x70) >> 4);
811        int p4 = l.getElement(16) & 0x0F;
813        // It's not clear you can set A-F from throttles or Digitrax's tools, but
814        // they do take and get returned if you send them on the wire...
815        String passcode = StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(p1) + StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(p2)
816                + StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(p3) + StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(p4);
818        // The MSB is stuffed elsewhere again...
819        int channel = l.getElement(17) | ((l.getElement(14) & 0x04) << 5);
821        // The MSB is stuffed elsewhere one last time.
822        int id = l.getElement(18) | ((l.getElement(14) & 0x08) << 4);
824        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
825            case 0x00: {
826                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_NAME_WRITE",
827                        groupName);
828            }
829            case 0x08: {
830                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_NAME_QUERY");
831            }
832            case 0x10: {
833                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_NAME_REPORT",
834                        groupName, passcode, channel, id);
835            }
836            default: {
837                break;
838            }
839        }
840        return "";
841    }
843    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_4(LocoNetMessage l) {
844        // The MSB is stuffed elsewhere again...
845        int id = l.getElement(5) | ((l.getElement(4) & 0x01) << 7);
847        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
848            case 0x00: {
849                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_ID_SET", id);
850            }
851            case 0x08: {
852                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_ID_QUERY");
853            }
854            case 0x10: {
855                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_ID_REPORT", id);
856            }
857            default: {
858                break;
859            }
860        }
861        return "";
862    }
864    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_7(LocoNetMessage l) {
865        if (l.getElement(3) == 0x08) {
866            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_PASSWORD_QUERY");
867        }
869        if ((l.getElement(5) < 0x30) || (l.getElement(5) > 0x3c)
870                || (l.getElement(6) < 0x30) || (l.getElement(6) > 0x3c)
871                || (l.getElement(7) < 0x30) || (l.getElement(7) > 0x3c)
872                || (l.getElement(8) < 0x30) || (l.getElement(8) > 0x3c)) {
873            return "";
874        }
875        char[] groupPasswordArray = {(char) l.getElement(5),
876            (char) l.getElement(6),
877            (char) l.getElement(7),
878            (char) l.getElement(8)};
879        if ((groupPasswordArray[0] > 0x39) && (groupPasswordArray[0] < 0x3d)) {
880            groupPasswordArray[0] += ('A' - '9' - 1);
881        }
882        if ((groupPasswordArray[1] > 0x39) && (groupPasswordArray[1] < 0x3d)) {
883            groupPasswordArray[1] += ('A' - '9' - 1);
884        }
885        if ((groupPasswordArray[2] > 0x39) && (groupPasswordArray[2] < 0x3d)) {
886            groupPasswordArray[2] += ('A' - '9' - 1);
887        }
888        if ((groupPasswordArray[3] > 0x39) && (groupPasswordArray[3] < 0x3d)) {
889            groupPasswordArray[3] += ('A' - '9' - 1);
890        }
891        String groupPassword = new String(groupPasswordArray);
893        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
894            case 0x00: {
895                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_PASSWORD_SET", groupPassword);
896            }
897            case 0x10: {
898                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_PASSWORD_REPORT", groupPassword);
899            }
900            default: {
901                break;
902            }
903        }
904        return "";
905    }
907    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_10(LocoNetMessage l) {
908        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
909            case 0x08: {
910                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_CHANNEL_SCAN_QUERY", l.getElement(5));
911            }
912            case 0x10: {
913                // High order bit stashed in another element again.
914                int level = (l.getElement(6) & 0x7F) + ((l.getElement(4) & 0x02) << 6);
916                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_CHANNEL_SCAN_REPORT", l.getElement(5),
917                        level);
918            }
919            default: {
920                break;
921            }
922        }
923        return "";
924    }
926    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_8(LocoNetMessage l) {
927        /*
928         * **********************************************************************************
929         * IPL-capable device ping - OPC_RE_IPL (Device Ping Operations) * The
930         * message bytes as assigned as follows:
931         * <p>
932         * <E5> <14> <08> <GR_OP_T> <DI_F2> <DI_Ss0>
933         * <DI_Ss1> ...
934         * <p>
935         * <DI_Ss2> <DI_Ss3> <DI_U1> <00> <00> <DI_U2>
936         * <DI_U3> ...
937         * <p>
938         * <00> <00><00> <00><00> <CHK> * where:
939         * <p>
940         * <DI_F2> encodes additional bits for the Slave device serial number. *
941         * bits 7-4 always 0000b * bit 3 Bit 31 of Slave Device Serial Number *
942         * bit 2 Bit 23 of Slave Device Serial Number * bit 1 Bit 15 of Slave
943         * device Serial Number * bit 0 Bit 7 of Slave device Serial Number
944         * <p>
945         * <DI_Ss0> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Host device serial number: *
946         * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-0 Bits 6:0 of Slave device serial number
947         * <p>
948         * <DI_Ss1> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Host device serial number: *
949         * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-0 Bits 14:8 of Slave device serial number
950         * <p>
951         * <DI_Ss2> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Host device serial number: *
952         * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-0 Bits 22:16 of Slave device serial number
953         * <p>
954         * <DI_Ss3> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Host device serial number: *
955         * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-0 Bits 30:24 of Slave device serial number
956         * <p>
957         * <DI_U1> unknown data * when <GR_OP_T> = 0x08 * is always 0 * when
958         * <GR_OP_T> = 0x10 * is not reverse-engineered and may be non-zero.
959         * <p>
960         * <DI_U2> unknown data * when <GR_OP_T> = 0x08 * is always 0 * when
961         * <GR_OP_T> = 0x10 * is not reverse-engineered and may be non-zero.
962         * <p>
963         * <DI_U3> unknown data * when <GR_OP_T> = 0x08 * is always 0 * when
964         * <GR_OP_T> = 0x10 * is not reverse-engineered and may be non-zero. * *
965         * Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with
966         * permission *
967         * **********************************************************************************
968         */
969        /* OPC_RE_IPL (IPL Ping Operation) */
970        // Operations related to DigiIPL Device "Ping" operations
971        //
972        // "Ping" request issued from DigiIPL ver 1.09 issues this message on LocoNet.
973        // The LocoNet request message encodes a serial number but NOT a device type.
974        //
975        // Depending on which devices are selected in DigiIPL when the "ping"
976        // is selected, (and probably the S/Ns of the devices attached to the LocoNet),
977        // the response is as follows:
978        //     DT402D  LocoNet message includes the serial number from the DT402D's
979        //             Slave (RF24) serial number.  If a UR92 is attached to LocoNet,
980        //             it will send the message via its RF link to the addressed
981        //             DT402D.  (UR92 apparantly assumes that the long 802.15.4
982        //             address of the DT402D is based on the serial number embedded
983        //             in the LocoNet message, with the MS 32 bits based on the UR92
984        //             long address MS 32 bits).  If more than one UR92 is attached
985        //             to LocoNet, all will pass the message to the RF interface.
986        //     UR92    LocoNet message includes the Slave serial number from the UR92.
987        //             These messages are not passed to the RF link by the addressed
988        //             UR92.  If more than one UR92 is attached to LocoNet, and the
989        //             addressed UR92 hears the RF version of the LocoNet message, it
990        //             will respond via the RF interface with an acknowledge packet,
991        //             and a UR92 (not sure which one) responds on LocoNet with a
992        //             Ping report <e5><14><08><10>.
993        //     PR3     LocoNet message includes an effective serial number of all
994        //             zeros.  There is no LocoNet message reply generated to a
995        //             request to a PR3 S/N, but there will be a reply on the PR3's
996        //             computer interface if the ping request was sent via the PR3's
997        //             computer interface (i.e. not from some other LocoNet agent).
998        //     UT4D    While it has been suggested that the UT4D supports firmware
999        //             updates, the UT4D does not respond to the Ping message.
1000        //     LNRP    While it has been suggested that the LNRP supports firmware
1001        //             updates, the LNRP does not respond to the Ping message.
1002        //
1003        // Ping Report values:
1004        //     <unkn1> Seems always to be <0C>.  None of the bytes relate to
1005        //             Duplex Channel Number.
1006        //     <unkn2> Matches byte 15 of the MAC payload of the reply sent by the
1007        //             targeted UR92.
1008        //     <unkn3> Unclear what this byte means.
1009        //
1010        // Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
1011        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
1012            case 0x08:
1013                /* OPC_RE_IPL (IPL Ping Query) */
1014                // Ping Request: <e5><14><08><08><msBits><Sn0><Sn1><Sn2><Sn3><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><Chk>
1016                if ((((l.getElement(4) & 0xF) != 0) || (l.getElement(5) != 0)
1017                        || (l.getElement(6) != 0) || (l.getElement(7) != 0) || (l.getElement(8) != 0))
1018                        && (l.getElement(9) == 0) && (l.getElement(10) == 0)
1019                        && (l.getElement(11) == 0) && (l.getElement(12) == 0)
1020                        && (l.getElement(13) == 0) && (l.getElement(14) == 0)
1021                        && (l.getElement(15) == 0) && (l.getElement(16) == 0)
1022                        && (l.getElement(17) == 0) && (l.getElement(18) == 0)) {
1024                    int hostSnInt;
1025                    hostSnInt = (l.getElement(5) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x1) == 1) ? 128 : 0))
1026                            + ((l.getElement(6) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x2) == 2) ? 128 : 0)) * 256)
1027                            + ((l.getElement(7) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x4) == 4) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256)
1028                            + ((l.getElement(8) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x8) == 8) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256 * 256);
1029                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_PING_REQUEST",
1030                            Integer.toHexString(hostSnInt).toUpperCase());
1031                }
1032                break;
1033            case 0x10:
1034                /* OPC_RE_IPL (IPL Ping Report) */
1036                // Ping Report:  <e5><14><08><10><msbits><Sn0><Sn1><Sn2><Sn3><unkn1><0><0><Unkn2><Unkn3><0><0><0><0><0><Chk>
1037                if (((l.getElement(4) & 0xF) != 0) || (l.getElement(5) != 0) || (l.getElement(6) != 0)
1038                        || (l.getElement(7) != 0) || (l.getElement(8) != 0)) {   // if any serial number bit is non-zero //
1039                    int hostSnInt = (l.getElement(5) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x1) == 1) ? 128 : 0))
1040                            + ((l.getElement(6) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x2) == 2) ? 128 : 0)) * 256)
1041                            + ((l.getElement(7) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x4) == 4) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256)
1042                            + ((l.getElement(8) + (((l.getElement(4) & 0x8) == 8) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256 * 256);
1043                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_DUPLEX_PING_REPORT",
1044                            Integer.toHexString(hostSnInt).toUpperCase(),
1045                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(12) + (((l.getElement(9)) & 0x4) == 0x4 ? 128 : 0)).toUpperCase(),
1046                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(13) + (((l.getElement(9)) & 0x8) == 0x8 ? 128 : 0)).toUpperCase()
1047                    );
1048                }
1049                break;
1050            default:
1051                break;
1052        }
1053        return "";
1054    }
1056    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20_0f(LocoNetMessage l) {
1057        String device;
1059        switch (l.getElement(3)) {
1060            case 0x08: {
1061                if ((l.getElement(4) == 0)
1062                        && (l.getElement(5) == 0) && (l.getElement(6) == 0)
1063                        && (l.getElement(7) == 0) && (l.getElement(8) == 0)
1064                        && (l.getElement(9) == 0) && (l.getElement(10) == 0)
1065                        && (l.getElement(11) == 1) && (l.getElement(12) == 0)
1066                        && (l.getElement(13) == 0) && (l.getElement(14) == 0)
1067                        && (l.getElement(15) == 0) && (l.getElement(16) == 0)
1068                        && (l.getElement(17) == 0) && (l.getElement(18) == 0)) {
1069                    /*
1070                     * **********************************************************************************
1071                     * IPL capable device query - RE_IPL_IDENTITY_OPERATION
1072                     * (Device Query) * The message bytes are assigned as
1073                     * follows:
1074                     * <p>
1075                     * <E5> <14> <0F> <08> <00> <00>
1076                     * <00> <00> <00> <00> <00> <01>
1077                     * <00> <00> ...
1078                     * <p>
1079                     * <00> <00> <00> <00> <00> <CHK> * * Information
1080                     * reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with
1081                     * permission *
1082                     * **********************************************************************************
1083                     */
1084                    // Request for all IPL-queryable devices to report their presence
1085                    //
1086                    // Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
1088                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DISCOVER_ALL_DEVICES");
1089                } else if (((l.getElement(5) != 0) || (l.getElement(6) != 0))) {
1090                    /*
1091                     * **********************************************************************************
1092                     * IPL device query by type - RE_IPL_IDENTITY_OPERATION
1093                     * (Device Query) * The message bytes are assigned as
1094                     * follows:
1095                     * <p>
1096                     * <E5> <14> <0F> <08> <DI_Hmf>
1097                     * <DI_Hst> <DI_Slv> <00> <00> <00>
1098                     * <00> <01> ...
1099                     * <p>
1100                     * <00> <00> <00> <00> <00> <00>
1101                     * <00> <CHK> * where:
1102                     * <p>
1103                     * <DI_Hmf> DigiIPL-capable Host device manufacturer number.
1104                     * This is not * the same as an NMRA Manufacturer ID. * 0x00
1105                     * Digitrax * Others No other Host device manufacturer *
1106                     * numbers have been reverse- * engineered
1107                     * <p>
1108                     * <DI_Hst> encodes the DigiIPL-capable Host device type as
1109                     * follows: * When <DI_Hmf> = 0x00 * 0x00 (0 decimal) No
1110                     * Host device type reported * 0x04 (4 decimal) UT4D (Note
1111                     * that UT4D, UT4 and UT4R do * not respond to this DigiIPL
1112                     * * request) * 0x18 (24 decimal) RF24 - not typically a
1113                     * Host device * 0x23 (35 decimal) PR3 * 0x2A (42 decimal)
1114                     * DT402 (or DT402R or DT402D) * 0x33 (51 decimal) DCS51 *
1115                     * 0x5C (92 decimal) UR92 * Others No other Host device
1116                     * types have been * reverse-engineered * When
1117                     * <DI_Hmf> is not 0x00 * All values Not reverse-engineered
1118                     * <p>
1119                     * <DI_Slv> encodes the DigiIPL-capable Slave device type as
1120                     * follows: * When <DI_Smf> = 0x00 * 0x00 (0 decimal) Report
1121                     * for all Slave device types * 0x18 (24 decimal) RF24 *
1122                     * Others No other Slave device types have been *
1123                     * reverse-engineered * * Information reverse-engineered by
1124                     * B. Milhaupt and used with permission *
1125                     * **********************************************************************************
1126                     */
1127                    // Request for IPL-queryable devices of given manufacturer and type to report
1128                    // their presence
1129                    //
1130                    // Note that standard definitions are provided for UT4D and RF24, even though these
1131                    // devices do not respond to this query.  Note that UT4D will respond to IPL capable
1132                    // device query with DI_Hmf = 0, DI_Hst = 0, DI_Slv = 0, and DI_Smf = 0.
1133                    //
1134                    // Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
1136                    device = getDeviceNameFromIPLInfo(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(5));
1137                    String slave = getSlaveNameFromIPLInfo(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(6));
1138                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DISCOVER_SPECIFIC_DEVICES",
1139                            device, slave);
1140                }
1141                break;
1142            } // end case 0x08, which decodes 0xe5 0x14 0x0f 0x08
1143            case 0x10: {
1144                return interpretOpcPeerXfer20Sub10(l);
1145            } // end case 0x10, which decodes 0xe5 0x14 0x0f 0x10
1146            default: {
1147                break;
1148            }
1150        } // end of switch (l.getElement(3)), which decodes 0xe5 0x14 0x0f 0x??
1152        return "";
1153    }
1155    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20(LocoNetMessage l) {
1156        // Duplex Radio Management
1157        // DigiIPL messages
1158        // LocoIO, LocoServo, LocoBuffer, LocoBooster configuration messages
1160        switch (l.getElement(2)) {
1161            case 0x01: {
1162                // Seems to be a query for just duplex devices.
1163                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_1(l);
1164                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1165                    return result;
1166                }
1167                break;
1168            }
1169            case 0x02: {
1170                // Request Duplex Radio Channel
1171                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_2(l);
1172                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1173                    return result;
1174                }
1175                break;
1176            }
1178            case 0x03: {
1179                // Duplex Group Name
1180                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_3(l);
1181                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1182                    return result;
1183                }
1184                break;
1185            }
1186            case 0x04: {
1187                // Duplex Group ID
1188                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_4(l);
1189                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1190                    return result;
1191                }
1192                break;
1193            }
1194            case 0x07: {
1195                // Duplex Group Password
1196                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_7(l);
1197                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1198                    return result;
1199                }
1200                break;
1201            }
1202            case 0x10: {
1203                // Radio Channel Noise/Activity
1204                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_10(l);
1205                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1206                    return result;
1207                }
1208                break;
1209            }
1211            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_PING_OPERATION: { // case 0x08, which decodes 0xe5 0x14 0x08
1212                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_8(l);
1213                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1214                    return result;
1215                }
1216                break;
1217            }
1219            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_IDENTITY_OPERATION: { // case 0x0f, which decodes 0xe5 0x14 0x0f
1220                // Operations related to DigiIPL "Ping", "Identify" and "Discover"
1221                String result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20_0f(l);
1222                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1223                    return result;
1224                }
1225                break;
1227            }
1229            default: {
1230                break;
1231            }
1232        }
1233        return "";
1234    }
1236    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer20Sub10(LocoNetMessage l) {
1237        /*
1238          **********************************************************************************
1239          IPL device identity report - RE_IPL_IDENTITY_OPERATION (Device
1240          Report) * The message bytes are assigned as follows:
1241          <p>
1242          <E5> <14> <0F> <08> <DI_Hmf> <DI_Hst>
1243          <DI_Slv> <DI_Smf> <DI_Hsw> ...
1244          <p>
1245          <DI_F1> <DI_Ssw> <DI_Hs0> <DI_Hs1>
1246          <DI_Hs2> <DI_F2> <DI_Ss0> ...
1247          <p>
1248          <DI_Ss1> <DI_Ss2> <DI_Ss3> <CHK> * where:
1249          <p>
1250          <DI_Hmf> DigiIPL-capable Host device manufacturer number. This is not
1251          * the same as an NMRA Manufacturer ID. * 0x00 Digitrax * Others No
1252          other Host device manufacturer * numbers have been reverse- *
1253          engineered
1254          <p>
1255          <DI_Hst> encodes the DigiIPL-capable Host device type as follows: *
1256          When
1257          <DI_Hmf> = 0x00 * 0x00 (0 decimal) No Host device type reported *
1258          0x04 (4 decimal) UT4D * 0x23 (35 decimal) PR3 * 0x2A (42 decimal)
1259          DT402 (or DT402R or DT402D) * 0x33 (51 decimal) DCS51 * 0x5C (92
1260          decimal) UR92 * Others No other Host device types have been *
1261          reverse-engineered * When <DI_Hmf> is not 0x00 * All values Not
1262          reverse-engineered
1263          <p>
1264          <DI_Slv> encodes the DigiIPL-capable Slave device type as follows: *
1265          When
1266          <DI_Smf> = 0x00 * 0x00 (0 decimal) Report for all Slave device types
1267          * 0x18 (24 decimal) RF24 * Others No other Slave device types have
1268          been * reverse-engineered
1269          <p>
1270          <DI_Smf> DigiIPL-capable Slave device manufacturer number. This is
1271          not * the same as an NMRA Manufacturer ID. * 0x00 Digitrax * Others
1272          No other Slave device manufacturer * numbers have been reverse- *
1273          engineered
1274          <p>
1275          <DI_Hsw> encodes the DigiIPL-capable Host device firmware revision *
1276          number as follows: * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Host device firmware
1277          major revision number * bits 2-0 Host device firmware minor revision
1278          number
1279          <p>
1280          <DI_F1> encodes additional bits for the Slave device firmware major *
1281          revision number and for the Host device serial number. * bits 7-4
1282          always 0000b * bit 3 Bit 23 of Host Device Serial Number * bit 2 Bit
1283          15 of Host Device Serial Number * bit 1 Bit 7 of Host Device Serial
1284          Number * bit 0 bit 4 of Slave device firmware Major number
1285          <p>
1286          <DI_Ssw> encodes the DigiIPL-capable Slave device firmware revision *
1287          number as follows: * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Host device firmware
1288          major revision number * bits 6-3 4 least-significant bits of Slave
1289          device firmware major * revision number (see also <DI_F1>[0]) * bits
1290          2-0 Slave device firmware minor revision number
1291          <p>
1292          <DI_Hs0> encodes 7 bits of the 24 bit Host device serial number: *
1293          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 6-0 of Host device serial number
1294          <p>
1295          <DI_Hs1> encodes 7 bits of the 24 bit Host device serial number: *
1296          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 14-9 of Host device serial number
1297          <p>
1298          <DI_Hs2> encodes 7 bits of the 24 bit Host device serial number: *
1299          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 22-16 of Host device serial number
1300          <p>
1301          <DI_F2> encodes additional bits for the Slave device serial number. *
1302          bits 7-4 always 0000b * bit 3 Bit 31 of Slave Device Serial Number *
1303          bit 2 Bit 23 of Slave Device Serial Number * bit 1 Bit 15 of Slave
1304          Device Serial Number * bit 0 Bit 7 of Slave Device Serial Number
1305          <p>
1306          <DI_Ss0> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Slave device serial number: *
1307          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 6-0 of Slave device serial number
1308          <p>
1309          <DI_Ss1> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Slave device serial number: *
1310          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 14-9 of Slave device serial number
1311          <p>
1312          <DI_Ss2> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Slave device serial number: *
1313          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 22-16 of Slave device serial number
1314          <p>
1315          <DI_Ss3> encodes 7 bits of the 32 bit Slave device serial number: *
1316          bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-3 Bits 30-24 of Slave device serial number *
1317          * Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with
1318          permission *
1319          **********************************************************************************
1320         */
1322        // Request for one specific IPL-queryable device to return its identity information.
1323        // Expected response is of type <E5><14><10>...
1324        //
1325        // Note that standard definitions are provided for RF24, even though these
1326        // devices do not generate this report.
1327        //
1328        // Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
1329        String hostType = getDeviceNameFromIPLInfo(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(5));
1331        String hostVer = ((l.getElement(8) & 0x78) >> 3) + "." + ((l.getElement(8) & 0x7));
1333        int hostSnInt = ((l.getElement(13) + (((l.getElement(9) & 0x8) == 8) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256)
1334                + ((l.getElement(12) + (((l.getElement(9) & 0x4) == 4) ? 128 : 0)) * 256)
1335                + (l.getElement(11) + (((l.getElement(9) & 0x2) == 2) ? 128 : 0));
1336        String hostSN = Integer.toHexString(hostSnInt).toUpperCase();
1337        String hostInfo = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_HOST_DETAILS",
1338                hostType, hostSN, hostVer);
1340        String slaveType = getSlaveNameFromIPLInfo(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(6));
1341        String slaveInfo;
1342        if (l.getElement(6) != 0) {
1343            String slaveVer = (((l.getElement(10) & 0x78) >> 3) + ((l.getElement(9) & 1) << 4)) + "." + ((l.getElement(10) & 0x7));
1344            int slaveSnInt
1345                    = ((l.getElement(15) + (((l.getElement(14) & 0x1) == 1) ? 128 : 0)))
1346                    + ((l.getElement(16) + (((l.getElement(14) & 0x2) == 2) ? 128 : 0)) * 256)
1347                    + ((l.getElement(17) + (((l.getElement(14) & 0x4) == 4) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256)
1348                    + ((l.getElement(18) + (((l.getElement(14) & 0x8) == 8) ? 128 : 0)) * 256 * 256 * 256);
1349            slaveInfo = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_SLAVE_DETAILS", slaveType,
1350                    Integer.toHexString(slaveSnInt).toUpperCase(),
1351                    slaveVer);
1352        } else {
1353            slaveInfo = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_SLAVE_NO_SLAVE");
1354        }
1355        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_IDENTITY_REPORT",
1356                hostInfo,
1357                slaveInfo);
1358    }
1360    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer16(LocoNetMessage l) {
1361        /*
1362         * SRC=7F is THROTTLE msg xfer
1363         *  ; <DSTL><DSTH> encode ID#,
1364         *  ; <0><0> is THROT B'CAST
1365         *  ; <PXCT1>=<0,XC2,XC1,XC0 - D4.7,D3.7,D2.7,D1.7>
1366         *  ; XC0-XC2=ADR type CODE-0=7 bit Peer
1367         * TO Peer adrs *
1368         *  ; 1=<D1>is SRC HI,<D2>is DST HI
1369         *  ; <PXCT2>=<0,XC5,XC4,XC3 - D8.7,D7.7,D6.7,D5.7>
1370         *  ; XC3-XC5=data type CODE- 0=ANSI TEXT string,
1371         *  ; balance RESERVED *
1372         * ****************************************************
1373         * SV programming format 1
1374         *
1375         * This is the message format as implemented by the certain
1376         * existing devices. New designs should not use this format. The
1377         * message bytes are assigned as follows:
1378         *   ; <0xE5> <0x10> <SRC> <DST> <0x01> <PXCT1>
1379         *   ; <D1> <D2> <D3> <D4> <PXCT2>
1380         *   ; <D5> <D6> <D7> <D8> <CHK>
1381         *
1382         * The upper nibble of PXCT1 must be 0,
1383         * and the upper nibble of PXCT2 must be 1. The meanings of the
1384         * remaining bytes are as defined in the LocoNet Personal
1385         * Edition specification.
1386         * *********************************************
1387         * SV programming format 2
1388         *
1389         * This is the recommended format for new designs.
1390         * The message bytes as assigned as follows: *
1391         *  ; <0xE5> <0x10> <SRC> <SV_CMD> <SV_TYPE> <SVX1>
1392         *  ; <DST_L> <DST_H> <SV_ADRL> <SV_ADRH> <SVX2>
1393         *  ; <D1> <D2> <D3> <D4> <CHK>
1394         *
1395         * The upper nibble of both SVX1 (PXCT1) and SVX2 (PXCT2) must be 1.
1396         */
1398        int src = l.getElement(2); // source of transfer
1399        int dst_l = l.getElement(3); // ls 7 bits of destination
1400        int dst_h = l.getElement(4); // ms 7 bits of destination
1401        int pxct1 = l.getElement(5);
1402        int pxct2 = l.getElement(10);
1404        int[] d = l.getPeerXfrData();
1406        if ((src == 0x7F) && (dst_l == 0x7F) && (dst_h == 0x7F)
1407                && ((pxct1 & 0x70) == 0x40)) {
1408            // Download (firmware?) messages.
1409            int sub = pxct2 & 0x70;
1410            switch (sub) {
1411                case 0x00: // setup
1412                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_SETUP",
1413                            l.getElement(6),
1414                            l.getElement(8),
1415                            l.getElement(9),
1416                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1417                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(7))),
1418                            l.getElement(11));
1419                case 0x10: // set address
1420                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_SET_ADDRESS",
1421                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1422                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[0])
1423                                    + StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[1])
1424                                    + StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[2])));
1425                case 0x20: // send data
1426                case 0x30: // verify
1427                    return Bundle.getMessage((sub == 0x20) ? "LN_MSG_IPL_SEND_DATA" : "LN_MSG_IPL_VERIFY_REQUEST",
1428                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[0])),
1429                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[1])),
1430                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[2])),
1431                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[3])),
1432                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[4])),
1433                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[5])),
1434                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[6])),
1435                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION", StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(d[7])));
1436                case 0x40: // end op
1437                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_END");
1438                default: // everything else isn't understood, go to default
1439                    break;
1440            }
1441        }
1443        if ((src == 0x7F) && (dst_l == 0x0) && (dst_h == 0x0)
1444                && ((pxct1 & 0x3) == 0x00) && ((pxct2 & 0x70) == 0x70)) {
1445            // throttle semaphore symbol message
1446            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE",
1447                    ((d[0] * 128) + d[1]),
1448                    Bundle.getMessage(((d[2] & 0x10) == 0x10)
1449                            ? "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_LIT"
1450                            : "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_UNLIT"),
1451                    Bundle.getMessage(((d[2] & 0x08) == 0x08)
1452                            ? "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_LIT"
1453                            : "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_UNLIT"),
1454                    Bundle.getMessage(((d[2] & 0x04) == 0x04)
1455                            ? "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_LIT"
1456                            : "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_UNLIT"),
1457                    Bundle.getMessage(((d[2] & 0x02) == 0x02)
1458                            ? "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_LIT"
1459                            : "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_UNLIT"),
1460                    Bundle.getMessage(((d[2] & 0x01) == 0x01)
1461                            ? "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_BLINKING"
1462                            : "LN_MSG_THROTTLE_SEMAPHORE_HELPER_UNBLINKING")
1463            );
1464        }
1466        if ((src == 0x7F) && ((pxct1 & 0x70) == 0x00)) {
1468            if ((dst_l == 0x00) && (dst_h == 0x00)) {
1469                char[] c = new char[]{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
1470                c[0] = (char) d[0];
1471                c[1] = (char) d[1];
1472                c[2] = (char) d[2];
1473                c[3] = (char) d[3];
1474                c[4] = (char) d[4];
1475                c[5] = (char) d[5];
1476                c[6] = (char) d[6];
1477                c[7] = (char) d[7];
1478                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_TEXT_MESSAGE_ALL_THROTTLES",
1479                        c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7]);
1480            } else {
1481                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_TEXT_MESSAGE_SPECIFIC_THROTTLE",
1482                        (char) d[0], (char) d[1],
1483                        (char) d[2], (char) d[3],
1484                        (char) d[4], (char) d[5],
1485                        (char) d[6], (char) d[7],
1486                        convertToMixed(dst_l, dst_h));
1487            }
1488        }
1490        String result = interpretSV1Message(l);
1491        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1492            return result;
1493        }
1495        result = interpretSV0Message(l);
1496        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1497            return result;
1498        }
1500        // check for a specific type - SV Programming messages format 2
1501        result = interpretSV2Message(l);
1502        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1503            return result;
1504        }
1506        return "";
1507    }
1509    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer15(LocoNetMessage l) {
1510        /*
1511         * see interpretOpcImm15
1512         * and jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock.LncvMessageContents.java
1513         */
1515        // check for a specific type - Uhlenbrock LNCV Programming messages format
1516        String result = interpretLncvMessage(l);
1517        if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1518            return result;
1519        }
1521        return "";
1522    }
1524    /** Try to decode an LNSV type 1 message as sent in replies from LocoIO boards
1525     * in response to a read or write request from LocoBuffer/PC.
1526     *
1527     * @param l The LocoNet message to decode
1528     * @return a localised string for display to the user in a monitor
1529     */
1530    private static String interpretSV0Message(LocoNetMessage l) {
1531        String svReply = "";
1532        Lnsv1MessageContents sv1mc = null;
1533        try {
1534            // assume the message is an SV1 message
1535            sv1mc = new Lnsv1MessageContents(l);
1536        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1537            // message is not an SV1 message.  Ignore the exception.
1538        }
1539        if (sv1mc != null) {
1540            // the message was indeed an SV1 message
1541            try {
1542                // get string representation of the message from an
1543                // available translation which is best suited to
1544                // the currently-active "locale"
1545                svReply = sv1mc.toString();
1546            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1547                // message is not a properly-formatted SV1 read reply message. Ignore the exception.
1548            }
1549        }
1550        return svReply;
1551    }
1553    /** Try to decode an LNSV type 1 message as sent to LocoIO boards
1554     * containing a read or write request from LocoBuffer/PC.
1555     *
1556     * @param l The LocoNet message to decode
1557     * @return a localised string for display to the user in a monitor
1558     */
1559    private static String interpretSV1Message(LocoNetMessage l) {
1560        // (New Designs)
1561        String svReply = "";
1562        Lnsv1MessageContents sv1mc = null;
1563        try {
1564            // assume the message is an SV1 message
1565            sv1mc = new Lnsv1MessageContents(l);
1566        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1567            // message is not an SV1 message.  Ignore the exception.
1568        }
1569        if (sv1mc != null) {
1570            // the message was indeed an SV1 message
1571            try {
1572                // get string representation of the message from an
1573                // available translation which is best suited to
1574                // the currently-active "locale"
1575                svReply = sv1mc.toString();
1576            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1577                // message is not a properly-formatted SV1 message.  Ignore the exception.
1578            }
1579        }
1580        return svReply;
1581    }
1583    private static String interpretSV2Message(LocoNetMessage l) {
1584        // (New Designs)
1585        String svReply = "";
1586        Lnsv2MessageContents sv2mc = null;
1587        try {
1588            // assume the message is an SV2 message
1589            sv2mc = new Lnsv2MessageContents(l);
1590        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1591            // message is not an SV2 message.  Ignore the exception.
1592        }
1593        if (sv2mc != null) {
1594            // the message was indeed an SV2 message
1595            try {
1596                // get string representation of the message from an
1597                // available translation which is best suited to
1598                // the currently-active "locale"
1599                svReply = sv2mc.toString();
1600            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1601                // message is not a properly-formatted SV2 message.  Ignore the exception.
1602            }
1603        }
1604        return svReply;
1605    }
1607    private static String interpretLncvMessage(LocoNetMessage l) {
1608        String lncvReply = "";
1609        LncvMessageContents cvmc = null;
1610        try {
1611            // assume the message is an LNCV message
1612            cvmc = new LncvMessageContents(l);
1613        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1614            // message is not an LNCV message.  Ignore the exception.
1615        }
1616        if (cvmc != null) {
1617            // the message was indeed an LNCV message
1618            try {
1619                // get string representation of the message from an
1620                // available translation which is best suited to
1621                // the currently-active "locale"
1622                lncvReply = cvmc.toString();
1623            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
1624                // message is not a properly-formatted LNCV message.  Ignore the exception.
1625            }
1626        }
1627        return lncvReply;
1628    }
1630    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer10(LocoNetMessage l) {
1631        // throttle status
1632        int tcntrl = l.getElement(2);
1633        String stat;
1634        switch (tcntrl) {
1635            case 0x40:
1636                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_OK");
1637                break;
1638            case 0x7F:
1639                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_NO_KEYPRESS");
1640                break;
1641            case 0x43:
1642                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_PLUS_KEY");
1643                break;
1644            case 0x42:
1645                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_MINUS_KEY");
1646                break;
1647            case 0x41:
1648                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_RUNSTOP_KEY");
1649                break;
1650            case 0x4e:
1651                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_RESP_SEM_DISP_CMD");
1652                break;
1653            default:
1654                stat = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS_HELPER_UNKONWN");
1655                break;
1656        }
1658        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_STATUS",
1659                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(tcntrl),
1660                stat,
1661                idString(l.getElement(3), l.getElement(4)),
1662                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1663                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(7))),
1664                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1665                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(8))));
1666    }
1668    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer9(LocoNetMessage l, String reporterPrefix) {
1669        /*
1670         * Transponding "find" query and report messages.
1671         * Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission */
1672        switch (l.getElement(2)) {
1673            case 0x40: {
1674                /*
1675                 * **********************************************************************************
1676                 * Transponding "find" query message * The message bytes are
1677                 * assigned as follows:
1678                 * <p>
1679                 * <0xE5> <0x09> <0x40> <AD_H> <AD_L> <0x00>
1680                 * <0x00> <0x00> <CHK> * where:
1681                 * <p>
1682                 * <AD_H> is encoded as shown below: * When
1683                 * <AD_H> = 0x7D, * Address is a 7 bit value defined solely by
1684                 * <AD_L>. * When <AD_H> is not 0x7D, * Address is a 14 bit
1685                 * value; AD_H{6:0} represent the upper 7 bits * of the 14 bit
1686                 * address.
1687                 * <p>
1688                 * <AD_L> contains the least significant 7 bits of the 14 or 7
1689                 * bit address. * * Information reverse-engineered by B.
1690                 * Milhaupt and used with permission *
1691                 * **********************************************************************************
1692                 */
1693                String locoAddr = convertToMixed(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(3));
1694                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_TRANSP_FIND_QUERY",
1695                        locoAddr);
1696            }
1697            case 0x00: {
1698                /*
1699                 * **********************************************************************************
1700                 * Transponding "find" report message * The message bytes are
1701                 * assigned as follows:
1702                 * <p>
1703                 * <0xE5> <0x09> <0x00> <AD_H> <AD_L> <TR_ST>
1704                 * <TR_ZS> <0x00> <CHK> * where:
1705                 * <p>
1706                 * <AD_H> is encoded as shown below: * When
1707                 * <AD_H> = 0x7D, * Address is a 7 bit value defined solely by
1708                 * <AD_L>. * When <AD_H> is not 0x7D, * Address is a 14 bit
1709                 * value; AD_H{6:0} represent the upper 7 bits * of the 14 bit
1710                 * address.
1711                 * <p>
1712                 * <AD_L> contains the least significant 7 bits of the 14 or 7
1713                 * bit address.
1714                 * <p>
1715                 * <TR_ST> contains the transponding status for the addressed
1716                 * equipment, * encoded as: * bits 7-6 always 00b * bit 5
1717                 * encodes transponding presence * 0 = Addressed equipment is
1718                 * absent * 1 = Addressed equipment is present * bits 4-0 encode
1719                 * bits 7-3 of the Detection Section
1720                 * <p>
1721                 * <TR_ZS> contains the zone number and detection section,
1722                 * encoded as: * bit 7 always 0 * bits 6-4 encode bits 2-0 of
1723                 * the Detection Section * bits 3-1 encode the Transponding Zone
1724                 * as shown below * 000b Zone A * 001b Zone B * 010b Zone C *
1725                 * 011b Zone D * 100b Zone E * 101b Zone F * 110b Zone G * 111b
1726                 * Zone H * bit 0 always 0 * * Information reverse-engineered by
1727                 * B. Milhaupt and used with permission *
1728                 * **********************************************************************************
1729                 */
1731                int section = ((l.getElement(5) & 0x1F) << 3) + ((l.getElement(6) & 0x70) >> 4) + 1;
1732                String zone;
1733                String locoAddr = convertToMixed(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(3));
1735                switch (l.getElement(6) & 0x0F) {
1736                    case 0x00:
1737                        zone = "A";
1738                        break;
1739                    case 0x02:
1740                        zone = "B";
1741                        break;
1742                    case 0x04:
1743                        zone = "C";
1744                        break;
1745                    case 0x06:
1746                        zone = "D";
1747                        break;
1748                    case 0x08:
1749                        zone = "E";
1750                        break;
1751                    case 0x0A:
1752                        zone = "F";
1753                        break;
1754                    case 0x0C:
1755                        zone = "G";
1756                        break;
1757                    case 0x0E:
1758                        zone = "H";
1759                        break;
1760                    default:
1761                        zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_TRANSP_HELPER_UNKNOWN_ZONE",
1762                                l.getElement(6) & 0x0F);
1763                        break;
1764                }
1766                // get system and user names
1767                String reporterSystemName = reporterPrefix
1768                        + ((l.getElement(5) & 0x1F) * 128 + l.getElement(6) + 1);
1770                Reporter reporter = InstanceManager.getDefault(ReporterManager.class).getReporter(reporterSystemName);
1772                String uname = "";
1773                if (reporter != null) {
1774                    uname = reporter.getUserName();
1775                }
1777                if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
1778                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_TRANSP_REPORT_KNOWN_REPORTER_USERNAME",
1779                            locoAddr,
1780                            reporterSystemName,
1781                            uname,
1782                            section,
1783                            zone);
1784                }
1785                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_TRANSP_REPORT_KNOWN_REPORTER_UNKNOWN_USERNAME",
1786                        locoAddr,
1787                        reporterSystemName,
1788                        section,
1789                        zone);
1790            }
1791            default: {
1792                break;
1793            }
1794        }
1795        return "";
1796    }
1798    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer7(LocoNetMessage l) {
1799        // This might be Uhlenbrock IB-COM start/stop programming track
1800        if (l.getElement(2) == 0x01 && l.getElement(3) == 0x49 && l.getElement(4) == 0x42) {
1801            switch (l.getElement(5)) {
1802                case 0x40: {
1803                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLENBROCK_STOP_PROGRAMMING_TRACK");
1804                }
1805                case 0x41: {
1806                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLENBROCK_START_PROGRAMMING_TRACK");
1807                }
1808                default:
1809                    break;
1810            }
1811        }
1812        return "";
1813    }
1815    private static String interpretOpcPeerXfer(LocoNetMessage l, String reporterPrefix) {
1816        String result;
1817        // The first byte seems to determine the type of message.
1818        switch (l.getElement(1)) {
1819            case 0x10: { //l.getZElement(1)
1820                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer16(l);
1821                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1822                    return result;
1823                }
1824                break;
1825            }
1826            case 0x0F: {
1827                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer15(l);
1828                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1829                    return result;
1830                }
1831                break;
1832            }
1833            case 0x0A: {
1834                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer10(l);
1835                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1836                    return result;
1837                }
1838                break;
1840            }
1841            case 0x14: {
1842                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer20(l);
1843                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1844                    return result;
1845                }
1846                break;
1847            }
1848            case 0x09: { // l.getZElement(1)
1849                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer9(l, reporterPrefix);
1850                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1851                    return result;
1852                }
1853                break;
1854            }
1855            case 0x07: {
1856                result = interpretOpcPeerXfer7(l);
1857                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
1858                    return result;
1859                }
1860                break;
1861            }
1862            default: {
1863                break;
1864            }
1865        }
1866        return "";
1868    }
1870    private static String interpretLongAck(LocoNetMessage l) {
1871        int opcode = l.getElement(1);
1872        int ack1 = l.getElement(2);
1874        switch (opcode | 0x80) {
1875            case (LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_ADR):
1876                // response for OPC_LOCO_ADR
1877                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_LOCO_ADR");
1879            case (LnConstants.OPC_LINK_SLOTS):
1880                // response for OPC_LINK_SLOTS
1881                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_LINK_SLOTS");
1883            case (LnConstants.OPC_SW_ACK):
1884                // response for OPC_SW_ACK
1885                switch (ack1) {
1886                    case 0:
1887                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SW_ACK_FULL");
1888                    case 0x7f:
1889                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SW_ACK_ACCEPT");
1890                    default:
1891                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SW_ACK_UNKNOWN",
1892                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1893                                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ack1)))+
1894                                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
1895                }
1896            case (LnConstants.OPC_SW_REQ):
1897                // response for OPC_SW_REQ
1898                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SW_REQ_FAIL");
1900            case (LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA):
1901                // response for OPC_WR_SL_DATA
1902                switch (ack1) {
1903                    case 0:
1904                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WR_SL_FAIL");
1905                    case 0x01:
1906                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WR_SL_OK");
1907                    case 0x23:
1908                    case 0x2b:
1909                    case 0x6B:
1910                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WR_SL_PROG_DCS51_OK");
1911                    case 0x40:
1912                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WR_SL_BLIND");
1913                    case 0x7f:
1914                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WR_SL_NOT_IMPL");
1915                    default:
1916                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WR_SL_UNKNOWN",
1917                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1918                                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ack1)))+
1919                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
1921                }
1923            case (LnConstants.OPC_SW_STATE):
1924                // response for OPC_SW_STATE
1925                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SW_STATE",
1926                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1927                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ack1)),
1928                        Bundle.getMessage((((ack1 & 0x20) != 0)
1929                                ? "LN_MSG_SWITCH_STATE_CLOSED"
1930                                : "LN_MSG_SWITCH_STATE_THROWN")));
1932            case (LnConstants.OPC_MOVE_SLOTS):
1933                // response for OPC_MOVE_SLOTS
1934                switch (ack1) {
1935                    case 0:
1936                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_MOVE_SL_REJECT");
1937                    case 0x7f:
1938                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_MOVE_SL_ACCEPT");
1939                    default:
1940                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_MOVE_SL_UNKNOWN",
1941                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1942                                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ack1)))+
1943                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
1945                }
1947            case LnConstants.OPC_IMM_PACKET:
1948                // response for OPC_IMM_PACKET
1949                if (ack1 == 0) {
1950                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_REJECT");
1951                } else if (ack1 == 0x7f) {
1952                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_ACCEPT");
1953                } else if (ack1 == 0x01) { // (l.getElement(1) == 0x6D) is same as case, same code for LNCV "unsupported CV"
1954                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_UHL_PROG");
1955                } else if (ack1 == 0x02) { // LNCV Uhlenbrock programming reply
1956                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_LNCV_READONLY");
1957                } else if (ack1 == 0x03) { // LNCV Uhlenbrock programming reply
1958                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_LNCV_ILLEGALVAL");
1959                } else {
1960                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_UNKNOWN",
1961                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1962                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ack1)),
1963                                    128+ack1,
1964                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(128+ack1)
1965                    )+
1966                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
1967                }
1969            case LnConstants.OPC_IMM_PACKET_2:
1970                // response for OPC_IMM_PACKET_2
1971                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_OPC_IMM_LIM_MASTER",
1972                        ack1, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1973                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ack1)));
1975            case (LnConstants.RE_LACK_SPEC_CASE1 | 0x80): // 0x50 plus opcode bit so can match the switch'd value:
1976            case (LnConstants.RE_LACK_SPEC_CASE2 | 0x80): //0x00 plus opcode bit so can match the switch'd value:
1977                // OpSwitch read response reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and
1978                // used with permission
1979                int responseValue = l.getElement(2);
1980                if (responseValue == 0x7f) {
1981                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SPEC_CASE1_2_ACCEPTED");
1982                } else {
1983                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SPEC_CASE1_2_REPORT",
1984                            (((responseValue & 0x20) == 0x20) ? 1 : 0),
1985                            (((responseValue & 0x20) == 0x20)
1986                                    ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_CLOSED")
1987                                    : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_THROWN")));
1988                }
1989            case LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_OR_SPEED_AND_DIR:
1990                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_WRONG_THROTTLE_ID",
1991                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1992                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(2))));
1994            case LnConstants.OPC_ALM_READ:
1995                if (l.getElement(2) == 0) {
1996                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_SLOT_NOT_SUPPORTED",
1997                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
1998                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(opcode)));
1999                }
2000                //$FALL-THROUGH$
2001            default:
2002                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LONG_ACK_NOT_KNOWN",
2003                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
2004                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(opcode | 0x80)),
2005                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
2006                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(2))));
2007        }
2008    }
2010    private static String interpretPm4xPowerEvent(LocoNetMessage l) {
2011        int pCMD = (l.getElement(3) & 0xF0);
2013        if ((pCMD == 0x30) || (pCMD == 0x10)) {
2014            // autoreverse
2015            int cm1 = l.getElement(3);
2016            int cm2 = l.getElement(4);
2017            String sect1Mode, sect1State;
2018            String sect2Mode, sect2State;
2019            String sect3Mode, sect3State;
2020            String sect4Mode, sect4State;
2022            if ((cm1 & 1) != 0) {
2023                sect1Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_AUTOREV");
2024                sect1State = ((cm2 & 1) != 0)
2025                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_REV")
2026                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NORM");
2027            } else {
2028                sect1Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_PROTECT");
2029                sect1State = ((cm2 & 1) != 0)
2030                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_SHORT")
2031                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NONSHORT");
2032            }
2034            if ((cm1 & 2) != 0) {
2035                sect2Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_AUTOREV");
2036                sect2State = ((cm2 & 2) != 0)
2037                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_REV")
2038                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NORM");
2039            } else {
2040                sect2Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_PROTECT");
2041                sect2State = ((cm2 & 2) != 0)
2042                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_SHORT")
2043                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NONSHORT");
2044            }
2046            if ((cm1 & 4) != 0) {
2047                sect3Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_AUTOREV");
2048                sect3State = ((cm2 & 4) != 0)
2049                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_REV")
2050                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NORM");
2051            } else {
2052                sect3Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_PROTECT");
2053                sect3State = ((cm2 & 4) != 0)
2054                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_SHORT")
2055                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NONSHORT");
2056            }
2058            if ((cm1 & 8) != 0) {
2059                sect4Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_AUTOREV");
2060                sect4State = ((cm2 & 8) != 0)
2061                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_REV")
2062                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NORM");
2063            } else {
2064                sect4Mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_PROTECT");
2065                sect4State = ((cm2 & 8) != 0)
2066                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_SHORT")
2067                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X_HELPER_MODE_NONSHORT");
2068            }
2069            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_PM4X",
2070                    (l.getElement(2) + 1) + ((l.getElement(1) & 0x1) << 7),
2071                    sect1Mode, sect1State, sect2Mode, sect2State,
2072                    sect3Mode, sect3State, sect4Mode, sect4State);
2073        }
2074        if ((pCMD == 0x20) ) { //BXP88
2075            int cm1 = l.getElement(3);
2076            int cm2 = l.getElement(4);
2077            ArrayList<Integer> sectsShorted = new ArrayList<>();
2078            ArrayList<Integer> sectsUnshorted = new ArrayList<>();
2079            if ((cm2 & 0x01) != 0) {
2080                sectsShorted.add(1);
2081            } else {
2082                sectsUnshorted.add(1);
2083            }
2084            if ((cm2 & 0x02) != 0) {
2085                sectsShorted.add(2);
2086            } else {
2087                sectsUnshorted.add(2);
2088            }
2089            if ((cm2 & 0x04) != 0) {
2090                sectsShorted.add(3);
2091            } else {
2092                sectsUnshorted.add(3);
2093            }
2094            if ((cm2 & 0x08) != 0) {
2095                sectsShorted.add(4);
2096            } else {
2097                sectsUnshorted.add(4);
2098            }
2099            if ((cm1 & 0x01) != 0) {
2100                sectsShorted.add(5);
2101            } else {
2102                sectsUnshorted.add(5);
2103            }
2104            if ((cm1 & 0x02) != 0) {
2105                sectsShorted.add(6);
2106            } else {
2107                sectsUnshorted.add(6);
2108            }
2109            if ((cm1 & 0x04) != 0) {
2110                sectsShorted.add(7);
2111            } else {
2112                sectsUnshorted.add(7);
2113            }
2114            if ((cm1 & 0x08) != 0) {
2115                sectsShorted.add(8);
2116            } else {
2117                sectsUnshorted.add(8);
2118            }
2119            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_BXP88",
2120                    (l.getElement(2) + 1) + ((l.getElement(1) & 0x1) << 7),
2121                    StringUtils.join(sectsShorted, ','), StringUtils.join(sectsUnshorted, ','));
2122        }
2123        if ( (pCMD == 0x50) || (pCMD == 0x40)) { //BXPA1
2124            int cm1 = l.getElement(3);
2125            String RevState = "";
2126            String BreakState = "";
2127            if ((cm1 & 0x10) != 0) { // reversing state
2128                if ((cm1 & 0x08) != 0) {
2129                    RevState = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_BXPA1_HELPER_MODE_REV");
2130                } else {
2131                    RevState = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_BXPA1_HELPER_MODE_NORM");
2132                }
2133            } else {
2134                // breaker state
2135                if ((cm1 & 0x08) != 0) {
2136                    BreakState = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_BXPA1_HELPER_MODE_SHORT");
2137                } else {
2138                    BreakState = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_BXPA1_HELPER_MODE_NONSHORT");
2139                }
2140            }
2141            int bxpa1_Id = ((l.getElement(2) << 3 ) + (l.getElement(3) & 0x07 ) + 1);
2142            // Due to a problem with the firmware messages from x and x+4 are identical
2143            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER_BXPA1",
2144                    bxpa1_Id, bxpa1_Id +4,
2145                    RevState, BreakState);
2146        }
2147        return "";
2148    }
2150    private static String interpretOpSws(LocoNetMessage l) {
2151        int pCMD = (l.getElement(3) & 0xF0);
2152        if (pCMD == 0x70) {
2153            // programming
2154            int deviceType = l.getElement(3) & 0x7;
2155            String device;
2156            switch (deviceType) {
2157                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_PM4X:
2158                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_PM4X");
2159                    break;
2160                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_BDL16X:
2161                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_BDL16X");
2162                    break;
2163                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_SE8:
2164                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_SE8C");
2165                    break;
2166                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_DS64:
2167                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_DS64");
2168                    break;
2169                default:
2170                    return "";
2171            }
2173            int val = (l.getElement(4) & 0x01);
2174            int opsw = (l.getElement(4) & 0x7E) / 2 + 1;
2175            int bdaddr = l.getElement(2) + 1;
2176            if ((l.getElement(1) & 0x1) != 0) {
2177                bdaddr += 128;
2178            }
2180            if ((deviceType == 0) && (bdaddr == 1) && (l.getElement(4) == 0)) {
2181                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_ACCESS_QUERY_ALL");
2182            }
2184            if ((l.getElement(1) & 0x10) != 0) {
2185                // write
2186                String valType = (val == 1)
2187                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_CLOSED")
2188                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_THROWN");
2189                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_WRITE_ACCESS",
2190                        device, bdaddr, opsw, val, valType);
2191            } else {
2192                // query
2193                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_QUERY_ACCESS",
2194                        device, bdaddr, opsw);
2195            }
2196        }
2197        return "";
2198    }
2200    private static String interpretDeviceType(LocoNetMessage l) {
2201        int pCMD = (l.getElement(3) & 0xF0);
2202        if (pCMD == 0x00) {
2203            /*
2204             * **************************************************
2205             * Device type report * The message bytes as assigned as follows:
2206             * <p>
2207             * <0xD0> <DQT_REQ> <DQT_BRD> <DQT_B3> <DQT_B4>
2208             * <CHK> * * where:
2209             * <p>
2210             * <DQT_REQ> contains the device query request, * encoded as: * bits
2211             * 7-4 always 0110b * bits 3-1 always 001b * bit 0 (BoardID-1)<7>
2212             * <p>
2213             * <DQT_BRD> contains most the device board ID number, * encoded as:
2214             * * bit 7 always 0b * bits 6-0 (BoardID-1)<6:0>
2215             * <p>
2216             * <DQT_B3> contains the board type identification, * encoded as: *
2217             * bits 7-4 always 0000b * bits 3-0 contain the encoded device type,
2218             * * encoded as: * 0000b PM4x device * 0001b BDL16x device * 0010b
2219             * SE8C device * 0011b DS64 device * others Unknown device type
2220             * <p>
2221             * <DQT_B4> contains device version number: * bit 7 always 0b * bits
2222             * 6-0 VersionNumber(6:0) * * Information reverse-engineered by B.
2223             * Milhaupt and used with permission *
2224             * **************************************************
2225             */
2226            // This message is a report which is sent by a LocoNet device
2227            // in response to a query of attached devices
2228            // Note - this scheme is supported by only some Digitrax devices.
2229            //
2230            // A VersionNumber of 0 implies the hardware does not report
2231            // a valid version number.
2232            //
2233            // Device type report reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and
2234            // used with permission
2235            int deviceType = l.getElement(3) & 0x7;
2236            String device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_UNKNOWN");
2237            switch (deviceType) {
2238                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_PM4X:
2239                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_PM4X");
2240                    break;
2241                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_BDL16X:
2242                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_BDL16X");
2243                    break;
2244                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_SE8:
2245                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_SE8C");
2246                    break;
2247                case LnConstants.RE_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_TYPE_DS64:
2248                    device = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_DS64");
2249                    break;
2250                default:
2251                    log.warn("Unhandled device type: {}", deviceType);
2252                    break;
2253            }
2255            int bdaddr = l.getElement(2) + 1;
2256            if ((l.getElement(1) & 0x1) != 0) {
2257                bdaddr += 128;
2258            }
2259            String versionNumber = Integer.toString(l.getElement(4));
2260            if (l.getElement(4) == 0) {
2261                versionNumber = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_DEV_RPT_HELPER_VER_UNKNOWN");
2262            }
2263            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_DEV_TYPE_RPT",
2264                    device, bdaddr, versionNumber);
2265        }
2266        return "";
2267    }
2269    private static String interpretOpcMultiSense(LocoNetMessage l, String reporterPrefix) {
2270        int type = l.getElement(1) & LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_MSG;
2271        String result;
2272        switch (type) {
2273            case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_POWER:
2274                // This is a PM42 power event.
2275                result = interpretPm4xPowerEvent(l);
2276                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2277                    return result;
2278                }
2279                result = interpretOpSws(l);
2280                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2281                    return result;
2282                }
2283                result = interpretDeviceType(l);
2284                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2285                    return result;
2286                } else {
2287                    break;
2288                }
2290            case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_PRESENT:
2291            case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_ABSENT:
2292                result = interpretOpcMultiSenseTranspPresence(l, reporterPrefix);
2293                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2294                    return result;
2295                }
2296                break;
2297            case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_RAILCOM_AD:
2298                result = interpretOpcMultiSenseRailcomAD(l, reporterPrefix);
2299                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2300                    return result;
2301                }
2302                break;
2303            default:
2304                break;
2305        }
2306        return "";
2307    }
2309    private static String interpretOpcMultiSenseTranspPresence(LocoNetMessage l, String reporterPrefix) {
2310        // Transponding Event
2311        // get system and user names
2312        String reporterSystemName;
2313        String reporterUserName;
2314        String zone;
2315        int bxp88Zone = 1 + (l.getElement(2) & 0x07);
2316        switch (l.getElement(2) & 0x0f) { // ignore bit 0 which seems to provide some unknown info from the BXP88
2317            case 0x00:
2318                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEA");
2319                break;
2320            case 0x02:
2321                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEB");
2322                break;
2323            case 0x04:
2324                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEC");
2325                break;
2326            case 0x06:
2327                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONED");
2328                break;
2329            case 0x08:
2330                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEE");
2331                break;
2332            case 0x0A:
2333                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEF");
2334                break;
2335            case 0x0C:
2336                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEG");
2337                break;
2338            case 0x0E:
2339                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONEH");
2340                break;
2341            default:
2342                zone = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_ZONE_UNKNOWN",
2343                        (l.getElement(2) & 0x0F));
2344                break;
2345        }
2346        int type = l.getElement(1) & LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_MSG;
2348        reporterSystemName = reporterPrefix
2349                + ((l.getElement(1) & 0x1F) * 128 + l.getElement(2) + 1);
2351        Reporter reporter = InstanceManager.getDefault(ReporterManager.class).getReporter(reporterSystemName);
2352        reporterUserName = "";
2353        if (reporter != null) {
2354            String uname = reporter.getUserName();
2355            if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2356                reporterUserName = uname;
2357            }
2358        }
2359        int bxpa1Number = 1 + l.getElement(2) + (l.getElement(1) & 0x1F) * 128;
2360        int bxp88Number = 1 + (l.getElement(2)/8) + (l.getElement(1) & 0x1F) * 16;
2361        int section = 1 + (l.getElement(2) / 16) + (l.getElement(1) & 0x1F) * 8;
2363        String locoAddr = convertToMixed(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(3));
2364        String transpActivity = (type == LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_PRESENT)
2365                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_HELPER_IS_PRESENT")
2366                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_HELPER_IS_ABSENT");
2368        if ((l.getElement(2) & 0x1) == 0) {
2369            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_REPORT_WITH_BXP88",
2370                    locoAddr, transpActivity, reporterSystemName,
2371                    reporterUserName, section, zone, bxp88Number, bxp88Zone, bxpa1Number);
2372        } else {
2373            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_REPORT_NOT_BDL16X",
2374                    locoAddr, transpActivity, reporterSystemName,
2375                    reporterUserName, bxp88Number, bxp88Zone, bxpa1Number);
2376        }
2377    }
2379    private static String convertRailComAD(int indexValue, int dynamicValue) {
2380        /*
2381         ***************************************************
2382         * RailCom App DYN (ID 7) message
2383         * indexValue = 6 bit value value per standard
2384         * dynamicValue = 8 bit value per standard
2385         **/
2387        String indexString;
2388        switch (indexValue) {
2389            case 0: //Speed
2390                indexString = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_RAILCOM_HELPER_INDEX_VALUE_0");
2391                break;
2392            case 7: //QoS
2393                indexString = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_RAILCOM_HELPER_INDEX_VALUE_7");
2394                break;
2395            default:
2396                indexString = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_RAILCOM_HELPER_INDEX_VALUE_UNKNOWN");
2397                break;
2398        }
2400        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_RAILCOM_REPORT",
2401                indexValue, indexString, dynamicValue);
2402    }
2404    private static String interpretOpcMultiSenseRailcomAD(LocoNetMessage l, String reporterPrefix) {
2405        /*
2406        ***************************************************
2407        * Multi Sense Standard RailCom App DYN message (Loconet OpCode 0xD0)
2408        * The message bytes are assigned as follows:
2409        *
2410        * <0xD0> <RC_I> <RCDV_L> <AD_H> <AD_L> <CHK>
2411        *
2412        * <RC_I> is encoded as shown below
2413        * bit 7 always 0
2414        * bits 6-5 always 10 (0x40)
2415        * bits 4-1 RailCom App:Dyn Index Value (4 bit value, but expected 6 bits per standard)
2416        * bit 0 RailCom Dynamic Value high bit
2417        *
2418        * <RCDV_L> RCDV_L{6:0} represent the upper 7 bits * of the 8 bit RailCom Dynamic Value.  The 8th bit is bit 0 of <RC_I>
2419        *
2420        * <AD_H> is encoded as shown below: * When
2421        * <AD_H> = 0x7D, * Address is a 7 bit value defined solely by
2422        * <AD_L>. * When <AD_H> is not 0x7D, * Address is a 14 bit
2423        * value; AD_H{6:0} represent the upper 7 bits * of the 14 bit
2424        * address.
2425        *
2426        * Information reverse-engineered by Michael Richardson
2427        **/
2429        String locoAddr = convertToMixed(l.getElement(4), l.getElement(3));
2430        int indexValue = (l.getElement(1) & 0x1E)/2; //bits 4-1
2431        int dynamicValue = l.getElement(2) + (l.getElement(1) & 0x01) * 128;
2433        String railcomAdString = convertRailComAD(indexValue, dynamicValue);
2435        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_RAILCOM_REPORT",
2436                locoAddr, railcomAdString);
2437    }
2439    private static String interpretOpcMultiSenseLong(LocoNetMessage l, String reporterPrefix) {
2440         /*
2441         **************************************************
2442         * Multi Sense Long RailCom App DYN message (Loconet OpCode 0xE0)
2443         * The message bytes as assigned as follows:
2444         *
2445         * <0xE0> <0x09> <MSL_I> <BLK_L> <AD_H> <AD_L> <RCDV_H> <RCDV_L> <CHK>
2446         *
2447         * <0xEO> OpCode
2448         * <Ox09> Message Length
2449         * <MSL_I> is encoded as shown below
2450         *  bit 7 always 0
2451         *  bits 6-5 (00 = Absent, 01 = Present, 10 = Present with AppDyn Message, 11 = unknown)
2452         *  bit 4 ? - unverified - currently part of detection block number logic following Multi Sense Standard
2453         *  bits 0-3 block high
2454         *
2455         * <BLK_L> 11 bit number representing the detection block. Lower 7 bits plus 4 high bits from <MSL_I> {3:0}
2456         *
2457         * <AD_H> is encoded as shown below:
2458         *  When <AD_H> = 0x7D, Address is a 7 bit value defined solely by <AD_L>.
2459         *  When <AD_H> is not 0x7D, Address is a 14 bit value;
2460         *  AD_H{6:0} represent the upper 7 bits * of the 14 bit address.
2461         *
2462         * <RCDV_H> is encoded as shown below:
2463         *  bit 7 always 0
2464         *  bit 6 - Loco direction: 0 = East, 1 = West
2465         *  bits 5-1 RailCom App:Dyn Index Value (5 bit value, but expected 6 bits per standard)
2466         *  bit 0 RailCom Dynamic Value high bit
2467         *
2468         * <RCDV_L> {6:0} represent the lower 7 bits of the 8 bit RailCom Dynamic Value.  The 8th bit is bit 0 of <RCDV_H>
2469         *
2470         * <CHK>
2471         *
2472         * Information reverse-engineered by Michael Ricahrdson
2473         */
2475        if (l.getElement(1) == 0x09){  // Only process 0xE0 0x09 messages
2476            // Transponding Event
2477            // get system and user names
2479            int type = l.getElement(2) & LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_MSG; //bits 5-4
2480            //0x00 = absent = 00
2481            //0x20 = present = 10
2482            //0x40 = present with App Dyn = 01
2483            //0x60 = unknown = 11
2485            if (type == 0x60) { //unknown at this point
2486                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE");
2487            }
2489            // Now Process 0x00, 0x20, and 0x40
2490            String reporterSystemName = reporterPrefix + ((l.getElement(2) & 0x1F) * 128 + l.getElement(3) + 1);
2492            Reporter reporter = InstanceManager.getDefault(ReporterManager.class).getReporter(reporterSystemName);
2493            String reporterUserName = "";
2494            if (reporter != null) {
2495                String uname = reporter.getUserName();
2496                if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2497                    reporterUserName = uname;
2498                }
2499            }
2501            String locoAddr = convertToMixed(l.getElement(5), l.getElement(4));
2503            String transpActivity;
2505            String direction = ((l.getElement(6) & 0x40) == 0)
2506                    ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_LOCO_DIRECTION_HELPER_EAST")
2507                    : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_LOCO_DIRECTION_HELPER_WEST");
2509            switch (type) {
2510                case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_RAILCOM_AD:
2511                    int indexValue = (l.getElement(6) & 0x3E)/2; //bits 5-1
2512                    int dynamicValue = l.getElement(7) + (l.getElement(6) & 0x01) * 128;
2513                    transpActivity = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_HELPER_IS_PRESENT");
2515                    String railcomAdString = convertRailComAD(indexValue, dynamicValue);
2516                    String multiSenseLongString = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_TRANSP_REPORT",
2517                        locoAddr, direction, transpActivity, reporterSystemName, reporterUserName);
2519                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_TRANSP_RAILCOM_REPORT",
2520                            multiSenseLongString, railcomAdString);
2522                case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_PRESENT:
2523                    if ((l.getElement(6) & 0x3F) != 0 || l.getElement(7) != 0 ) {
2524                        // within current understanding values here are not expected
2525                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE");
2526                    }
2528                    transpActivity = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_HELPER_IS_PRESENT");
2530                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_TRANSP_REPORT",
2531                            locoAddr, direction, transpActivity, reporterSystemName, reporterUserName);
2533                case LnConstants.OPC_MULTI_SENSE_ABSENT:
2534                    if ((l.getElement(6) & 0x3F) != 0 || l.getElement(7) != 0 )  {
2535                        // within current understanding values here are not expected
2536                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE");
2537                    }
2539                    transpActivity = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_TRANSP_HELPER_IS_ABSENT");
2541                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_TRANSP_REPORT",
2542                            locoAddr, direction, transpActivity, reporterSystemName, reporterUserName);
2544                default:
2545                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE");
2546            }
2548        } else {
2549            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_LONG_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE");
2550        }
2551    }
2553    private static String interpretOpcWrSlDataOpcSlRdData(LocoNetMessage l) {
2554        int slot = l.getElement(2); // slot number for this request
2555        String mode;
2556        int command = l.getOpCode();
2557        int id1 = l.getElement(11); // ls 7 bits of ID code
2558        int id2 = l.getElement(12); // ms 7 bits of ID code
2559        /*
2560         * These messages share a common data format with the only difference being
2561         * whether we are reading or writing the slot data.
2562         */
2563        if (command == LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA) {
2564            mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_ACCESS_TYPE_REQUEST");
2565        } else {
2566            mode = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_ACCESS_TYPE_RESPONSE");
2567        }
2569        String result;
2570        switch (slot) {
2571            case LnConstants.FC_SLOT:
2572                result = interpretFastClockSlot(l, mode, id1, id2);
2573                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2574                    return result;
2575                }
2576                break;
2577            case LnConstants.PRG_SLOT:
2578                result = interpretProgSlot(l, mode, id1, id2, command);
2579                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2580                    return result;
2581                }
2582                break;
2584            case 0x79:
2585            case 0x7a:
2586            case 0x7D:
2587                return "";
2588            case LnConstants.CFG_EXT_SLOT:
2589                result = interpretCmdStnExtCfgSlotRdWr(l, command);
2590                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2591                    return result;
2592                }
2593                break;
2595            // end programming track block
2596            case LnConstants.CFG_SLOT:
2597                result = interpretCmdStnCfgSlotRdWr(l, command);
2598                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2599                    return result;
2600                }
2601                break;
2603            default:
2604                result = interpretStandardSlotRdWr(l, id1, id2, command, slot);
2605                if (!result.isEmpty()) {
2606                    return result;
2607                }
2608                break;
2609        }
2611        return "";
2612    }
2614    private static String interpretOpcInputRep(LocoNetMessage l, String sensorPrefix) {
2615        int in1 = l.getElement(1);
2616        int in2 = l.getElement(2);
2617        int contactNum = ((SENSOR_ADR(in1, in2) - 1) * 2 + ((in2 & LnConstants.OPC_INPUT_REP_SW) != 0 ? 2 : 1));
2618        // get system and user names
2619        String sensorSystemName = sensorPrefix + contactNum;
2620        String sensorUserName;
2621        Sensor sensor = InstanceManager.getDefault(SensorManager.class).getSensor(sensorSystemName);
2622        sensorUserName = "";
2623        if (sensor != null) {
2624            String uname = sensor.getUserName();
2625            if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2626                sensorUserName = " ("+uname+")";
2627            }
2628        }
2630        int sensorid = (SENSOR_ADR(in1, in2) - 1) * 2
2631                + ((in2 & LnConstants.OPC_INPUT_REP_SW) != 0 ? 2 : 1);
2633        int bdlid = ((sensorid - 1) / 16) + 1;
2634        int bdlin = ((sensorid - 1) % 16) + 1;
2635        String bdl = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_INPUT_REP_BDL_INFO",
2636                bdlid, bdlin);
2638        int boardid = ((sensorid - 1) / 8) + 1;
2639        int boardindex = ((sensorid - 1) % 8);
2640        String otherBoardsNames;
2641        String otherBoardsInputs;
2642        if (sensorid < 289) {
2643            otherBoardsNames = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_INPUT_REP_ALL_EQUIV_BOARDS", boardid);
2644            otherBoardsInputs = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_INPUT_REPORT_INPUT_NAMES_ALL_EQUIV_BOARDS",
2645                    ds54sensors[boardindex], ds64sensors[boardindex],
2646                    se8csensors[boardindex]);
2647        } else {
2648            otherBoardsNames = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_INPUT_REP_NO_SE8C", boardid);
2649            otherBoardsInputs = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_INPUT_REPORT_INPUT_NAMES_NO_SE8C",
2650                    ds54sensors[boardindex], ds64sensors[boardindex]);
2651        }
2653        // There is no way to tell what kind of a board sent the message.
2654        // To be user-friendly, we just print all the known combos.
2655        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_INPUT_REP",
2656                sensorSystemName, sensorUserName,
2657                Bundle.getMessage((in2 & LnConstants.OPC_INPUT_REP_HI) != 0
2658                        ? "LN_MSG_SENSOR_STATE_HIGH" : "LN_MSG_SENSOR_STATE_LOW"),
2659                bdl,
2660                otherBoardsNames, otherBoardsInputs);
2661    }
2663    private static String interpretOpcSwRep(LocoNetMessage l, String turnoutPrefix) {
2664        int sn1 = l.getElement(1);
2665        int sn2 = l.getElement(2);
2666        // get system and user names
2667        String turnoutUserName = "";
2669        String turnoutSystemName = turnoutPrefix
2670                + SENSOR_ADR(sn1, sn2);
2671        Turnout turnout = InstanceManager.getDefault(TurnoutManager.class).getTurnout(turnoutSystemName);
2673        String uname;
2674        if (turnout != null) {
2675            uname = turnout.getUserName();
2676            if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2677                turnoutUserName = uname;
2678            } else {
2679                turnoutUserName = "";
2680            }
2681        }
2683        if ((sn2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_REP_INPUTS) != 0) {
2684            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_SW_REP_INPUTS_STATE",
2685                    turnoutSystemName, turnoutUserName,
2686                    Bundle.getMessage(((sn2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_REP_SW) != 0
2687                            ? "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_INPUT_TYPE_HI"
2688                            : "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_INPUT_TYPE_LO")),
2689                    Bundle.getMessage((((sn2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_REP_HI) != 0)
2690                            ? "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_INPUT_STATE_HI"
2691                            : "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_INPUT_STATE_LO")));
2692        }
2693        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_SW_REP_OUTPUT_STATE",
2694                turnoutSystemName, turnoutUserName,
2695                Bundle.getMessage((((sn2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_REP_CLOSED) != 0)
2696                        ? "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_ON"
2697                        : "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_OFF")),
2698                Bundle.getMessage((((sn2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_REP_THROWN) != 0)
2699                        ? "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_ON"
2700                        : "LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_OFF")));
2701    }
2703    private static String interpretOpcSwAck(LocoNetMessage l, String turnoutPrefix) {
2704        int sw2 = l.getElement(2);
2705        if ((sw2 & 0x40) == 0x40) {
2706            return "";
2707        }
2708        // get system and user names
2709        String turnoutUserName = "";
2711        String turnoutSystemName = turnoutPrefix
2712                + SENSOR_ADR(l.getElement(1), l.getElement(2));
2713        Turnout turnout = InstanceManager.getDefault(TurnoutManager.class).getTurnout(turnoutSystemName);
2715        String uname;
2716        if (turnout != null) {
2717            uname = turnout.getUserName();
2718            if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2719                turnoutUserName = uname;
2720            } else {
2721                turnoutUserName = "";
2722            }
2723        }
2725        String pointsDirection = ((sw2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_ACK_CLOSED) != 0
2726                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_POS_CLOSED")
2727                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_POS_THROWN"));
2728        String outputState = (((sw2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_ACK_OUTPUT) != 0)
2729                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_ON")
2730                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SENSOR_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_OFF"));
2731        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_REQ_SWITCH", turnoutSystemName,
2732                turnoutUserName, pointsDirection, outputState);
2733    }
2735    private static String interpretOpcSwState(LocoNetMessage l, String turnoutPrefix) {
2736        // get system and user names
2737        if ((l.getElement(2) & 0x40) != 0x00) {
2738            return "";
2739        }
2740        String turnoutUserName = "";
2741        String turnoutSystemName = turnoutPrefix
2742                + SENSOR_ADR(l.getElement(1), l.getElement(2));
2743        Turnout turnout = InstanceManager.getDefault(TurnoutManager.class).getTurnout(turnoutSystemName);
2745        String uname;
2746        if (turnout != null) {
2747            uname = turnout.getUserName();
2748            if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2749                turnoutUserName = uname;
2750            } else {
2751                turnoutUserName = "";
2752            }
2753        }
2756        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_STATE", turnoutSystemName,
2757                turnoutUserName);
2758    }
2760    private static String interpretOpcRqSlData(LocoNetMessage l) {
2761        int slot = l.getElement(1) + 128 * (l.getElement(2) & 0x07);
2762        boolean expSlotRequ = (l.getElement(2) & 0x40) == 0X40;
2763        switch (slot) {
2764         // Slots > 120 & < 128 are all special, but these are the only ones we know to decode.
2765         // Extended System Slots 248 thru 251 dealt with separately, not here
2766            case LnConstants.FC_SLOT:
2767                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_REQ_SLOT_FC_SLOT");
2768            case LnConstants.CFG_SLOT:
2769                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_REQ_SLOT_CFG_SLOT");
2770            case LnConstants.CFG_EXT_SLOT:
2771                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_REQ_SLOT_EXT_CFG_SLOT");
2772            case LnConstants.PRG_SLOT:
2773                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_REQ_SLOT_PRG_SLOT");
2774            case 0x79:
2775            case 0x7a:
2776            case 0x7d:
2777                break;
2778            default:
2779                if (expSlotRequ) {
2780                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_REQ_SLOT_LOCO_EXP_SLOT", slot);
2781                } else {
2782                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_REQ_SLOT_LOCO_SLOT", slot);
2783                }
2784        }
2785        return "";
2786    }
2788    private static String interpretOpcMoveSlots(LocoNetMessage l) {
2789        int src = l.getElement(1);
2790        int dest = l.getElement(2);
2791        if ((src >= 0x79) && (src <= 0x7f)) {
2792            return "";
2793        }
2794        if ((dest >= 0x79) && (dest <= 0x7f)) {
2795            return "";
2796        }
2798        /* check special cases */
2799        if (src == 0) {
2800            /* DISPATCH GET */
2802            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_GET_DISP");
2803        } else if (src == dest) {
2804            /* IN USE */
2806            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_NULL_MOVE", src);
2807        } else if (dest == 0) {
2808            /* DISPATCH PUT */
2810            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_DISPATCH_PUT", src);
2811        } else {
2812            /* general move */
2814            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_MOVE", src, dest);
2815        }
2816    }
2818    private static String interpretOpcConsistFunc(LocoNetMessage l) {
2819        int slot = l.getElement(1);
2820        int dirf = l.getElement(2);
2821        if ((dirf & 0x40) == 0x40) {
2822            return "";
2823        }
2824        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_CONSIST_FUNC",
2825                slot,
2826                interpretDIRF(dirf));
2827    }
2829    private static String interpretOpcLocoSnd(LocoNetMessage l) {
2830        int slot = l.getElement(1);
2831        int snd = l.getElement(2);
2832        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_LOCO_SND",
2833                slot,
2834                Bundle.getMessage((snd & LnConstants.SND_F5) != 0
2835                        ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"),
2836                Bundle.getMessage((snd & LnConstants.SND_F6) != 0
2837                        ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"),
2838                Bundle.getMessage((snd & LnConstants.SND_F7) != 0
2839                        ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"),
2840                Bundle.getMessage((snd & LnConstants.SND_F8) != 0
2841                        ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
2843    }
2845    protected static String interpretDIRF(int dirf) {
2846        if ((dirf & 0x40) == 0x40) {
2847            return "";
2848        }
2849        String[] dirf0_4 = interpretF0_F4toStrings(dirf);
2850        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_DIRF",
2851                Bundle.getMessage((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_DIR) != 0
2852                        ? "LN_MSG_DIRECTION_REV" : "LN_MSG_DIRECTION_FWD"),
2853                dirf0_4[0], dirf0_4[1], dirf0_4[2], dirf0_4[3], dirf0_4[4]);
2855    }
2857    private static String interpretOpcLocoDirf(LocoNetMessage l) {
2858        int slot = l.getElement(1);
2859        int dirf = l.getElement(2);
2861        String dirFinfo = interpretDIRF(dirf);
2862        if (dirFinfo.isEmpty()) {
2863            return "";
2864        }
2866        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_LOCO_DIRF",
2867                slot, dirFinfo);
2868    }
2870    private static String interpretOpcLocoSpd(LocoNetMessage l) {
2871        int slot = l.getElement(1);
2872        int spd = l.getElement(2);
2874        if (spd == LnConstants.OPC_LOCO_SPD_ESTOP) {
2875            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_LOCO_SPD_ESTOP", slot);
2876        } else {
2877            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_LOCO_SPD_NORMAL", slot, spd);
2878        }
2880    }
2882    private static String interpretOpcPanelQuery(LocoNetMessage l) {
2883        switch (l.getElement(1)) {
2884            case 0x00: {
2885                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_DF_TETHERLESS_QUERY");
2886            }
2887            case 0x40: {
2888                if (l.getElement(2) == 0x1F) {
2889                    // Some UR devices treat this operation as a set plus query, others
2890                    // treat this only as a set.
2891                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_DF_SET_LOCONETID", l.getElement(3));
2892                }
2893                break;
2894            }
2895            default: {
2896                break;
2897            }
2898        }
2899        return "";
2900    }
2902    private static String interpretOpcSwReq(LocoNetMessage l, String turnoutPrefix) {
2903        int sw1 = l.getElement(1);
2904        int sw2 = l.getElement(2);
2905        if ((sw2 & 0x40) == 0x40) {
2906            return "";
2907        }
2909        if ((!(((sw2 & 0xCF) == 0x0F) && ((sw1 & 0xFC) == 0x78)))
2910                && (!(((sw2 & 0xCF) == 0x07) && ((sw1 & 0xFC) == 0x78)))) {
2911            // ordinary form, LPU V1.0 page 9
2912            // handle cases which are not "stationary decoder interrogate" messages
2913            // get system and user names
2914            String turnoutUserName = "";
2916            String turnoutSystemName = turnoutPrefix
2917                    + SENSOR_ADR(l.getElement(1), l.getElement(2));
2918            Turnout turnout = InstanceManager.getDefault(TurnoutManager.class).getTurnout(turnoutSystemName);
2920            String uname;
2921            if (turnout != null) {
2922                uname = turnout.getUserName();
2923                if ((uname != null) && (!uname.isEmpty())) {
2924                    turnoutUserName = uname;
2925                } else {
2926                    turnoutUserName = "";
2927                }
2928            }
2930            String pointsDirection = ((sw2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_ACK_CLOSED) != 0
2931                    ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_POS_CLOSED")
2932                    : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_POS_THROWN"));
2933            String outputState = ((sw2 & LnConstants.OPC_SW_ACK_OUTPUT) != 0
2934                    ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_ON")
2935                    : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SW_OUTPUT_STATE_OFF"));
2936            if (turnoutUserName.isEmpty()) {
2937                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_SW_REQ_NORMAL_WITHOUT_USERNAME",
2938                        turnoutSystemName,
2939                        pointsDirection, outputState);
2940            } else {
2941                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_SW_REQ_NORMAL_WITH_USERNAME",
2942                        turnoutSystemName, turnoutUserName,
2943                        pointsDirection, outputState);
2944            }
2945        }
2947        /*
2948        Handle cases which are "stationary decoder interrogate" messages.
2949         */
2951        /*
2952         * Decodes a/c/b bits to allow proper creation of a list of addresses
2953         * which ought to reply to the "stationary decoder interrogate" message.
2954         */
2955        int a = (sw2 & 0x20) >> 5;
2956        int c = (sw1 & 0x02) >> 1;
2957        int b = (sw1 & 0x01);
2959        /*
2960         * All this blob does is loop through the ranges indicated by the
2961         * a/c/b bits, they are mask bits in the midde of the range. The
2962         * idea is to get 8 sensors at a time, since that is generally what
2963         * units have, and to query units 1, 9, 17... then 2, 10, 18... and
2964         * so on such that if they are all in a row they don't get hit at
2965         * the same time.
2966         */
2967        int topbits;
2968        int midbits = (a << 2) + (c << 1) + b;
2969        int count = 0;
2970        StringBuilder addrListB = new StringBuilder();
2971        for (topbits = 0; topbits < 32; topbits++) {
2972            // The extra "+1" adjusts for the fact that we show 1-2048,
2973            // rather than 0-2047 on the wire.
2974            int lval = (topbits << 6) + (midbits << 3) + 1;
2975            int hval = lval + 7;
2977            if ((count % 8) != 0) {
2978                addrListB.append(", "); // NOI18N
2979            } else {
2980                if (count == 0) {
2981                    addrListB.append("\t"); // NOI18N
2982                } else {
2983                    addrListB.append(",\n\t");  // NOI18N
2984                }
2985            }
2986            addrListB.append(lval);  // NOI18N
2987            addrListB.append("-").append(hval); // NOI18N
2988            count++;
2989        }
2991        String addrList = addrListB.toString();
2993        if (((sw2 & 0xCF) == 0x0F) && ((sw1 & 0xFC) == 0x78)) {
2994            // broadcast address LPU V1.0 page 12
2995            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_SW_REQ_INTERROGATE_TURNOUTS",
2996                    a, c, b, addrList);
2997        } else {
2998            // broadcast address LPU V1.0 page 13
2999            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_SW_REQ_INTERROGATE_SENSORS_TURNOUTS",
3000                    a, c, b, addrList);
3001        }
3002    }
3004    private static String interpretFastClockSlot(LocoNetMessage l, String mode, int id1, int id2) {
3005        /*
3006         * FAST Clock: The system FAST clock and parameters are implemented in
3007         * Slot#123 <7B>. Use <EF> to write new clock information, Slot read of
3008         * 0x7B,<BB><7B>.., will return current System clock information, and
3009         * other throttles will update to this SYNC. Note that all attached
3010         * display devices keep a current clock calculation based on this SYNC
3011         * read value, i.e. devices MUST not continuously poll the clock SLOT to
3012         * generate time, but use this merely to restore SYNC and follow current
3013         * RATE etc. This clock slot is typically "pinged" * or read SYNC'd
3014         * every 70 to 100 seconds, by a single user, so all attached devices
3015         * can synchronise any phase drifts. Upon seeing a SYNC read, all
3016         * devices should reset their local sub-minute phase counter and
3017         * invalidate the SYNC update ping generator.
3018         * <p>
3019         * Clock Slot Format:
3020         * <p>
3021         * <0xEF>,<0E>,<7B>,<CLK_RATE>,<FRAC_MINSL>,<FRAC_MINSH>,<256-MINS_60>,
3022         * <TRK><256-HRS_24>,<DAYS>,<CLK_CNTRL>,<ID1>,<1D2>,<CHK>
3023         * <p>
3024         * where:
3025         * <p>
3026         * <CLK_RATE> 0=Freeze clock, * 1=normal 1:1 rate, 10=10:1 etc., max
3027         * VALUE is 7F/128 to 1
3028         * <p>
3029         * <FRAC_MINSL> FRAC mins hi/lo are a sub-minute counter, depending on
3030         * the CLOCK generator
3031         * <p>
3032         * <FRAC_MINSH> Not for ext. usage. This counter is reset when valid
3033         * <E6><7B>
3034         * SYNC message is seen
3035         * <p>
3036         * <256-MINS_60> This is FAST clock MINUTES subtracted from 256. Modulo
3037         * 0-59
3038         * <p>
3039         * <256-HRS_24> This is FAST clock HOURS subtracted from 256. Modulo
3040         * 0-23
3041         * <p>
3042         * <DAYS> number of 24 Hr clock rolls, positive count
3043         * <p>
3044         * <CLK_CNTRL> Clock Control Byte D6- 1=This is valid Clock information,
3045         * 0=ignore this <E6><7B>, SYNC reply
3046         * <p>
3047         * <ID1>,<1D2> This is device ID last setting the clock.
3048         * <p>
3049         * <00><00> shows no set has happened
3050         * <p>
3051         * <7F><7x> are reserved for PC access *
3052         */
3054        int minutes; // temporary time values
3055        int hours;
3056        int clk_rate = l.getElement(3); // 0 = Freeze clock, 1 = normal,
3057        // 10 = 10:1 etc. Max is 0x7f
3058        int mins_60 = l.getElement(6); // 256 - minutes
3059        int track_stat = l.getElement(7); // track status
3060        int hours_24 = l.getElement(8); // 256 - hours
3061        int days = l.getElement(9); // clock rollovers
3062        int clk_cntrl = l.getElement(10); // bit 6 = 1; data is valid
3063        // clock info
3064        // "  " 0; ignore this reply
3065        // id1/id2 is device id of last device to set the clock
3066        // "   " = zero shows not set has happened
3068        /* recover hours and minutes values */
3069        minutes = ((255 - mins_60) & 0x7f) % 60;
3070        hours = ((256 - hours_24) & 0x7f) % 24;
3071        hours = (24 - hours) % 24;
3072        minutes = (60 - minutes) % 60;
3074        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_ACCESS_FAST_CLOCK",
3075                mode,
3076                ((clk_cntrl & 0x20) != 0 ? "" : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_FC_SYNC")),
3077                (clk_rate != 0 ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_FC_RUNNING")
3078                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_FC_FROZEN")),
3079                clk_rate,
3080                days,
3081                fcTimeToString(hours, minutes),
3082                idString(id1, id2),
3083                trackStatusByteToString(track_stat));
3084    }
3086    private static String interpretProgSlot(LocoNetMessage l, String mode, int id1, int id2, int command) {
3087        /*
3088         * ********************************************************************************************
3089         * Programmer track:
3090         * =================
3091         * The programmer track is
3092         * accessed as Special slot #124 ( $7C, 0x7C). It is a full
3093         * asynchronous shared system resource.
3094         *
3095         * To start Programmer task,
3096         * write to slot 124. There will be an immediate LACK acknowledge
3097         * that indicates what programming will be allowed. If a valid programming
3098         * task is started,
3099         * then at the final (asynchronous) programming
3100         * completion, a Slot read <E7> from slot 124 will be sent. This is
3101         * the final task status reply.
3102         *
3103         * Programmer Task Start:
3104         *
3105         * ----------------------
3106         * <p>
3107         * <0xEF>,<0E>,<7C>,<PCMD>,<0>,<HOPSA>,<LOPSA>,<TRK>;<CVH>,<CVL>,
3108         * <p>
3109         * <DATA7>,<0>,<0>,<CHK> * * This OPC leads to immediate LACK codes:
3110         * <p>
3111         * <B4>,<7F>,<7F>,<chk> Function NOT implemented, no reply.
3112         * <p>
3113         * <B4>,<7F>,<0>,<chk> Programmer BUSY , task aborted, no reply.
3114         * <p>
3115         * <B4>,<7F>,<1>,<chk> Task accepted , <E7> reply at completion.
3116         * <p>
3117         * <B4>,<7F>,<0x40>,<chk> Task accepted blind NO <E7>
3118         * reply at completion. * * Note that the <7F> code will occur in
3119         * Operations Mode Read requests if the System is not * configured for
3120         * and has no Advanced Acknowledgement detection installed.. Operations
3121         * Mode * requests can be made and executed whilst a current Service
3122         * Mode programming task is keeping * the Programming track BUSY. If a
3123         * Programming request is rejected, delay and resend the * complete
3124         * request later. Some readback operations can keep the Programming
3125         * track busy for up * to a minute. Multiple devices, throttles/PC's
3126         * etc, can share and sequentially use the * Programming track as long
3127         * as they correctly interpret the response messages. Any Slot RD * from
3128         * the master will also contain the Programmer Busy status in bit 3 of
3129         * the <TRK> byte. * * A <PCMD> value of
3130         * <00> will abort current SERVICE mode programming task and will echo
3131         * with an <E6> RD the command string that was aborted.
3132         *
3133         * <PCMD>
3134         * Programmer Command:
3135         * --------------------------
3136         * Defined as
3137         * D7 -0
3138         * D6 -Write/Read 1= Write, 0=Read
3139         * D5 -Byte Mode 1= Byte operation, 0=Bit operation (if possible)
3140         * D4 -TY1 Programming Type select bit
3141         * D3 -TY0 Prog type select bit
3142         * D2 -Ops Mode 1=Ops Mode on Mainlines, 0=Service Mode on Programming Track
3143         * D1 -0 reserved
3144         * D0 -0-reserved
3145         *
3146         * Type codes:
3147         * ----------- * Byte Mode Ops Mode
3148         * TY1 TY0 Meaning * 1 0 0 0 Paged mode byte Read/Write on Service Track
3149         * * 1 0 0 0 Paged mode byte Read/Write on Service Track * 1 0 0 1
3150         * Direct mode byteRead/Write on Service Track * 0 0 0 1 Direct mode bit
3151         * Read/Write on Service Track * x 0 1 0 Physical Register byte
3152         * Read/Write on Service Track * x 0 1 1 Service Track- reserved
3153         * function * 1 1 0 0 Ops mode Byte program, no feedback * 1 1 0 1 Ops
3154         * mode Byte program, feedback * 0 1 0 0 Ops mode Bit program, no
3155         * feedback * 0 1 0 1 Ops mode Bit program, feedback * *
3156         * <HOPSA>Operations Mode Programming * 7 High address bits of Loco to
3157         * program, 0 if Service Mode
3158         * <p>
3159         * <LOPSA>Operations Mode Programming * 7 Low address bits of Loco to
3160         * program, 0 if Service Mode
3161         * <p>
3162         * <TRK> Normal Global Track status for this Master, * Bit 3 also is 1
3163         * WHEN Service Mode track is BUSY
3164         * <p>
3165         * <CVH> High 3 BITS of CV#, and ms bit of DATA.7
3166         * <p>
3167         * <0,0,CV9,CV8 - 0,0, D7,CV7>
3168         * <p>
3169         * <CVL> Low 7 bits of 10 bit CV address.
3170         * <p>
3171         * <0,CV6,CV5,CV4-CV3,CV2,CV1,CV0>
3172         * <p>
3173         * <DATA7>Low 7 BITS OF data to WR or RD COMPARE
3174         * <p>
3175         * <0,D6,D5,D4 - D3,D2,D1,D0> * ms bit is at CVH bit 1 position. * *
3176         * Programmer Task Final Reply: * ---------------------------- * (if saw
3177         * LACK
3178         * <B4>,<7F>,<1>,<chk> code reply at task start)
3179         * <p>
3180         * <0xE7>,<0E>,<7C>,<PCMD>,<PSTAT>,<HOPSA>,<LOPSA>,<TRK>;<CVH>,<CVL>,
3181         * <p>
3182         * <DATA7>,<0>,<0>,<CHK> * * <PSTAT> Programmer Status error flags.
3183         * Reply codes resulting from * completed task in PCMD * D7-D4 -reserved
3184         * * D3 -1= User Aborted this command * D2 -1= Failed to detect READ
3185         * Compare acknowledge response * from decoder * D1 -1= No Write
3186         * acknowledge response from decoder * D0 -1= Service Mode programming
3187         * track empty- No decoder detected * * This <E7> response is issued
3188         * whenever a Programming task is completed. It echos most of the *
3189         * request information and returns the PSTAT status code to indicate how
3190         * the task completed. * If a READ was requested <DATA7> and <CVH>
3191         * contain the returned data, if the PSTAT indicates * a successful
3192         * readback (typically =0). Note that if a Paged Read fails to detect a
3193         * * successful Page write acknowledge when first setting the Page
3194         * register, the read will be * aborted, showing no Write acknowledge
3195         * flag D1=1. *
3196         * ********************************************************************************************
3197         */
3198        int cvData;
3199        int cvNumber;
3201        // progTask = (progTaskMsg *) msgBuf;
3202        // slot - slot number for this request - slot 124 is programmer
3203        int pcmd = l.getElement(3); // programmer command
3204        int pstat = l.getElement(4); // programmer status error flags in
3205        // reply message
3206        int hopsa = l.getElement(5); // Ops mode - 7 high address bits
3207        // of loco to program
3208        int lopsa = l.getElement(6); // Ops mode - 7 low address bits of
3209        // loco to program
3210        /* trk - track status. Note: bit 3 shows if prog track is busy */
3211        int cvh = l.getElement(8); // hi 3 bits of CV# and msb of data7
3212        int cvl = l.getElement(9); // lo 7 bits of CV#
3213        int data7 = l.getElement(10); // 7 bits of data to program, msb
3214        // is in cvh above
3216        cvData = (((cvh & LnConstants.CVH_D7) << 6) | (data7 & 0x7f)); // was
3217        // PROG_DATA
3218        cvNumber = (((((cvh & LnConstants.CVH_CV8_CV9) >> 3) | (cvh & LnConstants.CVH_CV7)) * 128) + (cvl & 0x7f)) + 1; // was
3219        // PROG_CV_NUM(progTask)
3221        if (command == LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA) {
3222            /* interpret the programming mode request (to programmer) */
3223            switch ((pcmd & (LnConstants.PCMD_MODE_MASK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW))) {
3224                case LnConstants.PAGED_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3225                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_PAGED_RD",
3226                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3227                                    cvNumber));
3228                case LnConstants.PAGED_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3229                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_PAGED_WR",
3230                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3231                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3232                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3233                case LnConstants.DIR_BYTE_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3234                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BYTE_RD",
3235                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3236                                    cvNumber));
3237                case LnConstants.DIR_BYTE_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3238                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BYTE_WR",
3239                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3240                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3241                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3242                case LnConstants.DIR_BIT_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3243                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BIT_RD",
3244                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3245                                    cvNumber), cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3246                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true));
3247                case LnConstants.DIR_BIT_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3248                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BIT_WR",
3249                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3250                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3251                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3252                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3253                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE:
3254                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_REG_BYTE_RD",
3255                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3256                                    cvNumber));
3257                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3258                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3259                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_REG_BYTE_WR",
3260                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3261                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3262                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3263                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED:
3264                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE:
3265                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_RD_RESERVED",
3266                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3267                                    cvNumber));
3268                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3269                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3270                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_SRVC_TRK_WR_RESERVED",
3271                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3272                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3273                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3274                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_NO_FEEDBACK:
3275                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BYTE_RD_NO_FEEDBACK",
3276                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3277                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3278                                    cvNumber));
3279                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_NO_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3280                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BYTE_WR_NO_FEEDBACK",
3281                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3282                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3283                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3284                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3285                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3286                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_FEEDBACK:
3287                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BYTE_RD_FEEDBACK",
3288                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3289                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3290                                    cvNumber));
3291                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3292                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BYTE_WR_FEEDBACK",
3293                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3294                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3295                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3296                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3297                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_NO_FEEDBACK:
3298                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BIT_RD_NO_FEEDBACK",
3299                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3300                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3301                                    cvNumber));
3302                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_NO_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3303                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BIT_WR_NO_FEEDBACK",
3304                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3305                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3306                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3307                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3308                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_FEEDBACK:
3309                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BIT_RD_FEEDBACK",
3310                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3311                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3312                                    cvNumber));
3313                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3314                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_OPS_BIT_WR_FEEDBACK",
3315                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3316                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3317                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3318                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3319                case 0:
3320                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_UHLENBROCK_RD",
3321                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_READ_REQ",
3322                                    cvNumber));
3323                case LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3324                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_UHLENBROCK_WR",
3325                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3326                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3327                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3328                default:
3329                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_REQUEST_UNKNOWN",
3330                            pcmd,
3331                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3332                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(pcmd)),
3333                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_WRITE_REQ",
3334                                    cvNumber, cvData, Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3335                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)), StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)));
3336            }
3337        } else {
3338            /* interpret the  programming mode response (from programmer) */
3339            /* if we're reading the slot back, check the status
3340             * this is supposed to be the Programming task final reply
3341             * and will have the resulting status byte.
3342             */
3343            String responseMessage = "(ODD BEHAVIOR - Default value not overwritten - report to developers!"; // NOI18N
3344            String hexMessage = "";
3345            if (pstat != 0) {
3346                if ((pstat & LnConstants.PSTAT_USER_ABORTED) != 0) {
3347                    responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_USER_ABORT");
3348                } else if ((pstat & LnConstants.PSTAT_READ_FAIL) != 0) {
3349                    responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_NO_READ_COMPARE_ACK_DETECT");
3350                } else if ((pstat & LnConstants.PSTAT_WRITE_FAIL) != 0) {
3351                    responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_NO_WRITE_ACK_DETECT");
3352                } else if ((pstat & LnConstants.PSTAT_NO_DECODER) != 0) {
3353                    responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_NO_LOCO_ON_PROGRAMMING_TRACK");
3354                } else if ((pstat & 0xF0) != 0) {
3355                    if ((pstat & 0xF0) == 0x10) {
3356                        // response from transponding decoder
3357                        responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_SUCCESS_VIA_RX4_BDL16X");
3359                    } else {
3360                        responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_UNDECODED",
3361                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3362                                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(pstat)));
3363                        hexMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
3364                    }
3365                }
3366            } else {
3367                responseMessage = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_HELPER_RESPONSE_SUCCEEDED");
3368            }
3370            switch ((pcmd & (LnConstants.PCMD_MODE_MASK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW))) {
3371                case LnConstants.PAGED_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3372                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_PAGED_RD",
3373                            responseMessage,
3374                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3375                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3376                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3377                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3378                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3379                case LnConstants.PAGED_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3380                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_PAGED_WR",
3381                            responseMessage,
3382                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3383                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3384                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3385                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3386                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3387                case LnConstants.DIR_BYTE_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3388                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BYTE_RD",
3389                            responseMessage,
3390                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3391                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3392                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3393                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3394                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3395                case LnConstants.DIR_BYTE_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3396                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BYTE_WR",
3397                            responseMessage,
3398                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3399                                    cvNumber,
3400                                    cvData,
3401                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3402                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3403                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3404                case LnConstants.DIR_BIT_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3405                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BIT_RD",
3406                            responseMessage,
3407                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3408                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3409                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3410                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3411                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3412                case LnConstants.DIR_BIT_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3413                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_DIR_BIT_WR",
3414                            responseMessage,
3415                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3416                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3417                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3418                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3419                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3420                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK:
3421                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE:
3422                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_REG_BYTE_RD",
3423                            responseMessage,
3424                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3425                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3426                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3427                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3428                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3429                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3430                case LnConstants.REG_BYTE_RW_ON_SRVC_TRK | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3431                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_REG_BYTE_WR",
3432                            responseMessage,
3433                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3434                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3435                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3436                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3437                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3438                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED:
3439                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE:
3440                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_RD_RESERVED",
3441                            responseMessage,
3442                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3443                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3444                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3445                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3446                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3447                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3448                case LnConstants.SRVC_TRK_RESERVED | LnConstants.PCMD_BYTE_MODE | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3449                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_SRVC_TRK_WR_RESERVED",
3450                            responseMessage,
3451                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3452                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3453                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3454                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3455                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3456                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_NO_FEEDBACK:
3457                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BYTE_RD_NO_FEEDBACK",
3458                            responseMessage,
3459                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3460                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3461                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3462                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3463                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3464                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3465                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_NO_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3466                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BYTE_WR_NO_FEEDBACK",
3467                            responseMessage,
3468                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3469                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3470                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3471                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3472                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3473                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3474                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_FEEDBACK:
3475                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BYTE_RD_FEEDBACK",
3476                            responseMessage,
3477                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3478                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3479                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3480                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3481                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3482                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3483                case LnConstants.OPS_BYTE_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3484                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BYTE_WR_FEEDBACK",
3485                            responseMessage,
3486                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3487                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3488                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3489                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3490                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3491                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3492                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_NO_FEEDBACK:
3493                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BIT_RD_NO_FEEDBACK",
3494                            responseMessage,
3495                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3496                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3497                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3498                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3499                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3500                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3501                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_NO_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3502                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BIT_WR_NO_FEEDBACK",
3503                            responseMessage,
3504                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3505                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3506                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3507                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3508                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3509                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3510                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_FEEDBACK:
3511                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BIT_RD_FEEDBACK",
3512                            responseMessage,
3513                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3514                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3515                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3516                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3517                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3518                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3519                case LnConstants.OPS_BIT_FEEDBACK | LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3520                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_OPS_BIT_WR_FEEDBACK",
3521                            responseMessage,
3522                            convertToMixed(lopsa, hopsa),
3523                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3524                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3525                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3526                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3527                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3528                case 0:
3529                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_UHLENBROCK_RD",
3530                            responseMessage,
3531                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3532                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3533                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3534                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3535                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3536                case LnConstants.PCMD_RW:
3537                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_UHLENBROCK_WR",
3538                            responseMessage,
3539                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3540                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3541                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3542                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3543                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3544                default:
3545                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN",
3546                            pcmd,
3547                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3548                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(pcmd)),
3549                            responseMessage,
3550                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_PROG_MODE_CV_INFO_HELPER_REPLY",
3551                                    cvNumber, cvData,
3552                                    Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3553                                            StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(cvData)),
3554                                    StringUtil.to8Bits(cvData, true)))+hexMessage;
3555            }
3556        }
3557    }
3559    private static String interpretCmdStnCfgSlotRdWr(LocoNetMessage l, int command) {
3560        /*
3561         * ************************************************
3562         * Configuration slot, holding op switches
3563         * ************************************************
3564         * <p>
3565         * NOTE: previously, this message provided specific text about the
3566         * meaning of each OpSw when it was closed. With the advent of newer
3567         * Digitrax command stations, the specific information was no longer
3568         * completely accurate. As such, this information now only shows bits as
3569         * "closed" or "thrown".
3570         */
3571        String thrown = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_THROWN");
3572        String closed = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_CLOSED");
3574        String opswGroup1, opswGroup2, opswGroup3, opswGroup4,
3575                opswGroup5, opswGroup6, opswGroup7, opswGroup8;
3576        opswGroup1 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3577                1, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3578                2, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3579                3, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3580                4, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3581                5, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3582                6, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3583                7, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3584                8, thrown);
3585        opswGroup2 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3586                9, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3587                10, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3588                11, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3589                12, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3590                13, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3591                14, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3592                15, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3593                16, thrown);
3594        opswGroup3 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3595                17, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3596                18, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3597                19, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3598                20, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3599                21, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3600                22, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3601                23, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3602                24, thrown);
3603        opswGroup4 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3604                25, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3605                26, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3606                27, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3607                28, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3608                29, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3609                30, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3610                31, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3611                32, thrown);
3612        opswGroup5 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3613                33, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3614                34, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3615                35, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3616                36, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3617                37, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3618                38, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3619                39, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3620                40, thrown);
3621        opswGroup6 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3622                41, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3623                42, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3624                43, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3625                44, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3626                45, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3627                46, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3628                47, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3629                48, thrown);
3630        opswGroup7 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3631                49, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3632                50, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3633                51, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3634                52, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3635                53, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3636                54, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3637                55, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3638                56, thrown);
3639        opswGroup8 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3640                57, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3641                58, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3642                59, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3643                60, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3644                61, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3645                62, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3646                63, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3647                64, thrown);
3648        return Bundle.getMessage(((command == LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA)
3649                ? "LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_WRITE_REQ"
3650                : "LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_READ_REPORT"),
3651                opswGroup1, opswGroup2, opswGroup3, opswGroup4,
3652                opswGroup5, opswGroup6, opswGroup7, opswGroup8);
3654    }
3656    private static String interpretCmdStnExtCfgSlotRdWr(LocoNetMessage l, int command) {
3657    /*
3658     * ************************************************
3659     * Extended Configuration slot, holding op switches
3660     * ************************************************
3661     */
3662        String thrown = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_THROWN");
3663        String closed = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_MULTI_SENSE_OPSW_HELPER_CLOSED");
3665        String opswGroup1, opswGroup2, opswGroup3, opswGroup4,
3666                opswGroup5, opswGroup6, opswGroup7, opswGroup8;
3667        opswGroup1 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3668                65, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3669                66, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3670                67, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3671                68, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3672                69, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3673                70, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3674                71, ((l.getElement(3) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3675                72, thrown);
3676        opswGroup2 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3677                73, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3678                74, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3679                75, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3680                76, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3681                77, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3682                78, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3683                79, ((l.getElement(4) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3684                80, thrown);
3685        opswGroup3 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3686                81, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3687                82, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3688                83, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3689                84, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3690                85, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3691                86, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3692                87, ((l.getElement(5) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3693                88, thrown);
3694        opswGroup4 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3695                89, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3696                90, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3697                91, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3698                92, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3699                93, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3700                94, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3701                95, ((l.getElement(6) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3702                96, thrown);
3703        opswGroup5 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3704                97, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3705                98, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3706                99, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3707                100, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3708                101, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3709                102, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3710                103, ((l.getElement(8) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3711                104, thrown);
3712        opswGroup6 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3713                105, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3714                106, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3715                107, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3716                108, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3717                109, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3718                110, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3719                111, ((l.getElement(9) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3720                112, thrown);
3721        opswGroup7 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3722                113, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3723                114, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3724                115, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3725                116, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3726                117, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3727                118, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3728                119, ((l.getElement(10) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3729                120, thrown);
3730        opswGroup8 = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_CFG_HELPER_EIGHT_OPSWS",
3731                121, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x01) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3732                122, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x02) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3733                123, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x04) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3734                124, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x08) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3735                125, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x10) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3736                126, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x20) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3737                127, ((l.getElement(11) & 0x40) != 0 ? closed : thrown),
3738                128, thrown);
3739        return Bundle.getMessage(((command == LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA)
3740                ? "LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_EXT_CFG_WRITE_REQ"
3741                : "LN_MSG_SLOT_CMD_STN_EXT_CFG_READ_REPORT"),
3742                opswGroup1, opswGroup2, opswGroup3, opswGroup4,
3743                opswGroup5, opswGroup6, opswGroup7, opswGroup8);
3744    }
3746    private static String interpretStandardSlotRdWr(LocoNetMessage l, int id1, int id2, int command, int slot) {
3747        /*
3748         * ************************************************
3749         * normal slot read/write message - see info above *
3750         * ************************************************
3751         */
3752        int trackStatus = l.getElement(7); // track status
3753        int stat = l.getElement(3); // slot status
3754        int adr = l.getElement(4); // loco address
3755        int spd = l.getElement(5); // command speed
3756        int dirf = l.getElement(6); // direction and F0-F4 bits
3757        String[] dirf0_4 = interpretF0_F4toStrings(dirf);
3758        int ss2 = l.getElement(8); // slot status 2 (tells how to use
3759        // ID1/ID2 & ADV Consist)
3760        int adr2 = l.getElement(9); // loco address high
3761        int snd = l.getElement(10); // Sound 1-4 / F5-F8
3762        String[] sndf5_8 = interpretF5_F8toStrings(snd);
3764        String locoAdrStr = figureAddressIncludingAliasing(adr, adr2, ss2, id1, id2);
3765        return Bundle.getMessage(((command == LnConstants.OPC_WR_SL_DATA)
3766                ? "LN_MSG_SLOT_LOCO_INFO_WRITE"
3767                : "LN_MSG_SLOT_LOCO_INFO_READ"),
3768                slot,
3769                locoAdrStr,
3770                LnConstants.CONSIST_STAT(stat),
3771                LnConstants.LOCO_STAT(stat),
3772                LnConstants.DEC_MODE(stat),
3773                directionOfTravelString((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_DIR) == 0),
3774                spd, // needs re-interpretation for some cases of slot consisting state
3775                dirf0_4[0],
3776                dirf0_4[1],
3777                dirf0_4[2],
3778                dirf0_4[3],
3779                dirf0_4[4],
3780                sndf5_8[0],
3781                sndf5_8[1],
3782                sndf5_8[2],
3783                sndf5_8[3],
3784                trackStatusByteToString(trackStatus),
3785                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_SS2_SIMPLE",
3786                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
3787                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ss2))),
3788                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_ID1_ID2_AS_THROTTLE_ID",
3789                        idString(id1, id2)));
3790    }
3792    private static String interpretOpcPanelResponse(LocoNetMessage l) {
3793        switch (l.getElement(1)) {
3794            case 0x12: {
3795                // Bit 3 (0x08 in hex) is set by every UR-92 we've ever captured.
3796                // The hypothesis is this indicates duplex enabled, but this has
3797                // not been confirmed with Digitrax.
3798                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_D7_TETHERLESS_REPORT_UR92",
3799                        l.getElement(3) & 0x07,
3800                        ((l.getElement(3) & 0x08) == 0x08
3801                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_D7_UR92_DUPLEX")
3802                        : ""));
3803            }
3804            case 0x17: {
3805                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_D7_TETHERLESS_REPORT_UR90",
3806                        l.getElement(3) & 0x07);
3807            }
3808            case 0x1F: {
3809                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_D7_TETHERLESS_REPORT_UR91",
3810                        l.getElement(3) & 0x07);
3811            }
3812            case 0x22: {
3813                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_D7_TETHERLESS_REPORT_UR93",
3814                        l.getElement(3) & 0x07);
3815            }
3816           default: {
3817                return "";
3818            }
3819        }
3820    }
3822    private static String interpretOpcLissyUpdate(LocoNetMessage l) {
3823        /*
3824         * OPC_LISSY_UPDATE   0xE4
3825         *
3826         * LISSY is an automatic train detection system made by Uhlenbrock.
3827         * All documentation appears to be in German.
3828         * Also used by LocoIO-based RFID readers eg. GCA51
3829         */
3830        log.debug("Message from LISSY: {}", Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString()));
3831        switch (l.getElement(1)) {
3832            case 0x08: // Format LISSY message
3833                int unit = (l.getElement(4) & 0x7F);
3834                if ((l.getElement(3) & 0x40) != 0) { // Loco movement
3835                    int category = l.getElement(2) + 1;
3836                    int address = (l.getElement(6) & 0x7F) + 128 * (l.getElement(5) & 0x7F);
3837                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_IR_REPORT_LOCO_MOVEMENT",
3838                          unit,
3839                          Integer.toString(address),
3840                          Integer.toString(category),
3841                          ((l.getElement(3) & 0x20) == 0
3842                          ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_IR_REPORT_HELPER_DIRECTION_NORTH")
3843                          : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_IR_REPORT_HELPER_DIRECTION_SOUTH")));
3844                } else { // other messages
3845                    switch (l.getElement(2)) {
3846                      case 0x00: // Loco speed
3847                          int speed = (l.getElement(6) & 0x7F) + 128 * (l.getElement(5) & 0x7F);
3848                          return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_IR_REPORT_LOCO_SPEED",
3849                                  unit,
3850                                  Integer.toString(speed));
3852                      case 0x01: // Block status
3853                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_BLOCK_REPORT",
3854                                unit,
3855                                ((l.getElement(6) & 0x01) == 0
3856                                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_IR_REPORT_HELPER_BLOCK_FREE")
3857                                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_IR_REPORT_HELPER_BLOCK_OCCUPIED")));
3858                      default:
3859                          break;
3860                    }
3861                }
3862                break;
3864            case 0x0A: // Format special message
3865                int element = l.getElement(2) * 128 + l.getElement(3);
3866                int stat1 = l.getElement(5);
3867                int stat2 = l.getElement(6);
3868                String status;
3869                switch (stat1 & 0x30) {
3870                    case 0x30:
3871                        status = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SE_REPORT_HELPER_BOTH_RES");
3872                        break;
3873                    case 0x10:
3874                        status = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SE_REPORT_HELPER_AX_RES");
3875                        break;
3876                    case 0x20:
3877                        status = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SE_REPORT_HELPER_XA_RES");
3878                        break;
3879                    default:
3880                        status = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SE_REPORT_HELPER_NO_RES");
3881                        break;
3882                }
3884                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SE_REPORT",
3885                        (element + 1), element,
3886                        l.getElement(7), l.getElement(8),
3887                        status,
3888                        Bundle.getMessage(((stat2 & 0x01) != 0)
3889                                ? "LN_MSG_SWITCH_STATE_THROWN"
3890                                : "LN_MSG_SWITCH_STATE_CLOSED"),
3891                        Bundle.getMessage(((stat1 & 0x01) != 0)
3892                                ? "LN_MSG_SE_REPORT_HELPER_OCCUPIED"
3893                                : "LN_MSG_SE_REPORT_HELPER_UNOCCUPIED"));
3894            case 0x09:
3895                if (l.getElement(4) == 0x00) {
3896                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UNRECOGNIZED_SIG_STATE_REPORT_MAY_BE_FROM_CML_HW")+
3897                                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MONITOR_MESSAGE_RAW_HEX_INFO", l.toString());
3898                }
3899                break;
3900            case 0x0C:
3901            case 0x0E:
3902                if (l.getElement(2) == 0x41 ) {
3903                    // RFID-5 or 7 reader report
3904                    // RFID-7 reader report [E4 0E 41 00 02 04 3A 4B 4A 60 60 01 50 38]
3905                    // elem[3] = sensorAddr >> 7; addr.high
3906                    // elem[4] = sensorAddr & 0x7F; addr.low
3907                    StringBuilder tg = new StringBuilder();
3908                    int max = l.getElement(1) - 2; // GCA51 RFID-7 elem(1) = size = 0x0E; RFID-5 elem(1) = size = 0x0C
3909                    int rfidHi = l.getElement(max); // MSbits are transmitted via element(max)
3910                    for (int j = 5; j < max; j++) {
3911                        int shift = j-5;
3912                        int hi = 0x0;
3913                        if(((rfidHi >> shift) & 0x1) == 1) hi = 0x80;
3914                        tg.append(String.format("%1$02X", l.getElement(j) + hi));
3915                    }
3916                    int portAddress = l.getElement(3) << 7 | l.getElement(4);
3917                    int msgType = 7;
3918                    if (max == 9) msgType = 5;
3919                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LISSY_RFIDX_REPORT", msgType, portAddress, tg.toString());
3920                }
3921                break;
3922            default:
3923                break;
3924        }
3925        return "";
3926    }
3928    private static String interpretOpcImmPacket(LocoNetMessage l) {
3929        String result;
3931        /*
3932         * OPC_IMM_PACKET   0xED
3933         */
3934        if (l.getElement(1) == 0x0F) { // length = 15
3935            // check for a specific type - Uhlenbrock LNSV Programming messages format
3936            result = interpretLncvMessage(l);
3937            if (!result.isEmpty()) {
3938                return result;
3939            }
3941            return "";
3942        }
3944        /* Else:
3945         * OPC_IMM_PACKET   0xED   ;SEND n-byte packet immediate LACK
3946         *                         ; Follow on message: LACK
3947         *                         ; <0xED>,<0B>,<7F>,<REPS>,<DHI>,<IM1>,<IM2>,
3948         *                         ;        <IM3>,<IM4>,<IM5>,<CHK>
3949         *                         ;   <DHI>=<0,0,1,IM5.7-IM4.7,IM3.7,IM2.7,IM1.7>
3950         *                         ;   <REPS>  D4,5,6=#IM bytes,
3951         *                         ;           D3=0(reserved);
3952         *                         ;           D2,1,0=repeat CNT
3953         *                         ; IF Not limited MASTER then
3954         *                         ;   LACK=<B4>,<7D>,<7F>,<chk> if CMD ok
3955         *                         ; IF limited MASTER then Lim Masters respond
3956         *                         ;   with <B4>,<7E>,<lim adr>,<chk>
3957         *                         ; IF internal buffer BUSY/full respond
3958         *                         ;   with <B4>,<7D>,<0>,<chk>
3959         *                         ;   (NOT IMPLEMENTED IN DT200)
3960         *
3961         * This sends a raw NMRA packet across the LocoNet.
3962         *
3963         * Page 11 of LocoNet Personal Edition v1.0.
3964         *
3965         * Decodes for the F9-F28 functions taken from the NMRA standards and
3966         * coded by Leo Bicknell.
3967         */
3969        // sendPkt = (sendPktMsg *) msgBuf;
3970        int val7f = l.getElement(2);
3971        /* fixed value of 0x7f */
3973        int reps = l.getElement(3);
3974        /* repeat count */
3976        int dhi = l.getElement(4);
3977        /* high bits of data bytes */
3979        int im1 = l.getElement(5);
3980        int im2 = l.getElement(6);
3981        int im3 = l.getElement(7);
3982        int im4 = l.getElement(8);
3983        int im5 = l.getElement(9);
3984        int mobileDecoderAddress = -999;
3985        int nmraInstructionType = -999;
3986        int nmraSubInstructionType = -999;
3987        int playableWhistleLevel = -999;
3989        // see if it really is a 'Send Packet' as defined in LocoNet PE
3990        if ((val7f == 0x7f) && (l.getElement(1) == 0x0B)) {
3991            int len = ((reps & 0x70) >> 4);
3992            if (len < 2) {
3993                return ""; // no valid NMRA packets of less than 2 bytes.
3994            }
3995            // duplication of packet data as packetInt was deemed necessary
3996            // due to issues with msBit loss when converting from "byte" to
3997            // integral forms
3998            byte[] packet = new byte[len];
3999            int[] packetInt = new int[len];
4000            packet[0] = (byte) (im1 + ((dhi & 0x01) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4001            packetInt[0] = (im1 + ((dhi & 0x01) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4003            // len >= 2 always true at this point
4004            packet[1] = (byte) (im2 + ((dhi & 0x02) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4005            packetInt[1] = (im2 + ((dhi & 0x02) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4007            if (len >= 3) {
4008                packet[2] = (byte) (im3 + ((dhi & 0x04) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4009                packetInt[2] = (im3 + ((dhi & 0x04) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4010            }
4011            if (len >= 4) {
4012                packet[3] = (byte) (im4 + ((dhi & 0x08) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4013                packetInt[3] = (im4 + ((dhi & 0x08) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4014            }
4015            if (len >= 5) {
4016                packet[4] = (byte) (im5 + ((dhi & 0x10) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4017                packetInt[4] = (im5 + ((dhi & 0x10) != 0 ? 0x80 : 0));
4018            }
4020            int address;
4021            // compute some information which is useful for decoding
4022            // the "Playable" whistle message
4023            // Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
4024            if ((packetInt[0] & 0x80) == 0x0) {
4025                // immediate packet addresses a 7-bit multi-function (mobile) decoder
4026                mobileDecoderAddress = packetInt[0];
4027                nmraInstructionType = (packetInt[1] & 0xE) >> 5;
4028                nmraSubInstructionType = (packetInt[1] & 0x1f);
4029                if ((nmraSubInstructionType == 0x1d) && (packetInt[2] == 0x7f)) {
4030                    playableWhistleLevel = packetInt[3];
4031                }
4032            } else if ((packetInt[0] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
4033                // immediate packet addresses a 14-bit multi-function (mobile) decoder
4034                mobileDecoderAddress = ((packetInt[0] & 0x3F) << 8) + packetInt[1];
4035                nmraInstructionType = (packetInt[2] & 0xE0) >> 5;
4036                nmraSubInstructionType = (packetInt[2] & 0x1f);
4037                if ((nmraSubInstructionType == 0x1d) && (packetInt[3] == 0x7f)) {
4038                    playableWhistleLevel = packetInt[4];
4039                }
4040            }
4041            // immediate packet not addressed to a multi-function (mobile) decoder
4042            if ((mobileDecoderAddress >= 0)
4043                    && (nmraInstructionType == 1)
4044                    && (nmraSubInstructionType == 0x1D)) {
4045                // the "Playable" whistle message
4046                // Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
4047                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_PLAYABLE_WHISTLE_CONTROL",
4048                        Integer.toString(mobileDecoderAddress),
4049                        playableWhistleLevel,
4050                        (reps & 0x7));
4051            }
4053            // F9-F28 w/a long address.
4054            if ((packetInt[0] & 0xC0) == 0xC0) {
4055                address = ((packetInt[0] & 0x3F) << 8) + packetInt[1];
4057                if ((packetInt[2] & 0xFF) == 0xDF) {
4058                    // Functions 21-28
4059                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SEND_PACKET_IMM_SET_F21_TO_F28",
4060                            Integer.toString(address),
4061                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x01) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4062                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x02) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4063                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x04) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4064                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x08) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4065                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x10) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4066                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x20) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4067                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x40) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4068                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[3] & 0x80) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4069                } else if ((packetInt[2] & 0xFF) == 0xDE) {
4070                    // Functions 13-20
4071                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SEND_PACKET_IMM_SET_F13_TO_F20",
4072                            Integer.toString(address),
4073                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x01) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4074                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x02) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4075                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x04) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4076                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x08) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4077                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x10) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4078                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x20) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4079                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x40) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4080                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[3] & 0x80) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4081                } else if ((packetInt[2] & 0xF0) == 0xA0) {
4082                    // Functions 9-12
4083                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SEND_PACKET_IMM_SET_F9_TO_F12",
4084                            Integer.toString(address),
4085                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[2] & 0x01) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4086                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[2] & 0x02) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4087                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[2] & 0x04) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4088                            Bundle.getMessage((((packetInt[2] & 0x08) != 0) ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4089                } else {
4090                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_IMM_PKT_GENERIC",
4091                            ((reps & 0x70) >> 4),
4092                            (reps & 0x07),
4093                            reps,
4094                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4095                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(dhi)),
4096                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4097                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im1)),
4098                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4099                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im2)),
4100                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4101                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im3)),
4102                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4103                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im4)),
4104                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4105                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im5)),
4106                            NmraPacket.format(packet));
4107                }
4108            } else { // F9-F28 w/a short address.
4109                address = packetInt[0];
4110                if ((packetInt[1] & 0xFF) == 0xDF) {
4111                    // Functions 21-28
4112                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SEND_PACKET_IMM_SET_F21_TO_F28",
4113                            address,
4114                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x01) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4115                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x02) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4116                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x04) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4117                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x08) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4118                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x10) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4119                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x20) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4120                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x40) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4121                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x80) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4123                } else if ((packetInt[1] & 0xFF) == 0xDE) {
4124                    // Functions 13-20
4125                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SEND_PACKET_IMM_SET_F13_TO_F20",
4126                            address,
4127                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x01) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4128                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x02) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4129                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x04) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4130                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x08) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4131                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x10) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4132                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x20) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4133                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x40) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4134                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[2] & 0x80) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4135                } else if ((packetInt[1] & 0xF0) == 0xA0) {
4136                    // Functions 9-12
4137                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SEND_PACKET_IMM_SET_F9_TO_F12",
4138                            address,
4139                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[1] & 0x01) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4140                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[1] & 0x02) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4141                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[1] & 0x04) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4142                            Bundle.getMessage(((packetInt[1] & 0x08) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4143                } else {
4144                    // Unknown
4145                    if ((packetInt[0] & 0xC0) == 0x80 ) {
4146                        /*
4147                        * 2.4.7 Extended Decoder Control Packet address for
4148                        * operations mode programming and Aspect Setting.
4149                        * 10AAAAAA 0 0AAA0AA1
4150                        * Packets 3 bytes in length are Accessory Aspect packets (2.4.3)
4151                        *  {preamble} 10AAAAAA 0 0AAA0AA1 0 XXXXXXXX 0 EEEEEEEE 1
4152                        * Please note that the use of 0 in bit 3 of byte 2 is to
4153                        * ensure that this packet cannot be confused with the
4154                        * legacy accessory-programming packets. The resulting packet
4155                        * would be:
4156                        * {preamble} 10AAAAAA 0 0AAA0AA1 0 (1110CCVV 0 VVVVVVVV 0 DDDDDDDD) 0 EEEEEEEE 1
4157                        * A5 43 00
4158                        * 10100101 0010011 00000000
4159                        * Signal Decoder Address (Configuration Variable Access Instruction) Error Byte
4160                        */
4161                        log.debug("Is an Extended Accessory Ops-mode CV access or Set Signal Aspect");
4162                        log.debug("   LocoNet message: {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}",
4163                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(0)),
4164                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(1)),
4165                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(2)),
4166                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(3)),
4167                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(4)),
4168                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(5)),
4169                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(6)),
4170                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(7)),
4171                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(8)),
4172                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(9)),
4173                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(l.getElement(10))
4174                                );
4175                        if (packetInt.length == 5) {
4176                            log.debug("   NMRA packet: {} {} {} {} {}",
4177                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[0]),
4178                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[1]),
4179                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[2]),
4180                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[3]),
4181                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[4])
4182                                    );
4183                        } else if (packetInt.length == 3) {
4184                            log.debug("   NMRA packet: {} {} {}",
4185                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[0]),
4186                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[1]),
4187                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(packetInt[2])
4188                                    );
4189                        } else {
4190                            log.warn(" Unknown Extended Accessory Packet length [{}])",packetInt.length);
4191                            return "";
4192                        }
4193                        if ((packetInt[2] & 0xF0) == 0xF0) {
4194                            /*
4195                            * Configuration Variable Access Instruction - Short Form
4196                            * This instruction has the format of:
4197                            * {instruction bytes} = 1111GGGG 0 DDDDDDDD 0 DDDDDDDD
4198                            * The 8-bit data DDDDDDDD is placed in the configuration
4199                            * variable identified by GGGG according
4200                            */
4201                            log.debug("Is an Short-form Extended Accessory Ops-mode CV access");
4202                        }
4203                        if ((packetInt[2] & 0xf0) == 0xe0) {
4204                            /*
4205                            * Configuration Variable Access Instruction - Long Form
4206                            * The long form allows the direct manipulation of all CVs8. This
4207                            * instruction is valid both when the Digital Decoder has its
4208                            * long address active and short address active. Digital Decoders
4209                            * shall not act on this instruction if sent to its consist
4210                            * address.
4211                            *
4212                            * The format of the instructions using Direct CV
4213                            * addressing is:
4214                            *   {instruction bytes}= 1110GGVV 0 VVVVVVVV 0 DDDDDDDD
4215                            *
4216                            * The actual Configuration Variable desired is selected
4217                            * via the 10-bit address with the 2-bit address (VV) in
4218                            * the first data byte being the most significant bits of
4219                            * the address. The Configuration variable being addressed
4220                            * is the provided 10-bit address plus 1. For example, to
4221                            * address CV1 the 10 bit address is "00 00000000".
4222                            *
4223                            * The defined values for Instruction type (CC) are:
4224                            *       GG=00 Reserved for future use
4225                            *       GG=01 Verify byte 505
4226                            *       GG=11 Write byte
4227                            *       GG=10 Bit manipulation
4228                            * */
4229                            int addr = getExtendedAccessoryAddressFromDCCPacket(packetInt);
4230                            log.debug("Long-format Extended Accessory Ops-mode CV access: Extended Acceccory Address {}", addr);
4231                            int cvnum = 1 + ((packetInt[2] & 0x03) << 8) + (packetInt[3] & 0xff);
4232                            switch (packetInt[2] & 0x0C) {
4233                                case 0x04:
4234                                    //  GG=01 Verify byte
4235                                    /*
4236                                     * Type = "01" VERIFY BYTE
4237                                     *
4238                                     * The contents of the Configuration Variable as indicated
4239                                     * by the 10-bit address are compared with the data byte
4240                                     * (DDDDDDDD). If the decoder successfully receives this
4241                                     * packet and the values are identical, the Digital
4242                                     * Decoder shall respond with the contents of the CV as
4243                                     * the Decoder Response Transmission, if enabled.
4244                                    */
4245                                    log.debug("CV # {}, Verify Byte: {}", cvnum, packetInt[4]);
4246                                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_EXTEND_ACCY_CV_VERIFY",
4247                                            addr, cvnum, packetInt[4] );
4248                                case 0x08:
4249                                    // GG=10 Bit manipulation
4250                                    /*
4251                                     * Type = "10" BIT MANIPULATION.
4252                                     *
4253                                     * The bit manipulation instructions use a special
4254                                     * format for the data byte (DDDDDDDD): 111FDBBB, where
4255                                     * BBB represents the bit position within the CV,
4256                                     * D contains the value of the bit to be verified
4257                                     * or written, and F describes whether the
4258                                     * operation is a verify bit or a write bit
4259                                     * operation.
4260                                     *
4261                                     * F = "1" : WRITE BIT
4262                                     * F = "0" : VERIFY BIT
4263                                     * The VERIFY BIT and WRITE BIT instructions operate
4264                                     * in a manner similar to the VERIFY BYTE and WRITE
4265                                     * BYTE instructions (but operates on a single bit).
4266                                     * Using the same criteria as the VERIFY BYTE
4267                                     * instruction, an operations mode acknowledgment
4268                                     * will be generated in response to a VERIFY BIT
4269                                     * instruction if appropriate. Using the same
4270                                     * criteria as the WRITE BYTE instruction, a
4271                                     * configuration variable access acknowledgment
4272                                     * will be generated in response to the second
4273                                     * identical WRITE BIT instruction if appropriate.
4274                                     */
4275                                    if ((packetInt[4]& 0xE0) != 0xE0) {
4276                                        break;
4277                                    }
4278                                    log.debug("CV # {}, Bit Manipulation: {} {} (of bits 0-7) with {}",
4279                                            cvnum, (packetInt[4] & 0x10) == 0x10 ? "Write" : "Verify",
4280                                            (packetInt[4] & 0x7),
4281                                            (packetInt[4] >> 3) & 0x1);
4283                                    // "Extended Accessory Decoder CV Bit {} bit,
4284                                    // Address {}, CV {}, bit # {} (of bits 0-7)
4285                                    // with value {}.\n"
4286                                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_EXTEND_ACCY_CV_BIT_ACCESS",
4287                                            ((packetInt[4] & 0x10) == 0x10 ? "Write" : "Verify"),
4288                                            addr, cvnum, (packetInt[4] & 0x7),
4289                                            ((packetInt[4] >>3) & 0x1) );
4290                                case 0x0c:
4291                                    // GG=11 Write byte
4292                                    /*
4293                                     * Type = "11" WRITE BYTE
4294                                     *
4295                                     * The contents of the Configuration Variable as indicated by the 10-bit
4296                                     * address are replaced by the data byte (DDDDDDDD). Two identical
4297                                     * packets are needed before the decoder shall modify a
4298                                     * configuration variable. These two packets need not be back
4299                                     * to back on the track. However any other packet to the same
4300                                     * decoder will invalidate the write operation. (This includes
4301                                     * broadcast packets.) If the decoder successfully receives
4302                                     * this second identical packet, it shall respond with a
4303                                     * configuration variable access acknowledgment.
4304                                     */
4305                                    log.debug("CV # {}, Write Byte: {}", cvnum, packetInt[4]);
4306                                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_EXTEND_ACCY_CV_WRITE",
4307                                            addr, cvnum, packetInt[4] );
4308                                case 0x0:
4309                                default:
4310                                    // GG=00 Reserved for future use
4311                                    log.debug("CV # {}, Reserved (GG=0); {}", cvnum, packetInt[4]);
4312                            }
4313                        } else if (packetInt.length == 3) {
4314                            int addr = getExtendedAccessoryAddressFromDCCPacket(packetInt);
4315                            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_EXTEND_ACCY_SET_ASPECT",
4316                                    addr, addr - 4, packetInt[2] );
4317                        }
4318                    }
4319                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_IMM_PKT_GENERIC",
4320                            ((reps & 0x70) >> 4),
4321                            (reps & 0x07),
4322                            reps,
4323                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4324                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(dhi)),
4325                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4326                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im1)),
4327                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4328                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im2)),
4329                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4330                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im3)),
4331                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4332                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im4)),
4333                            Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4334                                    StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(im5)),
4335                            NmraPacket.format(packet));
4336                }
4337            } // else { // F9-F28 w/a short address.
4338        } else if (l.getElement(1) == 0x1F) {
4339            if (l.getElement(2) == 0x01 && l.getElement(3) == 0x49 && l.getElement(4) == 0x42
4340                    && l.getElement(6) != 0x5E && l.getElement(10) == 0x70 && l.getElement(11) == 0x00 && l.getElement(15) == 0x10) {
4341                // Uhlenbrock IB-COM / Intellibox I and II read or write CV value on programming track
4342                String cv = Integer.toString(l.getElement(8) * 256 + ((l.getElement(5) & 0x02) * 64) + l.getElement(7));
4343                int val = l.getElement(9) + 16 * (l.getElement(5) & 0x08);
4344                switch (l.getElement(6)) {
4345                    case 0x6C:
4346                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_READ_CV_REG_MODE_FROM_PT", cv);
4347                    case 0x6D:
4348                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_WRITE_CV_REG_MODE_FROM_PT", cv);
4349                    case 0x6E:
4350                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_READ_CV_PAGED_MODE_FROM_PT", cv);
4351                    case 0x6F:
4352                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_WRITE_CV_PAGED_MODE_FROM_PT", cv);
4353                    case 0x71:
4354                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_WRITE_CV_DIRECT_BYTE_MODE_FROM_PT",
4355                                cv, val);
4356                    case 0x70: // observed on Intellibox II, even though it does not work on IB-COM
4357                    case 0x72:
4358                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_READ_CV_DIRECT_BYTE_MODE_FROM_PT", cv);
4359                    default:
4360                        break;
4361                }
4362                return "";
4363            } else if (l.getElement(2) == 0x01 && l.getElement(3) == 0x49 && l.getElement(4) == 0x42
4364                    && l.getElement(6) == 0x5E) {
4365                // Uhlenbrock IB-COM / Intellibox I and II write CV value on main track
4366                int addr = l.getElement(8) * 256 + ((l.getElement(5) & 0x02) * 64) + l.getElement(7);
4367                String cv = Integer.toString(l.getElement(11) * 256 + ((l.getElement(5) & 0x08) << 4) + l.getElement(9));
4368                int val = ((l.getElement(10) & 0x02) << 6) + l.getElement(12);
4369                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_UHLEN_CV_OPS_MODE_WRITE",
4370                        addr, cv, val);
4371            }
4372        }
4373        return ""; // not an understood message.
4374    }
4376    /*
4377     * Returns the Digitrax Extended Accessory Packet Address
4378     */
4379    private static int getExtendedAccessoryAddressFromDCCPacket(int[] packetInt) {
4380        return ( 1 + ((packetInt[0] & 0x3F) << 2) +
4381                ((( ~ packetInt[1]) & 0x70) << 4)
4382                + ((packetInt[1] & 0x06) >> 1));
4383    }
4385    private static String interpretOpcPr3Mode(LocoNetMessage l) {
4386        /*
4387         * Sets the operating mode of the PR3 device, if present.
4388         *
4389         * Information reverse-engineered by B. Milhaupt and used with permission
4390         */
4392        if ((l.getElement(1) == 0x10) && ((l.getElement(2) & 0x7c) == 0)
4393                && (l.getElement(3) == 0) && (l.getElement(4) == 0)) {
4394            // set PR3 mode of operation, where LS 2 bits of byte 2 are encoded as:
4395            // 0x00 Set the PR3 mode to MS100 interface mode with PR3 LocoNet termination disabled
4396            // 0x01 Set the PR3 to decoder programming track mode
4397            // 0x03 Set the PR3 to MS100 interface mode with PR3 LocoNet termination enabled
4399            switch (l.getElement(2) & 0x3) {
4400                case 0x00: {
4401                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SET_PR3_MODE_LOCONET_IF_WITHOUT_TERM");
4402                }
4403                case 0x02: {
4404                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SET_PR3_MODE_PR3_PROGRAMMING_TRACK_ONLY");
4405                }
4406                case 0x03: {
4407                    return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SET_PR3_MODE_LN_MSG_SET_PR3_MODE_LOCONET_IF_WITH_TERM");
4408                }
4409                default: {
4410                    break;
4411                }
4412            }
4413        }
4414        return "";
4415    }
4417    private static String interpretIb2Special(LocoNetMessage l) {
4418        // Intellibox function control message for mobile decoder F0-F28 (IB-I) and F13-F28 (IB-II)
4419        if ((l.getElement(1) == LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_FUNCS_TOKEN)
4420                && ((l.getElement(3) == LnConstants.RE_IB1_SPECIAL_F5_F11_TOKEN)
4421                || (l.getElement(3) == LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_F13_F19_TOKEN)
4422                || (l.getElement(3) == LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_F21_F27_TOKEN))) {
4423            // Intellibox-I function control message for mobile decoder F5 thru F27 except F12 and F20
4424            // Intellibox-II function control message for mobile decoder F13 thru F27 except F20
4425            // Note: Intellibox-II documentation implies capability to control
4426            // MANY more functions.  This capability may be extended by
4427            // additional tokens in element 3, including the special-case encoding
4428            // for the "eighth bit" as handled in the following case, below,
4429            // for F12, F20 & F28
4430            int funcOffset = 5 + 8 * (l.getElement(3) - LnConstants.RE_IB1_SPECIAL_F5_F11_TOKEN);
4431            String encodingType;
4432            if (l.getElement(3) == LnConstants.RE_IB1_SPECIAL_F5_F11_TOKEN) {
4433                encodingType = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL_HELPER_IB1");
4434            } else {
4435                encodingType = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL_HELPER_IB2");
4436            }
4437            String[] funcInfo = new String[7];
4438            int mask = 1;
4439            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
4440                // handle 7 bits of data
4441                funcInfo[i] = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL_HELPER_INDIV_FUNC",
4442                        funcOffset + i,
4443                        Bundle.getMessage(((l.getElement(4) & mask) != 0)
4444                                ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON"
4445                                : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4446                mask *= 2;
4447            }
4448            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL",
4449                    encodingType, l.getElement(2), funcInfo[0],
4450                    funcInfo[1], funcInfo[2], funcInfo[3],
4451                    funcInfo[4], funcInfo[5], funcInfo[6]);
4452        } else if ((l.getElement(1) == LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_FUNCS_TOKEN)
4453                && (l.getElement(3) == LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_F20_F28_TOKEN)) {
4454            // Special-case for F12, F20 and F28, since the tokens from the previous case
4455            // can only encode 7 bits of data in element(4).
4456            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_SPECIAL_FUNC_CTL",
4457                    l.getElement(2),
4458                    Bundle.getMessage(((l.getElement(4) & LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_F12_MASK) != 0)
4459                            ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON"
4460                            : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"),
4461                    Bundle.getMessage(((l.getElement(4) & LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_F20_MASK) != 0)
4462                            ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON"
4463                            : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"),
4464                    Bundle.getMessage(((l.getElement(4) & LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_F28_MASK) != 0)
4465                            ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON"
4466                            : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4467        } else if ((l.getElement(1) == LnConstants.RE_IB2_SPECIAL_FUNCS_TOKEN)
4468                && (l.getElement(3) == LnConstants.RE_IB1_SPECIAL_F0_F4_TOKEN)) {
4469            // For Intellibox-I "one" with SW version 2.x - Special-case for F0 to F4
4470            String[] funcInfo = new String[7];
4471            funcInfo[0] = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL_HELPER_INDIV_FUNC",
4472                    0,
4473                    (l.getElement(4) & LnConstants.RE_IB1_F0_MASK) == 0 ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4474                    : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4475            int mask = 1;
4476            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
4477                // handle 7 bits of data
4478                funcInfo[i + 1] = Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL_HELPER_INDIV_FUNC",
4479                        i + 1,
4480                        Bundle.getMessage(((l.getElement(4) & mask) != 0)
4481                                ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON"
4482                                : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4483                mask *= 2;
4484            }
4485            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_FUNC_CTL_F0_TO_F4",
4486                    l.getElement(2),
4487                    funcInfo[0], funcInfo[1], funcInfo[2], funcInfo[3],
4488                    funcInfo[4]);
4489        }
4490        // Because the usage of other tokens in message element(3) are not yet
4491        // understood, let execution fall thru to the "default" case
4492        return "";
4493    }
4495    private static String interpretIb2F9_to_F12(LocoNetMessage l) {
4496        // Intellibox-II function control message for mobile decoder F9 thru F12.
4497        int slot = l.getElement(1);
4498        int funcs = l.getElement(2);
4499        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_INTELLIBOX_SLOT_SET_F9_TO_F12",
4500                slot,
4501                Bundle.getMessage(((funcs & LnConstants.RE_IB2_F9_MASK) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4502                Bundle.getMessage(((funcs & LnConstants.RE_IB2_F10_MASK) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4503                Bundle.getMessage(((funcs & LnConstants.RE_IB2_F11_MASK) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")),
4504                Bundle.getMessage(((funcs & LnConstants.RE_IB2_F12_MASK) != 0 ? "LN_MSG_FUNC_ON" : "LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF")));
4505    }
4507    /**
4508     * Convert bytes from LocoNet packet into a locomotive address.
4509     *
4510     * @param a1 Byte containing the upper bits.
4511     * @param a2 Byte containing the lower bits.
4512     * @return a locomotive address in the range of 0-16383
4513     */
4514    static private int LOCO_ADR(int a1, int a2) {
4515        return (((a1 & 0x7f) * 128) + (a2 & 0x7f));
4516    }
4518    /**
4519     * Convert bytes from LocoNet packet into a 1-based address for a sensor or
4520     * turnout.
4521     *
4522     * @param a1 Byte containing the upper bits
4523     * @param a2 Byte containing the lower bits
4524     * @return 1-4096 address
4525     */
4526    static private int SENSOR_ADR(int a1, int a2) {
4527        return (((a2 & 0x0f) * 128) + (a1 & 0x7f)) + 1;
4528    }
4530    /*
4531     * Take an int and convert it to a dotted version number
4532     * as used by the LocoIO protocol.
4533     * Example:  123 => 1.2.3
4534     */
4535    /**
4536     * Take the LocoIO version number and convert to human friendly format, like
4537     * "1.4.8" or "9.1".
4538     *
4539     * @param val The LocoIO version.
4540     * @return String with human readable format
4541     */
4542    public static String dotme(int val) {
4543        if ((val >= 0) && (val < 10)) {
4544            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LOCOIO_HELPER_FIRMWARE_REV_DOTTED_ONE_DIGIT", val);
4545        } else if ((val >= 10) && (val < 100)) {
4546            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LOCOIO_HELPER_FIRMWARE_REV_DOTTED_TWO_DIGITS", val / 10, val % 10);
4547        } else if ((val >= 100) && (val < 1000)) {
4548            int hundreds = val / 100;
4549            int tens = (val - (hundreds * 100)) / 10;
4550            int ones = val % 10;
4551            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LOCOIO_HELPER_FIRMWARE_REV_DOTTED_THREE_DIGITS", hundreds, tens, ones);
4552        }
4553        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LOCOIO_HELPER_FIRMWARE_REV_OUT_OF_RANGE", val);
4554    }
4556    /**
4557     * Convert throttle ID to a human friendly format.
4558     *
4559     * @param id1 Byte #1 of the ID
4560     * @param id2 Byte #2 of the ID
4561     * @return String with human friendly format, without the influence of
4562     *         Locale
4563     */
4564    private static String idString(int id1, int id2) {
4565        /* the decimalIdValueWithoutLocale_SpecificFormatting variable
4566        is used to generate a string representation of the ID value
4567        without any local-specific formatting.  In other words, in a
4568        us_EN locale, we want "14385", not "14,385".
4569         */
4570        String decimalIdValueWithoutLocale_SpecificFormatting
4571                = Integer.toString(((id2 & 0x7F) * 128 + (id1 & 0x7F)));
4573        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_THROTTLE_ID",
4574                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4575                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(id2 & 0x7F)),
4576                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
4577                        StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(id1 & 0x7F)),
4578                decimalIdValueWithoutLocale_SpecificFormatting);
4579    }
4581    /**
4582     * Create a string representation of the loco address in
4583     * addressLow and addressHigh in a form appropriate for the type of address (2
4584     * or 4 digit) using the Digitrax 'mixed mode' if necessary.
4585     * <p>
4586     * "Mixed mode" is used by DT100 and DT200 throttles to display loco
4587     * addresses between 100 and 127 as a two-digit displayable value, where the
4588     * left digit is either 'a', 'b', or 'c', (for addresses in the 10x, 11x,
4589     * and 12x ranges, respectively), and the right digit is the "x" from the
4590     * ranges above.
4591     *
4592     * @param addressLow  the least-significant 7 bits of the loco address
4593     * @param addressHigh the most-significant 7 bits of the loco address
4594     * @return a String containing the address, using Digitrax 'mixed mode'
4595     *         representation of the loco address, if appropriate
4596     */
4597    public static String convertToMixed(int addressLow, int addressHigh) {
4598        // if we have a 2 digit decoder address, proceed accordingly
4599        switch (addressHigh) {
4600            case 0x7d:
4601                log.debug("addressLow / 10 = {}", addressLow / 10);
4602                switch (addressLow) {
4603                    case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105:
4604                    case 106: case 107: case 108: case 109:
4605                        // N (short, alternately 'An') (or long address NN)
4606                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_ALTERNATE_SHORT_AND_LONG_ADDRESS_Ax",
4607                                addressLow,
4608                                addressLow-100,
4609                                String.valueOf(LOCO_ADR(addressHigh, addressLow)));
4610                                // Note: .toString intentionally used here to remove the "internationalized"
4611                                // presentation of integers, which, in US English, adds a "," between
4612                                // the thousands digit and the hundreds digit.  This comma is undesired
4613                                // in this application.
4614                    case 110: case 111: case 112: case 113: case 114: case 115:
4615                    case 116: case 117: case 118: case 119:
4616                        // N (short, alternately 'Bn') (or long address NN)
4617                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_ALTERNATE_SHORT_AND_LONG_ADDRESS_Bx",
4618                                addressLow,
4619                                addressLow-110,
4620                                String.valueOf(LOCO_ADR(addressHigh, addressLow)));
4621                                // Note: .toString intentionally used here to remove the "internationalized"
4622                                // presentation of integers, which, in US English, adds a "," between
4623                                // the thousands digit and the hundreds digit.  This comma is undesired
4624                                // in this application.
4625                    case 120: case 121: case 122: case 123: case 124: case 125:
4626                    case 126: case 127:
4627                        // N (short, alternately 'Cn') (or long address NN)
4628                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_ALTERNATE_SHORT_AND_LONG_ADDRESS_Cx",
4629                                addressLow,
4630                                addressLow-120,
4631                                String.valueOf(LOCO_ADR(addressHigh, addressLow)));
4632                                // Note: .toString intentionally used here to remove the "internationalized"
4633                                // presentation of integers, which, in US English, adds a "," between
4634                                // the thousands digit and the hundreds digit.  This comma is undesired
4635                                // in this application.
4636                    default:
4637                        // N (short) (or long address NN)
4638                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_SHORT_AND_LONG_ADDRESS",
4639                                addressLow,
4640                                String.valueOf(LOCO_ADR(addressHigh, addressLow)));
4641                                // Note: .toString intentionally used here to remove the "internationalized"
4642                                // presentation of integers, which, in US English, adds a "," between
4643                                // the thousands digit and the hundreds digit.  This comma is undesired
4644                                // in this application.
4645                }
4647            case 0x00:
4648            case 0x7f:
4649                switch (addressLow) {
4650                    case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105:
4651                    case 106: case 107: case 108: case 109:
4652                        // N (short, alternately 'An')
4653                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_ALTERNATE_SHORT_ADDRESS_Ax",
4654                                addressLow,
4655                                addressLow-100);
4656                    case 110: case 111: case 112: case 113: case 114: case 115:
4657                    case 116: case 117: case 118: case 119:
4658                        // N (short, alternately 'Bn')
4659                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_ALTERNATE_SHORT_ADDRESS_Bx",
4660                                addressLow,
4661                                addressLow-110);
4662                    case 120: case 121: case 122: case 123: case 124: case 125:
4663                    case 126: case 127:
4664                        // N (short, alternately 'Cn')
4665                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_ALTERNATE_SHORT_ADDRESS_Cx",
4666                                addressLow,
4667                                addressLow-120);
4668                    default:
4669                        // N (short)
4670                        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HELPER_IS_SHORT_ADDRESS",
4671                                addressLow);
4672                }
4673            default:
4674                // return the full 4 digit address
4675                return String.valueOf(LOCO_ADR(addressHigh, addressLow));
4676                // Note: .toString intentionally used here to remove the "internationalized"
4677                // presentation of integers, which, in US English, adds a "," between
4678                // the thousands digit and the hundreds digit.  This comma is undesired
4679                // in this application.
4680        }
4681    }
4683    private static String trackStatusByteToString(int trackStatusByte) {
4684        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STAT",
4685                (((trackStatusByte & LnConstants.GTRK_MLOK1) != 0)
4686                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_LN1_1")
4687                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_DT200")),
4688                (((trackStatusByte & LnConstants.GTRK_POWER) != 0)
4689                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_TRK_PWR_ON")
4690                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_TRK_PWR_OFF")),
4691                (((trackStatusByte & LnConstants.GTRK_IDLE) != 0)
4692                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_TRK_PWR_RUNNING")
4693                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_TRK_PWR_PAUSED")),
4694                (((trackStatusByte & LnConstants.GTRK_PROG_BUSY) != 0)
4695                        ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_PRG_BUSY")
4696                        : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_TRK_STATUS_PRG_AVAILABLE"))
4697        );
4698    }
4700    /**
4701     * Return a string which is formatted by a bundle Resource Name.
4702     *
4703     * @param hour    fast-clock hour
4704     * @param minute  fast-clock minute
4705     * @return a formatted string containing the time
4706     */
4707    private static String fcTimeToString(int hour, int minute) {
4708        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_FC_TIME",
4709                LocalTime.of(hour, minute).toString());
4710    }
4712    protected static String[] interpretF0_F4toStrings(int dirf) {
4713        String[] s = new String[5];
4715        s[0] = (((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_F0) == LnConstants.DIRF_F0)
4716                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4717                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4718        s[1] = (((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_F1) == LnConstants.DIRF_F1)
4719                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4720                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4721        s[2] = (((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_F2) == LnConstants.DIRF_F2)
4722                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4723                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4724        s[3] = (((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_F3) == LnConstants.DIRF_F3)
4725                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4726                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4727        s[4] = (((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_F4) == LnConstants.DIRF_F4)
4728                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4729                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4730        return s;
4731    }
4733    protected static String directionOfTravelString(boolean isForward) {
4734        return Bundle.getMessage(isForward ? "LN_MSG_DIRECTION_FWD"
4735                : "LN_MSG_DIRECTION_REV");
4736    }
4738    protected static String[] interpretF5_F8toStrings(int snd) {
4739        String[] s = new String[4];
4741        s[0] = (((snd & LnConstants.SND_F5) == LnConstants.SND_F5)
4742                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4743                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4745        s[1] = (((snd & LnConstants.SND_F6) == LnConstants.SND_F6)
4746                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4747                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4749        s[2] = (((snd & LnConstants.SND_F7) == LnConstants.SND_F7)
4750                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4751                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4753        s[3] = (((snd & LnConstants.SND_F8) == LnConstants.SND_F8)
4754                ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4755                : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4757        return s;
4758    }
4760    private static String figureAddressIncludingAliasing(int adr, int adr2, int ss2, int id1, int id2) {
4762        /*
4763         * Build loco address string. String will be a simple
4764         * number, unless the address is between 100 and 127
4765         * (inclusive), where a Digitrax "mixed mode" version
4766         * of the address will be appended.
4767         */
4768        String mixedAdrStr = convertToMixed(adr, adr2);
4770        /*
4771         * If the address is a command station "alias" condition,
4772         * then note it in the string.
4773         */
4774        if (adr2 == 0x7f) {
4775            if ((ss2 & LnConstants.STAT2_ALIAS_MASK) == LnConstants.STAT2_ID_IS_ALIAS) {
4776                /* this is an aliased address and we have the alias */
4777                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LOCO_ADDR_HELPER_ALIAS_2_DIGIT_WITH_KNOWN_4_DIGIT",
4778                        Integer.toString(LOCO_ADR(id2, id1)), mixedAdrStr);
4779            } else {
4780                /* this is an aliased address and we don't have the alias */
4781                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_LOCO_ADDR_HELPER_ALIAS_2_DIGIT_WITH_UNKNOWN_4_DIGIT",
4782                        mixedAdrStr);
4783            }
4784        } else {
4785            /* a regular address which is not an alias */
4786            return mixedAdrStr;
4787        }
4788    }
4790    public static String getDeviceNameFromIPLInfo(int manuf, int type) {
4791        if (manuf != LnConstants.RE_IPL_MFR_DIGITRAX) {
4792            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_UNDEFINED_MFG_PROD",
4793                    manuf, type);
4794        }
4795        switch (type) {
4796            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_ALL:
4797                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_ALLDEVICES");
4798            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_LNRP:
4799                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_LNRP");
4800            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_UT4:
4801                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_UT4");
4802            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_UT6:
4803                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_UT6");
4804            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_WTL12:
4805                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_WTL12");
4806            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS210:
4807                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS210");
4808            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS210PLUS:
4809                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS210PLUS");
4810            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS240:
4811                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS240");
4812            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS240PLUS:
4813                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS240PLUS");
4814            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_PR3:
4815                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_PR3");
4816            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DT402:
4817                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DT402");
4818            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DT500:
4819                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DT500");
4820            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DT602:
4821                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DT602");
4822            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS51:
4823                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS51");
4824            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS52:
4825                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DCS52");
4826            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_UR92:
4827                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_UR92");
4828            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_UR93:
4829                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_UR93");
4830            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_PR4:
4831                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_PR4");
4832            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_LNWI:
4833                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_LNWI");
4834            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_BXP88:
4835                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_BXP88");
4836            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_BXPA1:
4837                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_BXPA1");
4838            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DS74:
4839                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DS74");
4840            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DS78V:
4841                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DS78V");
4842            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DB210:
4843                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DB210");
4844            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DB210OPTO:
4845                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DB210OPTO");
4846            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_DB220:
4847                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_DB220");
4848            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_PM74:
4849                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_PM74");
4850            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_SE74:
4851                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_SE74");
4852            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_HOST_BDL716:
4853                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_BDL716");
4855            default:
4856                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_HOST_UNKNOWN", type);
4857        }
4858    }
4860    public static String getSlaveNameFromIPLInfo(int manuf, int slaveNum) {
4861        if (manuf != LnConstants.RE_IPL_MFR_DIGITRAX) {
4862            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_UNDEFINED_MFG_PROD",
4863                    manuf, slaveNum);
4864        }
4865        switch (slaveNum) {
4866            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_SLAVE_ALL:
4867                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_SLAVE_ALLDEVICES");
4868            case LnConstants.RE_IPL_DIGITRAX_SLAVE_RF24:
4869                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_SLAVE_RF24");
4870            default:
4871                return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_IPL_DEVICE_HELPER_DIGITRAX_SLAVE_UNKNOWN", slaveNum);
4872        }
4873    }
4875    /**
4876     * Interpret messages with Opcode of OPC_ALM_READ, OPC_ALM_WRITE.
4877     *
4878     * @param l LocoNet Message to interpret
4879     * @return String containing interpreted message or empty string if
4880     *      message is not interpretable.
4881     */
4882    public static String interpretAlm(LocoNetMessage l) {
4883        if (l.getElement(1) == 0x10) {
4884            String ret;
4885            ret = jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.almi.Almi.interpretAlm(l);
4886            if (ret.length() > 1) {
4887                return ret;
4888            }
4889        }
4891        if (l.getElement(1) == 0x15) {
4892            int slot = ( (l.getElement(2) & 0x07 ) *128) + l.getElement(3); // slot number for this request
4894            String result = interpretExtendedSlotRdWr(l, slot) ;
4895            if (!result.isEmpty()) {
4896                return result;
4897            }
4898        }
4899        return "";
4901    }
4902    private static String interpretOpcExpMoveSlots(LocoNetMessage l) {
4903        int src = ((l.getElement(1) & 0x03) * 128) + (l.getElement(2) & 0x7f);
4904        int dest = ((l.getElement(3) & 0x03) * 128) + (l.getElement(4) & 0x7f);
4906        if ((src >= 0x79) && (src <= 0x7f)) {
4907            return "";
4908        }
4909        if ((dest >= 0x79) && (dest <= 0x7f)) {
4910            return "";
4911        }
4913        if ((l.getElement(1) & 0x78) != 0x38) {
4914            // Ignore if message is not one from a DCS240 (or newer) command
4915            // station's "Expanded" slot messaging.   The message is probably
4916            // from an Intellibox or other non-Digitrax command station.
4917            return "";
4918        }
4920        boolean isSettingStatus = ((l.getElement(3) & 0b01110000) == 0b01100000);
4921        if (isSettingStatus) {
4922            int stat = l.getElement(4);
4923            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SET_STATUS",
4924                    src,
4925                    LnConstants.CONSIST_STAT(stat),
4926                    LnConstants.LOCO_STAT(stat),
4927                    LnConstants.DEC_MODE(stat));
4928        }
4929        boolean isUnconsisting = ((l.getElement(3) & 0b01110000) == 0b01010000);
4930        if (isUnconsisting) {
4931            // source and dest same, returns slot contents
4932            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_UNCONSISTING",
4933                    src);
4934        }
4935        boolean isConsisting = ((l.getElement(3) & 0b01110000) == 0b01000000);
4936        if (isConsisting) {
4937            //add dest to src, returns dest slot contents
4938            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_CONSISTING",
4939                    src,dest);
4940        }
4941       /* check special cases */
4942        if (src == 0) {
4943            /* DISPATCH GET */
4944            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_GET_DISP");
4945        } else if (src == dest) {
4946            /* IN USE */
4947            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_NULL_MOVE", src);
4948        } else if (dest == 0) {
4949            /* DISPATCH PUT */
4950            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_DISPATCH_PUT", src);
4951        } else {
4952            /* general move */
4953            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_MOVE_SL_MOVE", src, dest);
4954        }
4955    }
4957    private static String interpretPocExpLocoSpdDirFunction(LocoNetMessage l) {
4958        int slot = ((l.getElement(1) & 0x03) * 128) + (l.getElement(2) & 0x7f);
4959        if ((l.getElement(1) & LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SUB_CODE_MASK_SPEED) == LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SPEED_AND_DIR_FWD) {
4960            // speed and direction
4961            int spd = l.getElement(4);
4962            String direction = Bundle.getMessage((l.getElement(1) & LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SPEED_AND_DIR_REV) != 0
4963                    ? "LN_MSG_DIRECTION_REV" : "LN_MSG_DIRECTION_FWD");
4964            String throttleID = Integer.toHexString(l.getElement(3));
4965            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPEED_DIRECTION", slot, spd, direction, throttleID);
4966        }
4967        // Build a string for the functions on off
4968        String[] fn = new String[8];
4969        for (int bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < 8; bitIndex++) {
4970            fn[bitIndex] = (l.getElement(4) >> (7 - bitIndex) & 1) == 1 ? Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON")
4971                    : Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF");
4972        }
4973        if ((l.getElement(1) &
4974                LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SUB_CODE_MASK_FUNCTION) == LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_GROUP_F0F6) {
4975            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_FUNCTIONS_F0_F6", slot, fn[3], fn[7], fn[6], fn[5], fn[4], fn[2],
4976                    fn[1]);
4977        } else if ((l.getElement(1) &
4978                LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SUB_CODE_MASK_FUNCTION) == LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_GROUP_F7F13) {
4979            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_FUNCTIONS_F7_F13", slot, fn[7], fn[6], fn[5], fn[4], fn[3], fn[2],
4980                    fn[1]);
4981        } else if ((l.getElement(1) &
4982                LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SUB_CODE_MASK_FUNCTION) == LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_GROUP_F14F20) {
4983            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_FUNCTIONS_F14_F20",slot, fn[7], fn[6], fn[5], fn[4], fn[3], fn[2],
4984                    fn[1]);
4985        } else if ((l.getElement(1) &
4986                LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SUB_CODE_MASK_FUNCTION) == LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_GROUP_F21F28_F28OFF) {
4987            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_FUNCTIONS_F21_F28",slot, fn[7], fn[6], fn[5], fn[4], fn[3], fn[2],
4988                    fn[1], Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_OFF"));
4989        } else if ((l.getElement(1) &
4990                LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_SUB_CODE_MASK_FUNCTION) == LnConstants.OPC_EXP_SEND_FUNCTION_GROUP_F21F28_F28ON) {
4991            return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_FUNCTIONS_F21_F28", slot, fn[7], fn[6], fn[5], fn[4], fn[3], fn[2],
4992                    fn[1], Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_FUNC_ON"));
4993        }
4994        return "";
4995    }
4997    private static String interpretExtendedSlotRdWr(LocoNetMessage l, int slot) {
4998        /*
4999         * ************************************************
5000         * extended slot read/write message               *
5001         * ************************************************
5002         */
5003        /*
5004         * If it's a "Special" slot (Stats etc) use a different routine
5005         */
5006        if (slot > 247 && slot < 253) {
5007            return interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData(l,slot);
5008        }
5009        int trackStatus = l.getElement(7); // track status
5010        int id1 =  l.getElement(19);
5011        int id2 = l.getElement(18);
5012        int command = l.getOpCode();
5013        int stat = l.getElement(4); // slot status
5014        //int adr = l.getElement(5) + 128 * l.getElement(6); // loco address
5015        int adr = l.getElement(5);
5016        int spd = l.getElement(8); // command speed
5017        int dirf = l.getElement(10) & 0b00111111; // direction and F0-F4 bits
5018        String[] dirf0_4 = interpretF0_F4toStrings(dirf);
5019        int ss2 = l.getElement(18); // slot status 2 (tells how to use
5020        // ID1/ID2 & ADV Consist)
5021        int adr2 = l.getElement(6); // loco address high
5022        int snd = l.getElement(10); // Sound 1-4 / F5-F8
5023        String[] sndf5_8 = interpretF5_F8toStrings(snd);
5025        String locoAdrStr = figureAddressIncludingAliasing(adr, adr2, ss2, id1, id2);
5026        return Bundle.getMessage(((command == 0xEE)
5027                ? "LN_MSG_SLOT_LOCO_INFO_WRITE"
5028                : "LN_MSG_SLOT_LOCO_INFO_READ"),
5029                slot,
5030                locoAdrStr,
5031                LnConstants.CONSIST_STAT(stat),
5032                LnConstants.LOCO_STAT(stat),
5033                LnConstants.DEC_MODE(stat),
5034                directionOfTravelString((dirf & LnConstants.DIRF_DIR) == 0),
5035                spd, // needs re-interpretation for some cases of slot consisting state
5036                dirf0_4[0],
5037                dirf0_4[1],
5038                dirf0_4[2],
5039                dirf0_4[3],
5040                dirf0_4[4],
5041                sndf5_8[0],
5042                sndf5_8[1],
5043                sndf5_8[2],
5044                sndf5_8[3],
5045                trackStatusByteToString(trackStatus),
5046                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_SS2_SIMPLE",
5047                        Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_HEXADECIMAL_REPRESENTATION",
5048                                StringUtil.twoHexFromInt(ss2))),
5049                Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_SLOT_HELPER_ID1_ID2_AS_THROTTLE_ID",
5050                        idString(id1, id2)));
5051    }
5053    /**
5054     * Interprets an Enhanced Slot Report message in the "Query Mode" range of
5055     * slot numbers.
5056     * <p>
5057     * Only the primary slot numbers are interpreted, not any "aliases".
5058     *
5059     * @param l Enhanced Slot report LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5060     * @param slot Slot number
5061     * @return String showing interpretation.
5062     */
5063    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData(LocoNetMessage l, int slot) {
5064       String baseInfo;
5065       String detailInfo = "";
5066       switch (slot) {
5067           case 248:
5069                baseInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base_Detail(l, slot); // Basic Identifying information
5070                detailInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_248(l);  // Flags
5072                break;
5073           case 249:
5074                baseInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base(l, slot); // Basic Identifying information
5075                detailInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_249(l); // Electrical properties
5077                break;
5078            case 250:
5079                baseInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base(l, slot); // Basic Identifying information
5080                detailInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_250(l); // Slots info
5081                break;
5082            case 251:
5083                baseInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base(l, slot); // Basic Identifying information
5084                detailInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_251(l); // LocoNet events and messages and stats
5085                break;
5086            case 252:
5087                baseInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base(l, slot); // Basic Identifying information
5088                detailInfo = interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_252(l); // DCC track status info
5089                break;
5090            default:
5091                baseInfo = "Wrong Slot # ("+ slot +")";
5092        }
5093       return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_QUERY_MODE_OVERALL",
5094               slot, baseInfo, detailInfo);
5095    }
5097    /**
5098     * Interpret the base information in bytes 16,18,19
5099     * for slots 249,250,251, but not 248.
5100     *
5101     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5102     * @param slot slot number
5103     * @return formatted message
5104     */
5105    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base(LocoNetMessage l, int slot) {
5106        String hwType = LnConstants.IPL_NAME(l.getElement(16));
5107        int hwSerial = ((l.getElement(19) & 0x3f) * 128 ) + l.getElement(18);
5108        String serNumHex = "0000"+Integer.toHexString(hwSerial).toUpperCase();
5109        serNumHex = serNumHex.substring(serNumHex.length()-4);
5111        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPECIALSTATUS_BASE",
5112                hwType,
5113                hwSerial + "(0x" + serNumHex + ")");
5114    }
5116    /**
5117     * Interpret slot 248 base details.
5118     *
5119     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5120     * @param slot slot number
5121     * @return formatted message
5122     */
5123    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_StatusData_Base_Detail(LocoNetMessage l, int slot) {
5124        String hwType = LnConstants.IPL_NAME(l.getElement(14));
5125        if ((l.getElement(19) & 0x40) == 0x40) {
5126            hwType = hwType + Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_COMMAND_STATION");
5127        }
5128        int hwSerial = ((l.getElement(19) & 0x3f) * 128 ) + l.getElement(18);
5129        String serNumHex = "0000"+Integer.toHexString(hwSerial).toUpperCase();
5130        serNumHex = serNumHex.substring(serNumHex.length()-4);
5132        float hwVersion = ((float)(l.getElement(17) & 0x78) / 8 ) + ((float)(l.getElement(17) & 0x07) / 10 ) ;
5133        float swVersion = ((float)(l.getElement(16) & 0x78) / 8 ) + ((float)(l.getElement(16) & 0x07) / 10 ) ;
5134        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPECIALSTATUS_BASEDETAIL",
5135                hwType,
5136                hwSerial + "(0x" + serNumHex + ")",
5137                hwVersion, swVersion);
5138    }
5140    private static String queryOnOff(int val, int bit) {
5141        return (((val & 1 << bit) == 1 << bit)?Ln_On:Ln_Off);
5142    }
5144    /**
5145     * Interprets _some_ of the data in Query Mode report of slot 248 (and aliases!)
5146     * - "Flags" info.
5147     *
5148     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5149     * @return formatted message
5150     */
5151    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_248(LocoNetMessage l) {
5153        int b = l.getElement(4);
5154        String lnetVmin = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_LNETVMIN", queryOnOff(b, 6));
5155        String overTemp = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_OVERTEMP", queryOnOff(b, 5));
5156        String fuseBad = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_FUSEBAD", queryOnOff(b, 4));
5157        String rsynMax = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_RSYNMAX", queryOnOff(b, 3));
5158        String vinHi = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_VINHI", queryOnOff(b, 2));
5159        String vinLo = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_VINLO", queryOnOff(b, 1));
5160        String iTrk = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_ITRK", queryOnOff(b, 0));
5162        b = l.getElement(5);
5163        String usbLink = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_ULINK", queryOnOff(b, 5));
5164        String iLim = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_ILIM", queryOnOff(b, 3));
5165        String PTrkMaxI = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_PTRKMAXI", queryOnOff(b, 2));
5166        String PtrkIsol = Bundle.getMessage("LNET_QUERY_PTRKISOL", queryOnOff(b, 1));
5168        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPECIALSTATUS_FLAGS",
5169                rsynMax, usbLink, iTrk, vinLo, vinHi, fuseBad,
5170                overTemp, lnetVmin, PtrkIsol, PTrkMaxI, iLim);
5171    }
5173    /**
5174     * Interprets _some_ of the data in Query Mode report of slot 249 (and aliases!)
5175     * - "Electrical" info.
5176     *
5177     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5178     * @return formatted message
5179     */
5180    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_249(LocoNetMessage l) {
5181        float voltsTrack = ((float)l.getElement(4)) * 2 / 10 ;
5182        float voltsIn = ((float)l.getElement(5)) * 2 / 10;
5183        float ampsIn = ((float)l.getElement(6)) / 10;
5184        float ampsLimit = ((float)l.getElement(7)) / 10;
5185        float voltsRsLoaded = ((float)l.getElement(12)) * 2 / 10;
5186        float voltsRsUnLoaded = ((float)l.getElement(10)) * 2 / 10;
5187        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPECIALSTATUS_ELECTRIC",
5188                voltsTrack,
5189                voltsIn,
5190                ampsIn,
5191                ampsLimit,
5192                voltsRsLoaded,
5193                voltsRsUnLoaded);
5194    }
5196    /**
5197     * Interprets _some_ of the data in Query Mode report of slot 250 (and aliases!)
5198     * - "Slots" info.
5199     *
5200     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5201     * @return formatted message
5202     */
5203    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_250(LocoNetMessage l) {
5204        int msgInUse = (l.getElement(4) + ( l.getElement(5)  * 128)) ;
5205        int msgIdle = (l.getElement(6) + ( l.getElement(7) * 128)) ;
5206        int msgFree = (l.getElement(8) + ( l.getElement(9) * 128)) ;
5207        int ctop =  (l.getElement(10) + ( l.getElement(11) * 128)) ;
5208        int cup =  (l.getElement(12) + ( l.getElement(13) * 128)) ;
5210        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPECIALSTATUS_SLOTS",
5211                msgInUse, msgIdle, msgFree, ctop, cup);
5212    }
5214    /**
5215     * Interprets _some_ of the data in Query Mode report of slot 251 (and aliases!)
5216     * - "LocoNet message" info.
5217     *
5218     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5219     * @return formatted message
5220     */
5221    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_251(LocoNetMessage l) {
5222        int msgTotal = (l.getElement(4) + ( l.getElement(5) * 128)) ;
5223        int msgErrors = (l.getElement(6) + ( l.getElement(7) * 128)) ;
5224        int sleeps = (l.getElement(10) + ( l.getElement(11) * 128));
5226        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_SPECIALSTATUS_LOCONET",
5227                msgTotal, msgErrors, sleeps);
5228    }
5230    /**
5231     * Interprets _some_ of the data in Query Mode report of slot 252 (and aliases!)
5232     * - "DCC status" info.
5233     *
5234     * @param l LocoNetMessage to be interpreted
5235     * @return formatted message
5236     */
5237    private static String interpretExtendedSlot_Query_Mode_252(LocoNetMessage l) {
5238        int flt = (l.getElement(4) & 0x7f) + ((l.getElement(5) & 0x7f) << 7);
5239        int arv = (l.getElement(6) & 0x7f) + ((l.getElement(7) & 0x7f) << 7);
5240        int dst = (l.getElement(8) & 0x7f) + ((l.getElement(9) & 0x7f) << 7);
5241        return Bundle.getMessage("LN_MSG_OPC_EXP_QUERY_LOCONET_STAT2_LOCONET",
5242                flt, arv, dst);
5243    }
5245    private static final String[] ds54sensors = {"AuxA", "SwiA", "AuxB", "SwiB", "AuxC", "SwiC", "AuxD", "SwiD"};    // NOI18N
5246    private static final String[] ds64sensors = {"A1", "S1", "A2", "S2", "A3", "S3", "A4", "S4"};                    // NOI18N
5247    private static final String[] se8csensors = {"DS01", "DS02", "DS03", "DS04", "DS05", "DS06", "DS07", "DS08"};    // NOI18N
5249    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LocoNetMessageInterpret.class);