001package jmri.jmrit.roster;
003import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.StdDateFormat;
005import java.awt.HeadlessException;
006import java.awt.Image;
007import java.io.File;
008import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
009import java.io.IOException;
010import java.io.Writer;
011import java.text.*;
012import java.util.*;
014import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
015import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
016import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
017import javax.swing.JLabel;
019import jmri.BasicRosterEntry;
020import jmri.DccLocoAddress;
021import jmri.InstanceManager;
022import jmri.LocoAddress;
023import jmri.beans.ArbitraryBean;
024import jmri.jmrit.roster.rostergroup.RosterGroup;
025import jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.CvTableModel;
026import jmri.jmrit.symbolicprog.VariableTableModel;
027import jmri.util.FileUtil;
028import jmri.util.StringUtil;
029import jmri.util.davidflanagan.HardcopyWriter;
030import jmri.util.jdom.LocaleSelector;
031import jmri.util.swing.JmriJOptionPane;
033import org.jdom2.Attribute;
034import org.jdom2.Element;
035import org.jdom2.JDOMException;
038 * RosterEntry represents a single element in a locomotive roster, including
039 * information on how to locate it from decoder information.
040 * <p>
041 * The RosterEntry is the central place to find information about a locomotive's
042 * configuration, including CV and "programming variable" information.
043 * RosterEntry handles persistence through the LocoFile class. Creating a
044 * RosterEntry does not necessarily read the corresponding file (which might not
045 * even exist), please see readFile(), writeFile() member functions.
046 * <p>
047 * All the data attributes have a content, not null. FileName, however, is
048 * special. A null value for it indicates that no physical file is (yet)
049 * associated with this entry.
050 * <p>
051 * When the filePath attribute is non-null, the user has decided to organize the
052 * roster into directories.
053 * <p>
054 * Each entry can have one or more "Attributes" associated with it. These are
055 * (key, value) pairs. The key has to be unique, and currently both objects have
056 * to be Strings.
057 * <p>
058 * All properties, including the "Attributes", are bound.
059 *
060 * @author Bob Jacobsen Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009
061 * @author Dennis Miller Copyright 2004
062 * @author Egbert Broerse Copyright (C) 2018
063 * @author Dave Heap Copyright (C) 2019
064 * @see jmri.jmrit.roster.LocoFile
065 */
066public class RosterEntry extends ArbitraryBean implements RosterObject, BasicRosterEntry {
068    // identifiers for property change events and some XML elements
069    public static final String ID = "id"; // NOI18N
070    public static final String FILENAME = "filename"; // NOI18N
071    public static final String ROADNAME = "roadname"; // NOI18N
072    public static final String MFG = "mfg"; // NOI18N
073    public static final String MODEL = "model"; // NOI18N
074    public static final String OWNER = "owner"; // NOI18N
075    public static final String DCC_ADDRESS = "dccaddress"; // NOI18N
076    public static final String LONG_ADDRESS = "longaddress"; // NOI18N
077    public static final String PROTOCOL = "protocol"; // NOI18N
078    public static final String COMMENT = "comment"; // NOI18N
079    public static final String DECODER_MODEL = "decodermodel"; // NOI18N
080    public static final String DECODER_DEVELOPERID = "developerID"; // NOI18N
081    public static final String DECODER_MANUFACTURERID = "manufacturerID"; // NOI18N
082    public static final String DECODER_PRODUCTID = "productID"; // NOI18N
083    public static final String DECODER_FAMILY = "decoderfamily"; // NOI18N
084    public static final String DECODER_COMMENT = "decodercomment"; // NOI18N
085    public static final String DECODER_MAXFNNUM = "decodermaxFnNum"; // NOI18N
086    public static final String DEFAULT_MAXFNNUM = "28"; // NOI18N
087    public static final String IMAGE_FILE_PATH = "imagefilepath"; // NOI18N
088    public static final String ICON_FILE_PATH = "iconfilepath"; // NOI18N
089    public static final String URL = "url"; // NOI18N
090    public static final String DATE_UPDATED = "dateupdated"; // NOI18N
091    public static final String FUNCTION_IMAGE = "functionImage"; // NOI18N
092    public static final String FUNCTION_LABEL = "functionlabel"; // NOI18N
093    public static final String FUNCTION_LOCKABLE = "functionLockable"; // NOI18N
094    public static final String FUNCTION_SELECTED_IMAGE = "functionSelectedImage"; // NOI18N
095    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED = "attributeUpdated:"; // NOI18N
096    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_DELETED = "attributeDeleted"; // NOI18N
097    public static final String MAX_SPEED = "maxSpeed"; // NOI18N
098    public static final String SHUNTING_FUNCTION = "IsShuntingOn"; // NOI18N
099    public static final String SPEED_PROFILE = "speedprofile"; // NOI18N
100    public static final String SOUND_LABEL = "soundlabel"; // NOI18N
101    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_OPERATING_DURATION = "OperatingDuration"; // NOI18N
102    public static final String ATTRIBUTE_LAST_OPERATED = "LastOperated"; // NOI18N
104    // members to remember all the info
105    protected String _fileName = null;
107    protected String _id = "";
108    protected String _roadName = "";
109    protected String _roadNumber = "";
110    protected String _mfg = "";
111    protected String _owner = "";
112    protected String _model = "";
113    protected String _dccAddress = "3";
114    protected LocoAddress.Protocol _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_SHORT;
115    protected String _comment = "";
116    protected String _decoderModel = "";
117    protected String _decoderFamily = "";
118    protected String _decoderComment = "";
119    protected String _maxFnNum = DEFAULT_MAXFNNUM;
120    protected String _dateUpdated = "";
121    protected Date dateModified = null;
122    protected int _maxSpeedPCT = 100;
123    protected String _developerID = "";
124    protected String _manufacturerID = "";
125    protected String _productID = "";
127    /**
128     * Get the highest valid Fn key number for this roster entry.
129     * <dl>
130     * <dt>The default value (28) can be overridden by a "maxFnNum" attribute in
131     * the "model" element of a decoder definition file</dt>
132     * <dd><ul>
133     * <li>A European standard (RCN-212) extends NMRA S9.2.1 up to F68.</li>
134     * <li>ESU LokSound 5 already uses up to F31.</li>
135     * </ul></dd>
136     * </dl>
137     *
138     * @return the highest function number (Fn) supported by this roster entry.
139     *
140     * @see "http://normen.railcommunity.de/RCN-212.pdf"
141     */
142    public int getMaxFnNumAsInt() {
143        return Integer.parseInt(getMaxFnNum());
144    }
146    protected Map<Integer, String> functionLabels;
147    protected Map<Integer, String> soundLabels;
148    protected Map<Integer, String> functionSelectedImages;
149    protected Map<Integer, String> functionImages;
150    protected Map<Integer, Boolean> functionLockables;
151    protected Map<Integer, Boolean> functionVisibles;
152    protected String _isShuntingOn = "";
154    protected final TreeMap<String, String> attributePairs = new TreeMap<>();
156    protected String _imageFilePath = null;
157    protected String _iconFilePath = null;
158    protected String _URL = "";
160    protected RosterSpeedProfile _sp = null;
162    /**
163     * Construct a blank object.
164     */
165    public RosterEntry() {
166        functionLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
167        soundLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
168        functionSelectedImages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
169        functionImages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
170        functionLockables = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
171    }
173    /**
174     * Constructor based on a given file name.
175     *
176     * @param fileName xml file name for the user's Roster entry
177     */
178    public RosterEntry(String fileName) {
179        this();
180        _fileName = fileName;
181    }
183    /**
184     * Constructor based on a given RosterEntry object and name/ID.
185     *
186     * @param pEntry RosterEntry object
187     * @param pID    unique name/ID for the roster entry
188     */
189    public RosterEntry(RosterEntry pEntry, String pID) {
190        this();
191        // The ID is different for this element
192        _id = pID;
194        // The filename is not set here, rather later
195        _fileName = null;
197        // All other items are copied
198        _roadName = pEntry._roadName;
199        _roadNumber = pEntry._roadNumber;
200        _mfg = pEntry._mfg;
201        _model = pEntry._model;
202        _dccAddress = pEntry._dccAddress;
203        _protocol = pEntry._protocol;
204        _comment = pEntry._comment;
205        _decoderModel = pEntry._decoderModel;
206        _decoderFamily = pEntry._decoderFamily;
207        _developerID = pEntry._developerID;
208        _manufacturerID = pEntry._manufacturerID;
209        _productID = pEntry._productID;
210        _decoderComment = pEntry._decoderComment;
211        _owner = pEntry._owner;
212        _imageFilePath = pEntry._imageFilePath;
213        _iconFilePath = pEntry._iconFilePath;
214        _URL = pEntry._URL;
215        _maxSpeedPCT = pEntry._maxSpeedPCT;
216        _isShuntingOn = pEntry._isShuntingOn;
218        if (pEntry.functionLabels != null) {
219            pEntry.functionLabels.forEach((key, value) -> {
220                if (value != null) {
221                    functionLabels.put(key, value);
222                }
223            });
224        }
225        if (pEntry.soundLabels != null) {
226            pEntry.soundLabels.forEach((key, value) -> {
227                if (value != null) {
228                    soundLabels.put(key, value);
229                }
230            });
231        }
232        if (pEntry.functionSelectedImages != null) {
233            pEntry.functionSelectedImages.forEach((key, value) -> {
234                if (value != null) {
235                    functionSelectedImages.put(key, value);
236                }
237            });
238        }
239        if (pEntry.functionImages != null) {
240            pEntry.functionImages.forEach((key, value) -> {
241                if (value != null) {
242                    functionImages.put(key, value);
243                }
244            });
245        }
246        if (pEntry.functionLockables != null) {
247            pEntry.functionLockables.forEach((key, value) -> {
248                if (value != null) {
249                    functionLockables.put(key, value);
250                }
251            });
252        }
253    }
255    /**
256     * Set the roster ID for this roster entry.
257     *
258     * @param s new ID
259     */
260    public void setId(String s) {
261        String oldID = _id;
262        _id = s;
263        if (oldID == null || !oldID.equals(s)) {
264            firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.ID, oldID, s);
265        }
266    }
268    @Override
269    public String getId() {
270        return _id;
271    }
273    /**
274     * Set the file name for this roster entry.
275     *
276     * @param s the new roster entry file name
277     */
278    public void setFileName(String s) {
279        String oldName = _fileName;
280        _fileName = s;
281        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.FILENAME, oldName, s);
282    }
284    public String getFileName() {
285        return _fileName;
286    }
288    public String getPathName() {
289        return Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + _fileName;
290    }
292    /**
293     * Ensure the entry has a valid filename.
294     * <p>
295     * If none exists, create one based on the ID string. Does _not_ enforce any
296     * particular naming; you have to check separately for {@literal "<none>"}
297     * or whatever your convention is for indicating an invalid name. Does
298     * replace the space, period, colon, slash and backslash characters so that
299     * the filename will be generally usable.
300     */
301    public void ensureFilenameExists() {
302        // if there isn't a filename, store using the id
303        if (getFileName() == null || getFileName().isEmpty()) {
305            String newFilename = Roster.makeValidFilename(getId());
307            // we don't want to overwrite a file that exists, whether or not
308            // it's in the roster
309            File testFile = new File(Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + newFilename);
310            int count = 0;
311            String oldFilename = newFilename;
312            while (testFile.exists()) {
313                // oops - change filename and try again
314                newFilename = oldFilename.substring(0, oldFilename.length() - 4) + count + ".xml";
315                count++;
316                log.debug("try to use {} as filename instead of {}", newFilename, oldFilename);
317                testFile = new File(Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + newFilename);
318            }
319            setFileName(newFilename);
320            log.debug("new filename: {}", getFileName());
321        }
322    }
324    public void setRoadName(String s) {
325        String old = _roadName;
326        _roadName = s;
327        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.ROADNAME, old, s);
328    }
330    public String getRoadName() {
331        return _roadName;
332    }
334    public void setRoadNumber(String s) {
335        String old = _roadNumber;
336        _roadNumber = s;
337        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.ROADNAME, old, s);
338    }
340    public String getRoadNumber() {
341        return _roadNumber;
342    }
344    public void setMfg(String s) {
345        String old = _mfg;
346        _mfg = s;
347        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.MFG, old, s);
348    }
350    public String getMfg() {
351        return _mfg;
352    }
354    public void setModel(String s) {
355        String old = _model;
356        _model = s;
357        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.MODEL, old, s);
358    }
360    public String getModel() {
361        return _model;
362    }
364    public void setOwner(String s) {
365        String old = _owner;
366        _owner = s;
367        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.OWNER, old, s);
368    }
370    public String getOwner() {
371        if (_owner.isEmpty()) {
372            RosterConfigManager manager = InstanceManager.getNullableDefault(RosterConfigManager.class);
373            if (manager != null) {
374                _owner = manager.getDefaultOwner();
375            }
376        }
377        return _owner;
378    }
380    public void setDccAddress(String s) {
381        String old = _dccAddress;
382        _dccAddress = s;
383        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DCC_ADDRESS, old, s);
384    }
386    @Override
387    public String getDccAddress() {
388        return _dccAddress;
389    }
391    public void setLongAddress(boolean b) {
392        boolean old = false;
393        if (_protocol == LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_LONG) {
394            old = true;
395        }
396        if (b) {
397            _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_LONG;
398        } else {
399            _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_SHORT;
400        }
401        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.LONG_ADDRESS, old, b);
402    }
404    public RosterSpeedProfile getSpeedProfile() {
405        return _sp;
406    }
408    public void setSpeedProfile(RosterSpeedProfile sp) {
409        if (sp.getRosterEntry() != this) {
410            log.error("Attempting to set a speed profile against the wrong roster entry");
411            return;
412        }
413        RosterSpeedProfile old = this._sp;
414        _sp = sp;
415        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.SPEED_PROFILE, old, this._sp);
416    }
418    @Override
419    public boolean isLongAddress() {
420        return _protocol == LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_LONG;
421    }
423    public void setProtocol(LocoAddress.Protocol protocol) {
424        LocoAddress.Protocol old = _protocol;
425        _protocol = protocol;
426        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.PROTOCOL, old, _protocol);
427    }
429    public LocoAddress.Protocol getProtocol() {
430        return _protocol;
431    }
433    public String getProtocolAsString() {
434        return _protocol.getPeopleName();
435    }
437    public void setComment(String s) {
438        String old = _comment;
439        _comment = s;
440        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.COMMENT, old, s);
441    }
443    public String getComment() {
444        return _comment;
445    }
447    public void setDecoderModel(String s) {
448        String old = _decoderModel;
449        _decoderModel = s;
450        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DECODER_MODEL, old, s);
451    }
453    public String getDecoderModel() {
454        return _decoderModel;
455    }
457    public void setDeveloperID(String s) {
458        String old = _developerID;
459        _developerID = s;
460        firePropertyChange(DECODER_DEVELOPERID, old, s);
461    }
463    public String getDeveloperID() {
464        return _developerID;
465    }
467    public void setManufacturerID(String s) {
468        String old = _manufacturerID;
469        _manufacturerID = s;
470        firePropertyChange(DECODER_MANUFACTURERID, old, s);
471    }
473    public String getManufacturerID() {
474        return _manufacturerID;
475    }
477    public void setProductID(String s) {
478        String old = _productID;
479        if (s == null) {s="";}
480        _productID = s;
481        firePropertyChange(DECODER_PRODUCTID, old, s);
482    }
484    public String getProductID() {
485        return _productID;
486    }
488    public void setDecoderFamily(String s) {
489        String old = _decoderFamily;
490        _decoderFamily = s;
491        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DECODER_FAMILY, old, s);
492    }
494    public String getDecoderFamily() {
495        return _decoderFamily;
496    }
498    public void setDecoderComment(String s) {
499        String old = _decoderComment;
500        _decoderComment = s;
501        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DECODER_COMMENT, old, s);
502    }
504    public String getDecoderComment() {
505        return _decoderComment;
506    }
508    public void setMaxFnNum(String s) {
509        String old = _maxFnNum;
510        _maxFnNum = s;
511        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DECODER_MAXFNNUM, old, s);
512    }
514    public String getMaxFnNum() {
515        return _maxFnNum;
516    }
518    @Override
519    public DccLocoAddress getDccLocoAddress() {
520        int n;
521        try {
522            n = Integer.parseInt(getDccAddress());
523        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
524            log.error("Illegal format for DCC address roster entry: \"{}\" value: \"{}\"", getId(), getDccAddress());
525            n = 0;
526        }
527        return new DccLocoAddress(n, _protocol);
528    }
530    public void setImagePath(String s) {
531        String old = _imageFilePath;
532        _imageFilePath = s;
533        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.IMAGE_FILE_PATH, old, s);
534    }
536    public String getImagePath() {
537        return _imageFilePath;
538    }
540    public void setIconPath(String s) {
541        String old = _iconFilePath;
542        _iconFilePath = s;
543        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.ICON_FILE_PATH, old, s);
544    }
546    public String getIconPath() {
547        return _iconFilePath;
548    }
550    public void setShuntingFunction(String fn) {
551        String old = this._isShuntingOn;
552        _isShuntingOn = fn;
553        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.SHUNTING_FUNCTION, old, this._isShuntingOn);
554    }
556    @Override
557    public String getShuntingFunction() {
558        return _isShuntingOn;
559    }
561    public void setURL(String s) {
562        String old = _URL;
563        _URL = s;
564        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.URL, old, s);
565    }
567    public String getURL() {
568        return _URL;
569    }
571    public void setDateModified(@Nonnull Date date) {
572        Date old = this.dateModified;
573        this.dateModified = date;
574        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DATE_UPDATED, old, date);
575    }
577    /**
578     * Set the date modified given a string representing a date.
579     * <p>
580     * Tries ISO 8601 and the current Java defaults as formats for parsing a
581     * date.
582     *
583     * @param date the string to parse into a date
584     * @throws ParseException if the date cannot be parsed
585     */
586    public void setDateModified(@Nonnull String date) throws ParseException {
587        try {
588            // parse using ISO 8601 date format(s)
589            setDateModified(new StdDateFormat().parse(date));
590        } catch (ParseException ex) {
591            log.debug("ParseException in setDateModified ISO attempt: \"{}\"", date);
592            // next, try parse using defaults since thats how it was saved if saved
593            // by earlier versions of JMRI
594            try {
595                setDateModified(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().parse(date));
596            } catch (ParseException ex2) {
597                // then try with a specific format to handle e.g. "Apr 1, 2016 9:13:36 AM"
598                DateFormat customFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a");
599                try {
600                    setDateModified(customFmt.parse(date));
601                } catch (ParseException ex3) {
602                    // then try with a specific format to handle e.g. "01-Oct-2016 9:13:36"
603                    customFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss");
604                    setDateModified(customFmt.parse(date));
605                }
606            }
607        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex2) {
608            // warn that there's perhaps something wrong with the classpath
609            log.error(
610                    "IllegalArgumentException in RosterEntry.setDateModified - this may indicate a problem with the classpath, specifically multiple copies of the 'jackson` library. See release notes");
611            // parse using defaults since thats how it was saved if saved
612            // by earlier versions of JMRI
613            this.setDateModified(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().parse(date));
614        }
615    }
617    @CheckForNull
618    public Date getDateModified() {
619        return this.dateModified;
620    }
622    /**
623     * Set the date last updated.
624     *
625     * @param s the string to parse into a date
626     */
627    protected void setDateUpdated(String s) {
628        String old = _dateUpdated;
629        _dateUpdated = s;
630        try {
631            this.setDateModified(s);
632        } catch (ParseException ex) {
633            log.warn("Unable to parse \"{}\" as a date in roster entry \"{}\".", s, getId());
634            // property change is fired by setDateModified if s parses as a date
635            firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.DATE_UPDATED, old, s);
636        }
637    }
639    /**
640     * Get the date this entry was last modified. Returns the value of
641     * {@link #getDateModified()} in ISO 8601 format if that is not null,
642     * otherwise returns the raw value for the last modified date from the XML
643     * file for the roster entry.
644     * <p>
645     * Use getDateModified() if control over formatting is required
646     *
647     * @return the string representation of the date last modified
648     */
649    public String getDateUpdated() {
650        Date date = this.getDateModified();
651        if (date == null) {
652            return _dateUpdated;
653        } else {
654            return new StdDateFormat().format(date);
655        }
656    }
658    //openCounter is used purely to indicate if the roster entry has been opened in an editing mode.
659    int openCounter = 0;
661    @Override
662    public void setOpen(boolean boo) {
663        if (boo) {
664            openCounter++;
665        } else {
666            openCounter--;
667        }
668        if (openCounter < 0) {
669            openCounter = 0;
670        }
671    }
673    @Override
674    public boolean isOpen() {
675        return openCounter != 0;
676    }
678    /**
679     * Construct this Entry from XML.
680     * <p>
681     * This member has to remain synchronized with the detailed schema in
682     * xml/schema/locomotive-config.xsd.
683     *
684     * @param e Locomotive XML element
685     */
686    public RosterEntry(Element e) {
687        functionLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
688        soundLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
689        functionSelectedImages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
690        functionImages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
691        functionLockables = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
692        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
693            log.debug("ctor from element {}", e);
694        }
695        Attribute a;
696        if ((a = e.getAttribute("id")) != null) {
697            _id = a.getValue();
698        } else {
699            log.warn("no id attribute in locomotive element when reading roster");
700        }
701        if ((a = e.getAttribute("fileName")) != null) {
702            _fileName = a.getValue();
703        }
704        if ((a = e.getAttribute("roadName")) != null) {
705            _roadName = a.getValue();
706        }
707        if ((a = e.getAttribute("roadNumber")) != null) {
708            _roadNumber = a.getValue();
709        }
710        if ((a = e.getAttribute("owner")) != null) {
711            _owner = a.getValue();
712        }
713        if ((a = e.getAttribute("mfg")) != null) {
714            _mfg = a.getValue();
715        }
716        if ((a = e.getAttribute("model")) != null) {
717            _model = a.getValue();
718        }
719        if ((a = e.getAttribute("dccAddress")) != null) {
720            _dccAddress = a.getValue();
721        }
723        // file path was saved without default xml config path
724        if ((a = e.getAttribute("imageFilePath")) != null && !a.getValue().isEmpty()) {
725            try {
726                if (FileUtil.getFile(a.getValue()).isFile()) {
727                    _imageFilePath = FileUtil.getAbsoluteFilename(a.getValue());
728                }
729            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
730                try {
731                    if (FileUtil.getFile(FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue()).isFile()) {
732                        _imageFilePath = FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue();
733                    }
734                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex1) {
735                    _imageFilePath = null;
736                }
737            }
738        }
739        if ((a = e.getAttribute("iconFilePath")) != null && !a.getValue().isEmpty()) {
740            try {
741                if (FileUtil.getFile(a.getValue()).isFile()) {
742                    _iconFilePath = FileUtil.getAbsoluteFilename(a.getValue());
743                }
744            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
745                try {
746                    if (FileUtil.getFile(FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue()).isFile()) {
747                        _iconFilePath = FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue();
748                    }
749                } catch (FileNotFoundException ex1) {
750                    _iconFilePath = null;
751                }
752            }
753        }
754        if ((a = e.getAttribute("URL")) != null) {
755            _URL = a.getValue();
756        }
757        if ((a = e.getAttribute(RosterEntry.SHUNTING_FUNCTION)) != null) {
758            _isShuntingOn = a.getValue();
759        }
760        if ((a = e.getAttribute(RosterEntry.MAX_SPEED)) != null) {
761            _maxSpeedPCT = Integer.parseInt(a.getValue());
762        }
764        if ((a = e.getAttribute(DECODER_DEVELOPERID)) != null) {
765            _developerID = a.getValue();
766        }
768        if ((a = e.getAttribute(DECODER_MANUFACTURERID)) != null) {
769            _manufacturerID = a.getValue();
770        }
772        if ((a = e.getAttribute(DECODER_PRODUCTID)) != null) {
773            _productID = a.getValue();
774        }
776        Element e3;
777        if ((e3 = e.getChild("dateUpdated")) != null) {
778            this.setDateUpdated(e3.getText());
779        }
780        if ((e3 = e.getChild("locoaddress")) != null) {
781            DccLocoAddress la = (DccLocoAddress) ((new jmri.configurexml.LocoAddressXml()).getAddress(e3));
782            if (la != null) {
783                _dccAddress = "" + la.getNumber();
784                _protocol = la.getProtocol();
785            } else {
786                _dccAddress = "";
787                _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_SHORT;
788            }
789        } else {// Did not find "locoaddress" element carrying the short/long, probably
790            // because this is an older-format file, so try to use system default.
791            // This is generally the best we can do without parsing the decoder file now
792            // but may give the wrong answer in some cases (low value long addresses on NCE)
794            jmri.ThrottleManager tf = jmri.InstanceManager.getNullableDefault(jmri.ThrottleManager.class);
795            int address;
796            try {
797                address = Integer.parseInt(_dccAddress);
798            } catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
799                address = 3;
800            } // ignore, accepting the default value
801            if (tf != null && tf.canBeLongAddress(address) && !tf.canBeShortAddress(address)) {
802                // if it has to be long, handle that
803                _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_LONG;
804            } else if (tf != null && !tf.canBeLongAddress(address) && tf.canBeShortAddress(address)) {
805                // if it has to be short, handle that
806                _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_SHORT;
807            } else {
808                // else guess short address
809                // These people should resave their roster, so we'll warn them
810                warnShortLong(_id);
811                _protocol = LocoAddress.Protocol.DCC_SHORT;
813            }
814        }
815        if ((a = e.getAttribute("comment")) != null) {
816            _comment = a.getValue();
817        }
818        Element d = e.getChild("decoder");
819        if (d != null) {
820            if ((a = d.getAttribute("model")) != null) {
821                _decoderModel = a.getValue();
822            }
823            if ((a = d.getAttribute("family")) != null) {
824                _decoderFamily = a.getValue();
825            }
826            if ((a = d.getAttribute(DECODER_DEVELOPERID)) != null) {
827                _developerID = a.getValue();
828            }
829            if ((a = d.getAttribute(DECODER_MANUFACTURERID)) != null) {
830                _manufacturerID = a.getValue();
831            }
832            if ((a = d.getAttribute(DECODER_PRODUCTID)) != null) {
833                _productID = a.getValue();
834            }
835            if ((a = d.getAttribute("comment")) != null) {
836                _decoderComment = a.getValue();
837            }
838            if ((a = d.getAttribute("maxFnNum")) != null) {
839                _maxFnNum = a.getValue();
840            }
841        }
843        loadFunctions(e.getChild("functionlabels"), "RosterEntry");
844        loadSounds(e.getChild("soundlabels"), "RosterEntry");
845        loadAttributes(e.getChild("attributepairs"));
847        if (e.getChild(RosterEntry.SPEED_PROFILE) != null) {
848            _sp = new RosterSpeedProfile(this);
849            _sp.load(e.getChild(RosterEntry.SPEED_PROFILE));
850        }
852    }
854    boolean loadedOnce = false;
856    /**
857     * Load function names from a JDOM element.
858     * <p>
859     * Does not change values that are already present!
860     *
861     * @param e3 the XML element containing functions
862     */
863    public void loadFunctions(Element e3) {
864        this.loadFunctions(e3, "family");
865    }
867    /**
868     * Loads function names from a JDOM element. Does not change values that are
869     * already present!
870     *
871     * @param e3     the XML element containing the functions
872     * @param source "family" if source is the decoder definition, or "model" if
873     *               source is the roster entry itself
874     */
875    public void loadFunctions(Element e3, String source) {
876        /*
877         * Load flag once, means that when the roster entry is edited only the
878         * first set of function labels are displayed ie those saved in the
879         * roster file, rather than those being left blank rather than being
880         * over-written by the defaults linked to the decoder def
881         */
882        if (loadedOnce) {
883            return;
884        }
885        if (e3 != null) {
886            // load function names
887            List<Element> l = e3.getChildren(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_LABEL);
888            for (Element fn : l) {
889                int num = Integer.parseInt(fn.getAttribute("num").getValue());
890                String lock = fn.getAttribute("lockable").getValue();
891                String val = LocaleSelector.getAttribute(fn, "text");
892                if (val == null) {
893                    val = fn.getText();
894                }
895                if ((this.getFunctionLabel(num) == null) || (source.equalsIgnoreCase("model"))) {
896                    this.setFunctionLabel(num, val);
897                    this.setFunctionLockable(num, lock.equals("true"));
898                    Attribute a;
899                    if ((a = fn.getAttribute("functionImage")) != null && !a.getValue().isEmpty()) {
900                        try {
901                            if (FileUtil.getFile(a.getValue()).isFile()) {
902                                this.setFunctionImage(num, FileUtil.getAbsoluteFilename(a.getValue()));
903                            }
904                        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
905                            try {
906                                if (FileUtil.getFile(FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue()).isFile()) {
907                                    this.setFunctionImage(num, FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue());
908                                }
909                            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex1) {
910                                this.setFunctionImage(num, null);
911                            }
912                        }
913                    }
914                    if ((a = fn.getAttribute("functionImageSelected")) != null && !a.getValue().isEmpty()) {
915                        try {
916                            if (FileUtil.getFile(a.getValue()).isFile()) {
917                                this.setFunctionSelectedImage(num, FileUtil.getAbsoluteFilename(a.getValue()));
918                            }
919                        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
920                            try {
921                                if (FileUtil.getFile(FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue()).isFile()) {
922                                    this.setFunctionSelectedImage(num, FileUtil.getUserResourcePath() + a.getValue());
923                                }
924                            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex1) {
925                                this.setFunctionSelectedImage(num, null);
926                            }
927                        }
928                    }
929                }
930            }
931        }
932        if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("RosterEntry")) {
933            loadedOnce = true;
934        }
935    }
937    boolean soundLoadedOnce = false;
939    /**
940     * Loads sound names from a JDOM element. Does not change values that are
941     * already present!
942     *
943     * @param e3     the XML element containing sound names
944     * @param source "family" if source is the decoder definition, or "model" if
945     *               source is the roster entry itself
946     */
947    public void loadSounds(Element e3, String source) {
948        /*
949         * Load flag once, means that when the roster entry is edited only the
950         * first set of sound labels are displayed ie those saved in the roster
951         * file, rather than those being left blank rather than being
952         * over-written by the defaults linked to the decoder def
953         */
954        if (soundLoadedOnce) {
955            return;
956        }
957        if (e3 != null) {
958            // load sound names
959            List<Element> l = e3.getChildren(RosterEntry.SOUND_LABEL);
960            for (Element fn : l) {
961                int num = Integer.parseInt(fn.getAttribute("num").getValue());
962                String val = LocaleSelector.getAttribute(fn, "text");
963                if (val == null) {
964                    val = fn.getText();
965                }
966                if ((this.getSoundLabel(num) == null) || (source.equalsIgnoreCase("model"))) {
967                    this.setSoundLabel(num, val);
968                }
969            }
970        }
971        if (source.equalsIgnoreCase("RosterEntry")) {
972            soundLoadedOnce = true;
973        }
974    }
976    /**
977     * Load attribute key/value pairs from a JDOM element.
978     *
979     * @param e3 XML element containing roster entry attributes
980     */
981    public void loadAttributes(Element e3) {
982        if (e3 != null) {
983            List<Element> l = e3.getChildren("keyvaluepair");
984            for (Element fn : l) {
985                String key = fn.getChild("key").getText();
986                String value = fn.getChild("value").getText();
987                this.putAttribute(key, value);
988            }
989        }
990    }
992    /**
993     * Set the label for a specific function.
994     *
995     * @param fn    function number, starting with 0
996     * @param label the label to use
997     */
998    public void setFunctionLabel(int fn, String label) {
999        if (functionLabels == null) {
1000            functionLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
1001        }
1002        String old = functionLabels.get(fn);
1003        functionLabels.put(fn, label);
1004        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_LABEL + fn, old, label);
1005    }
1007    /**
1008     * If a label has been defined for a specific function, return it, otherwise
1009     * return null.
1010     *
1011     * @param fn function number, starting with 0
1012     * @return function label or null if not defined
1013     */
1014    public String getFunctionLabel(int fn) {
1015        if (functionLabels == null) {
1016            return null;
1017        }
1018        return functionLabels.get(fn);
1019    }
1021    /**
1022     * Define label for a specific sound.
1023     *
1024     * @param fn    sound number, starting with 0
1025     * @param label display label for the sound function
1026     */
1027    public void setSoundLabel(int fn, String label) {
1028        if (soundLabels == null) {
1029            soundLabels = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
1030        }
1031        String old = soundLabels.get(fn);
1032        soundLabels.put(fn, label);
1033        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.SOUND_LABEL + fn, old, label);
1034    }
1036    /**
1037     * If a label has been defined for a specific sound, return it, otherwise
1038     * return null.
1039     *
1040     * @param fn sound number, starting with 0
1041     * @return sound label or null
1042     */
1043    public String getSoundLabel(int fn) {
1044        if (soundLabels == null) {
1045            return null;
1046        }
1047        return soundLabels.get(fn);
1048    }
1050    public void setFunctionImage(int fn, String s) {
1051        if (functionImages == null) {
1052            functionImages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
1053        }
1054        String old = functionImages.get(fn);
1055        functionImages.put(fn, s);
1056        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_IMAGE + fn, old, s);
1057    }
1059    public String getFunctionImage(int fn) {
1060        if (functionImages == null) {
1061            return null;
1062        }
1063        return functionImages.get(fn);
1064    }
1066    public void setFunctionSelectedImage(int fn, String s) {
1067        if (functionSelectedImages == null) {
1068            functionSelectedImages = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
1069        }
1070        String old = functionSelectedImages.get(fn);
1071        functionSelectedImages.put(fn, s);
1072        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_SELECTED_IMAGE + fn, old, s);
1073    }
1075    public String getFunctionSelectedImage(int fn) {
1076        if (functionSelectedImages == null) {
1077            return null;
1078        }
1079        return functionSelectedImages.get(fn);
1080    }
1082    /**
1083     * Define whether a specific function is lockable.
1084     *
1085     * @param fn       function number, starting with 0
1086     * @param lockable true if function is continuous; false if momentary
1087     */
1088    public void setFunctionLockable(int fn, boolean lockable) {
1089        if (functionLockables == null) {
1090            functionLockables = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
1091            functionLockables.put(fn, true);
1092        }
1093        boolean old = ((functionLockables.get(fn) != null) ? functionLockables.get(fn) : true);
1094        functionLockables.put(fn, lockable);
1095        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_LOCKABLE + fn, old, lockable);
1096    }
1098    /**
1099     * Return the lockable/latchable state of a specific function. Defaults to true.
1100     *
1101     * @param fn function number, starting with 0
1102     * @return true if function is lockable/latchable
1103     */
1104    public boolean getFunctionLockable(int fn) {
1105        if (functionLockables == null) {
1106            return true;
1107        }
1108        return ((functionLockables.get(fn) != null) ? functionLockables.get(fn) : true);
1109    }
1111    /**
1112     * Define whether a specific function button is visible.
1113     *
1114     * @param fn       function number, starting with 0
1115     * @param visible  true if function button is visible; false to hide
1116     */
1117    public void setFunctionVisible(int fn, boolean visible) {
1118        if (functionVisibles == null) {
1119            functionVisibles = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
1120            functionVisibles.put(fn, true);
1121        }
1122        boolean old = ((functionVisibles.get(fn) != null) ? functionVisibles.get(fn) : true);
1123        functionVisibles.put(fn, visible);
1124        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_LOCKABLE + fn, old, visible);
1125    }
1127    /**
1128     * Return the UI visibility of a specific function button. Defaults to true.
1129     *
1130     * @param fn function number, starting with 0
1131     * @return true if function button is visible
1132     */
1133    public boolean getFunctionVisible(int fn) {
1134        if (functionVisibles == null) {
1135            return true;
1136        }
1137        return ((functionVisibles.get(fn) != null) ? functionVisibles.get(fn) : true);
1138    }
1140    @Override
1141    public void putAttribute(String key, String value) {
1142        String oldValue = getAttribute(key);
1143        attributePairs.put(key, value);
1144        firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.ATTRIBUTE_UPDATED + key, oldValue, value);
1145    }
1147    @Override
1148    public String getAttribute(String key) {
1149        return attributePairs.get(key);
1150    }
1152    @Override
1153    public void deleteAttribute(String key) {
1154        if (attributePairs.containsKey(key)) {
1155            attributePairs.remove(key);
1156            firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.ATTRIBUTE_DELETED, key, null);
1157        }
1158    }
1160    /**
1161     * Provide access to the set of attributes.
1162     * <p>
1163     * This is directly backed access, so e.g. removing an item from this Set
1164     * removes it from the RosterEntry too.
1165     *
1166     * @return a set of attribute keys
1167     */
1168    public java.util.Set<String> getAttributes() {
1169        return attributePairs.keySet();
1170    }
1172    @Override
1173    public String[] getAttributeList() {
1174        return attributePairs.keySet().toArray(new String[attributePairs.size()]);
1175    }
1177    /**
1178     * List the roster groups this entry is a member of, returning existing
1179     * {@link jmri.jmrit.roster.rostergroup.RosterGroup}s from the default
1180     * {@link jmri.jmrit.roster.Roster} if they exist.
1181     *
1182     * @return list of roster groups
1183     */
1184    public List<RosterGroup> getGroups() {
1185        return this.getGroups(Roster.getDefault());
1186    }
1188    /**
1189     * List the roster groups this entry is a member of, returning existing
1190     * {@link jmri.jmrit.roster.rostergroup.RosterGroup}s from the specified
1191     * {@link jmri.jmrit.roster.Roster} if they exist.
1192     *
1193     * @param roster the roster to get matching groups from
1194     * @return list of roster groups
1195     */
1196    public List<RosterGroup> getGroups(Roster roster) {
1197        List<RosterGroup> groups = new ArrayList<>();
1198        if (!this.getAttributes().isEmpty()) {
1199            for (String attribute : this.getAttributes()) {
1200                if (attribute.startsWith(Roster.ROSTER_GROUP_PREFIX)) {
1201                    String name = attribute.substring(Roster.ROSTER_GROUP_PREFIX.length());
1202                    if (roster.getRosterGroups().containsKey(name)) {
1203                        groups.add(roster.getRosterGroups().get(name));
1204                    } else {
1205                        groups.add(new RosterGroup(name));
1206                    }
1207                }
1208            }
1209        }
1210        return groups;
1211    }
1213    @Override
1214    public int getMaxSpeedPCT() {
1215        return _maxSpeedPCT;
1216    }
1218    public void setMaxSpeedPCT(int maxSpeedPCT) {
1219        int old = this._maxSpeedPCT;
1220        _maxSpeedPCT = maxSpeedPCT;
1221        this.firePropertyChange(RosterEntry.MAX_SPEED, old, this._maxSpeedPCT);
1222    }
1224    /**
1225     * Warn user that the roster entry needs to be resaved.
1226     *
1227     * @param id roster ID to warn about
1228     */
1229    protected void warnShortLong(String id) {
1230        log.warn("Roster entry \"{}\" should be saved again to store the short/long address value", id);
1231    }
1233    /**
1234     * Create an XML element to represent this Entry.
1235     * <p>
1236     * This member has to remain synchronized with the detailed schema in
1237     * xml/schema/locomotive-config.xsd.
1238     *
1239     * @return Contents in a JDOM Element
1240     */
1241    @Override
1242    public Element store() {
1243        Element e = new Element("locomotive");
1244        e.setAttribute("id", getId());
1245        e.setAttribute("fileName", getFileName());
1246        e.setAttribute("roadNumber", getRoadNumber());
1247        e.setAttribute("roadName", getRoadName());
1248        e.setAttribute("mfg", getMfg());
1249        e.setAttribute("owner", getOwner());
1250        e.setAttribute("model", getModel());
1251        e.setAttribute("dccAddress", getDccAddress());
1252        //e.setAttribute("protocol", "" + getProtocol());
1253        e.setAttribute("comment", getComment());
1254        e.setAttribute(DECODER_DEVELOPERID, getDeveloperID());
1255        e.setAttribute(DECODER_MANUFACTURERID, getManufacturerID());
1256        e.setAttribute(DECODER_PRODUCTID, getProductID());
1257        e.setAttribute(RosterEntry.MAX_SPEED, (Integer.toString(getMaxSpeedPCT())));
1258        // file path are saved without default xml config path
1259        e.setAttribute("imageFilePath",
1260                (this.getImagePath() != null) ? FileUtil.getPortableFilename(this.getImagePath()) : "");
1261        e.setAttribute("iconFilePath",
1262                (this.getIconPath() != null) ? FileUtil.getPortableFilename(this.getIconPath()) : "");
1263        e.setAttribute("URL", getURL());
1264        e.setAttribute(RosterEntry.SHUNTING_FUNCTION, getShuntingFunction());
1265        if (_dateUpdated.isEmpty()) {
1266            // set date updated to now if never set previously
1267            this.changeDateUpdated();
1268        }
1269        e.addContent(new Element("dateUpdated").addContent(this.getDateUpdated()));
1270        Element d = new Element("decoder");
1271        d.setAttribute("model", getDecoderModel());
1272        d.setAttribute("family", getDecoderFamily());
1273        d.setAttribute("comment", getDecoderComment());
1274        d.setAttribute("maxFnNum", getMaxFnNum());
1276        e.addContent(d);
1277        if (_dccAddress.isEmpty()) {
1278            e.addContent((new jmri.configurexml.LocoAddressXml()).store(null)); // store a null address
1279        } else {
1280            e.addContent((new jmri.configurexml.LocoAddressXml())
1281                    .store(new DccLocoAddress(Integer.parseInt(_dccAddress), _protocol)));
1282        }
1284        if (functionLabels != null) {
1285            Element s = new Element("functionlabels");
1287            // loop to copy non-null elements
1288            functionLabels.forEach((key, value) -> {
1289                if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
1290                    Element fne = new Element(RosterEntry.FUNCTION_LABEL);
1291                    fne.setAttribute("num", "" + key);
1292                    fne.setAttribute("lockable", getFunctionLockable(key) ? "true" : "false");
1293                    fne.setAttribute("functionImage",
1294                            (getFunctionImage(key) != null) ? FileUtil.getPortableFilename(getFunctionImage(key)) : "");
1295                    fne.setAttribute("functionImageSelected", (getFunctionSelectedImage(key) != null)
1296                            ? FileUtil.getPortableFilename(getFunctionSelectedImage(key)) : "");
1297                    fne.addContent(value);
1298                    s.addContent(fne);
1299                }
1300            });
1301            e.addContent(s);
1302        }
1304        if (soundLabels != null) {
1305            Element s = new Element("soundlabels");
1307            // loop to copy non-null elements
1308            soundLabels.forEach((key, value) -> {
1309                if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
1310                    Element fne = new Element(RosterEntry.SOUND_LABEL);
1311                    fne.setAttribute("num", "" + key);
1312                    fne.addContent(value);
1313                    s.addContent(fne);
1314                }
1315            });
1316            e.addContent(s);
1317        }
1319        if (!getAttributes().isEmpty()) {
1320            d = new Element("attributepairs");
1321            for (String key : getAttributes()) {
1322                d.addContent(new Element("keyvaluepair")
1323                        .addContent(new Element("key")
1324                                .addContent(key))
1325                        .addContent(new Element("value")
1326                                .addContent(getAttribute(key))));
1327            }
1328            e.addContent(d);
1329        }
1330        if (_sp != null) {
1331            _sp.store(e);
1332        }
1333        return e;
1334    }
1336    @Override
1337    public String titleString() {
1338        return getId();
1339    }
1341    @Override
1342    public String toString() {
1343        String out = "[RosterEntry: "
1344                + _id
1345                + " "
1346                + (_fileName != null ? _fileName : "<null>")
1347                + " "
1348                + _roadName
1349                + " "
1350                + _roadNumber
1351                + " "
1352                + _mfg
1353                + " "
1354                + _owner
1355                + " "
1356                + _model
1357                + " "
1358                + _dccAddress
1359                + " "
1360                + _comment
1361                + " "
1362                + _decoderModel
1363                + " "
1364                + _decoderFamily
1365                + " "
1366                + _developerID
1367                + " "
1368                + _manufacturerID
1369                + " "
1370                + _productID
1371                + " "
1372                + _decoderComment
1373                + "]";
1374        return out;
1375    }
1377    /**
1378     * Write the contents of this RosterEntry back to a file, preserving all
1379     * existing decoder CV content.
1380     * <p>
1381     * This writes the file back in place, with the same decoder-specific
1382     * content.
1383     */
1384    public void updateFile() {
1385        LocoFile df = new LocoFile();
1387        String fullFilename = Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + getFileName();
1389        // read in the content
1390        try {
1391            mRootElement = df.rootFromName(fullFilename);
1392        } catch (JDOMException
1393                | IOException e) {
1394            log.error("Exception while loading loco XML file: {} exception", getFileName(), e);
1395        }
1397        try {
1398            File f = new File(fullFilename);
1399            // do backup
1400            df.makeBackupFile(Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + getFileName());
1402            // and finally write the file
1403            df.writeFile(f, mRootElement, this.store());
1405        } catch (Exception e) {
1406            log.error("error during locomotive file output", e);
1407            try {
1408                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
1409                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorSavingText") + "\n"
1410                        + e.getMessage(),
1411                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorSavingTitle"),
1412                        JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1413            } catch (HeadlessException he) {
1414                // silently ignore inability to display dialog
1415            }
1416        }
1417    }
1419    /**
1420     * Write the contents of this RosterEntry to a file.
1421     * <p>
1422     * Information on the contents is passed through the parameters, as the
1423     * actual XML creation is done in the LocoFile class.
1424     *
1425     * @param cvModel       CV contents to include in file
1426     * @param variableModel Variable contents to include in file
1427     *
1428     */
1429    public void writeFile(CvTableModel cvModel, VariableTableModel variableModel) {
1430        LocoFile df = new LocoFile();
1432        // do I/O
1433        FileUtil.createDirectory(Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation());
1435        try {
1436            String fullFilename = Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + getFileName();
1437            File f = new File(fullFilename);
1438            // do backup
1439            df.makeBackupFile(Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + getFileName());
1441            // changed
1442            changeDateUpdated();
1444            // and finally write the file
1445            df.writeFile(f, cvModel, variableModel, this);
1447        } catch (Exception e) {
1448            log.error("error during locomotive file output", e);
1449            try {
1450                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
1451                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorSavingText") + "\n"
1452                        + e.getMessage(),
1453                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorSavingTitle"),
1454                        JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1455            } catch (HeadlessException he) {
1456                // silently ignore inability to display dialog
1457            }
1458        }
1459    }
1461    /**
1462     * Mark the date updated, e.g. from storing this roster entry.
1463     */
1464    public void changeDateUpdated() {
1465        // used to create formatted string of now using defaults
1466        this.setDateModified(new Date());
1467    }
1469    /**
1470     * Store the root element of the JDOM tree representing this RosterEntry.
1471     */
1472    private Element mRootElement = null;
1474    /**
1475     * Load pre-existing Variable and CvTableModel object with the contents of
1476     * this entry.
1477     *
1478     * @param varModel the variable model to load
1479     * @param cvModel  CV contents to load
1480     */
1481    public void loadCvModel(VariableTableModel varModel, CvTableModel cvModel) {
1482        if (cvModel == null) {
1483            log.error("loadCvModel must be given a non-null argument");
1484            return;
1485        }
1486        if (mRootElement == null) {
1487            log.error("loadCvModel called before readFile() succeeded");
1488            return;
1489        }
1490        try {
1491            if (varModel != null) {
1492                LocoFile.loadVariableModel(mRootElement.getChild("locomotive"), varModel);
1493            }
1495            LocoFile.loadCvModel(mRootElement.getChild("locomotive"), cvModel, getManufacturerID(), getDecoderFamily());
1496        } catch (Exception ex) {
1497            log.error("Error reading roster entry", ex);
1498            try {
1499                JmriJOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,
1500                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorReadingText") + "\n" + _fileName,
1501                        Bundle.getMessage("ErrorReadingTitle"),
1502                        JmriJOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1503            } catch (HeadlessException he) {
1504                // silently ignore inability to display dialog
1505            }
1506        }
1507    }
1509    /**
1510     * Ultra compact list view of roster entries. Shows text from fields as
1511     * initially visible in the Roster frame table.
1512     * <p>
1513     * Header is created in
1514     * {@link PrintListAction#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)} so
1515     * keep column widths identical with values of colWidth below.
1516     *
1517     * @param w writer providing output
1518     */
1519    public void printEntryLine(HardcopyWriter w) {
1520        // no image
1521        // @see #printEntryDetails(w);
1523        try {
1524            //int textSpace = w.getCharactersPerLine() - 1; // could be used to truncate line.
1525            // for now, text just flows to next line
1526            String thisText;
1527            String thisLine = "";
1529            // start each entry on a new line
1530            w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1532            int colWidth = 15;
1533            // roster entry ID (not the filname)
1534            if (_id != null) {
1535                thisText = String.format("%-" + colWidth + "s", _id.substring(0, Math.min(_id.length(), colWidth))); // %- = left align
1536                log.debug("thisText = |{}|, length = {}", thisText, thisText.length());
1537            } else {
1538                thisText = String.format("%-" + colWidth + "s", "<null>");
1539            }
1540            thisLine += thisText;
1541            colWidth = 6;
1542            // _dccAddress
1543            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_dccAddress, colWidth);
1544            colWidth = 6;
1545            // _roadName
1546            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_roadName, colWidth);
1547            colWidth = 6;
1548            // _roadNumber
1549            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_roadNumber, colWidth);
1550            colWidth = 6;
1551            // _mfg
1552            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_mfg, colWidth);
1553            colWidth = 10;
1554            // _model
1555            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_model, colWidth);
1556            colWidth = 10;
1557            // _decoderModel
1558            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_decoderModel, colWidth);
1559            colWidth = 12;
1560            // _protocol (type)
1561            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_protocol.toString(), colWidth);
1562            colWidth = 6;
1563            // _owner
1564            thisLine += StringUtil.padString(_owner, colWidth);
1565            colWidth = 10;
1567            // dateModified (type)
1568            if (dateModified != null) {
1569                DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(dateModified);
1570                thisText = String.format("%-" + colWidth + "s",
1571                        dateModified.toString().substring(0, Math.min(dateModified.toString().length(), colWidth)));
1572                thisLine += thisText;
1573            }
1574            // don't include comment and decoder family
1576            w.write(thisLine);
1577            // extra whitespace line after each entry would miss goal of a compact listing
1578            // w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1579        } catch (IOException e) {
1580            log.error("Error printing RosterEntry: ", e);
1581        }
1582    }
1584    public void printEntry(HardcopyWriter w) {
1585        if (getIconPath() != null) {
1586            ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(getIconPath());
1587            // We use an ImageIcon because it's guaranteed to have been loaded when ctor is complete.
1588            // We set the imagesize to 150x150 pixels
1589            int imagesize = 150;
1591            Image img = icon.getImage();
1592            int width = img.getWidth(null);
1593            int height = img.getHeight(null);
1594            double widthratio = (double) width / imagesize;
1595            double heightratio = (double) height / imagesize;
1596            double ratio = Math.max(widthratio, heightratio);
1597            width = (int) (width / ratio);
1598            height = (int) (height / ratio);
1599            Image newImg = img.getScaledInstance(width, height, java.awt.Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
1601            ImageIcon newIcon = new ImageIcon(newImg);
1602            w.writeNoScale(newIcon.getImage(), new JLabel(newIcon));
1603            // Work out the number of line approx that the image takes up.
1604            // We might need to pad some areas of the roster out, so that things
1605            // look correct and text doesn't overflow into the image.
1606            blanks = (newImg.getHeight(null) - w.getLineAscent()) / w.getLineHeight();
1607            textSpaceWithIcon
1608                    = w.getCharactersPerLine() - ((newImg.getWidth(null) / w.getCharWidth())) - indentWidth - 1;
1610        }
1611        printEntryDetails(w);
1612    }
1614    private int blanks = 0;
1615    private int textSpaceWithIcon = 0;
1616    String indent = "                      ";
1617    int indentWidth = indent.length();
1618    String newLine = "\n";
1620    /**
1621     * Print the roster information.
1622     * <p>
1623     * Updated to allow for multiline comment and decoder comment fields.
1624     * Separate write statements for text and line feeds to work around the
1625     * HardcopyWriter bug that misplaces borders.
1626     *
1627     * @param w the HardcopyWriter used to print
1628     */
1629    public void printEntryDetails(Writer w) {
1630        if (!(w instanceof HardcopyWriter)) {
1631            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No HardcopyWriter instance passed");
1632        }
1633        int linesAdded = -1;
1634        String title;
1635        String leftMargin = "   "; // 3 spaces in front of legend labels
1636        int labelColumn = 19; // pad remaining spaces for legend using fixed width font, forms "%-19s" in line
1637        try {
1638            HardcopyWriter ww = (HardcopyWriter) w;
1639            int textSpace = ww.getCharactersPerLine() - indentWidth - 1;
1640            title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1641                    (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldID")))); // I18N ID:
1642            if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1643                linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _id, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1644            } else {
1645                linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _id, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1646            }
1647            title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1648                    (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldFilename")))); // I18N Filename:
1649            if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1650                linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _fileName != null ? _fileName : "<null>", leftMargin + title,
1651                        textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1652            } else {
1653                linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _fileName != null ? _fileName : "<null>", leftMargin + title,
1654                        textSpace) + linesAdded;
1655            }
1657            if (!(_roadName.isEmpty())) {
1658                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1659                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldRoadName")))); // I18N Road name:
1660                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1661                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _roadName, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1662                } else {
1663                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _roadName, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1664                }
1665            }
1666            if (!(_roadNumber.isEmpty())) {
1667                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1668                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldRoadNumber")))); // I18N Road number:
1670                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1671                    linesAdded
1672                            = writeWrappedComment(w, _roadNumber, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1673                } else {
1674                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _roadNumber, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1675                }
1676            }
1677            if (!(_mfg.isEmpty())) {
1678                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1679                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldManufacturer")))); // I18N Manufacturer:
1681                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1682                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _mfg, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1683                } else {
1684                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _mfg, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1685                }
1686            }
1687            if (!(_owner.isEmpty())) {
1688                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1689                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldOwner")))); // I18N Owner:
1691                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1692                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _owner, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1693                } else {
1694                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _owner, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1695                }
1696            }
1697            if (!(_model.isEmpty())) {
1698                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1699                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldModel")))); // I18N Model:
1700                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1701                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _model, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1702                } else {
1703                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _model, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1704                }
1705            }
1706            if (!(_dccAddress.isEmpty())) {
1707                w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1708                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1709                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldDCCAddress")))); // I18N DCC Address:
1710                String s = leftMargin + title + _dccAddress;
1711                w.write(s, 0, s.length());
1712                linesAdded++;
1713            }
1715            // If there is a comment field, then wrap it using the new wrapCommment()
1716            // method and print it
1717            if (!(_comment.isEmpty())) {
1718                //Because the text will fill the width if the roster entry has an icon
1719                //then we need to add some blank lines to prevent the comment text going
1720                //through the picture.
1721                for (int i = 0; i < (blanks - linesAdded); i++) {
1722                    w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1723                }
1724                //As we have added the blank lines to pad out the comment we will
1725                //reset the number of blanks to 0.
1726                if (blanks != 0) {
1727                    blanks = 0;
1728                }
1729                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1730                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldComment")))); // I18N Comment:
1731                linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _comment, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1732            }
1733            if (!(_decoderModel.isEmpty())) {
1734                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1735                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldDecoderModel")))); // I18N Decoder Model:
1736                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1737                    linesAdded
1738                            = writeWrappedComment(w, _decoderModel, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1739                } else {
1740                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _decoderModel, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1741                }
1742            }
1743            if (!(_decoderFamily.isEmpty())) {
1744                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1745                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldDecoderFamily")))); // I18N Decoder Family:
1746                if ((textSpaceWithIcon != 0) && (linesAdded < blanks)) {
1747                    linesAdded
1748                            = writeWrappedComment(w, _decoderFamily, leftMargin + title, textSpaceWithIcon) + linesAdded;
1749                } else {
1750                    linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _decoderFamily, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1751                }
1752            }
1754            //If there is a decoderComment field, need to wrap it
1755            if (!(_decoderComment.isEmpty())) {
1756                //Because the text will fill the width if the roster entry has an icon
1757                //then we need to add some blank lines to prevent the comment text going
1758                //through the picture.
1759                for (int i = 0; i < (blanks - linesAdded); i++) {
1760                    w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1761                }
1762                //As we have added the blank lines to pad out the comment we will
1763                //reset the number of blanks to 0.
1764                if (blanks != 0) {
1765                    blanks = 0;
1766                }
1767                title = String.format("%-" + labelColumn + "s",
1768                        (Bundle.getMessage("MakeLabel", Bundle.getMessage("FieldDecoderComment")))); // I18N Decoder Comment:
1769                linesAdded = writeWrappedComment(w, _decoderComment, leftMargin + title, textSpace) + linesAdded;
1770            }
1771            w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1772            for (int i = -1; i < (blanks - linesAdded); i++) {
1773                w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1774            }
1775        } catch (IOException e) {
1776            log.error("Error printing RosterEntry", e);
1777        }
1778    }
1780    private int writeWrappedComment(Writer w, String text, String title, int textSpace) {
1781        Vector<String> commentVector = wrapComment(text, textSpace);
1783        //Now have a vector of text pieces and line feeds that will all
1784        //fit in the allowed space. Print each piece, prefixing the first one
1785        //with the label and indenting any remaining.
1786        String s;
1787        int k = 0;
1788        try {
1789            w.write(newLine, 0, 1);
1790            s = title + commentVector.elementAt(k);
1791            w.write(s, 0, s.length());
1792            k++;
1793            while (k < commentVector.size()) {
1794                String token = commentVector.elementAt(k);
1795                if (!token.equals("\n")) {
1796                    s = indent + token;
1797                } else {
1798                    s = token;
1799                }
1800                w.write(s, 0, s.length());
1801                k++;
1802            }
1803        } catch (IOException e) {
1804            log.error("Error printing RosterEntry", e);
1805        }
1806        return k;
1807    }
1809    /**
1810     * Line wrap a comment.
1811     *
1812     * @param comment   the comment to wrap at word boundaries
1813     * @param textSpace the width of the space to print
1814     *
1815     * @return comment wrapped to fit given width
1816     */
1817    public Vector<String> wrapComment(String comment, int textSpace) {
1818        //Tokenize the string using \n to separate the text on mulitple lines
1819        //and create a vector to hold the processed text pieces
1820        StringTokenizer commentTokens = new StringTokenizer(comment, "\n", true);
1821        Vector<String> textVector = new Vector<>(commentTokens.countTokens());
1822        while (commentTokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
1823            String commentToken = commentTokens.nextToken();
1824            int startIndex = 0;
1825            int endIndex;
1826            //Check each token to see if it needs to have a line wrap.
1827            //Get a piece of the token, either the size of the allowed space or
1828            //a shorter piece if there isn't enough text to fill the space
1829            if (commentToken.length() < startIndex + textSpace) {
1830                //the piece will fit so extract it and put it in the vector
1831                textVector.addElement(commentToken);
1832            } else {
1833                //Piece too long to fit. Extract a piece the size of the textSpace
1834                //and check for farthest right space for word wrapping.
1835                log.debug("token: /{}/", commentToken);
1837                while (startIndex < commentToken.length()) {
1838                    String tokenPiece = commentToken.substring(startIndex, startIndex + textSpace);
1839                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
1840                        log.debug("loop: /{}/ {}", tokenPiece, tokenPiece.lastIndexOf(" "));
1841                    }
1842                    if (tokenPiece.lastIndexOf(" ") == -1) {
1843                        //If no spaces, put the whole piece in the vector and add a line feed, then
1844                        //increment the startIndex to reposition for extracting next piece
1845                        textVector.addElement(tokenPiece);
1846                        textVector.addElement(newLine);
1847                        startIndex += textSpace;
1848                    } else {
1849                        //If there is at least one space, extract up to and including the
1850                        //last space and put in the vector as well as a line feed
1851                        endIndex = tokenPiece.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1;
1852                        log.debug("tokenPiece /{}/ {} {}", tokenPiece, startIndex, endIndex);
1854                        textVector.addElement(tokenPiece.substring(0, endIndex));
1855                        textVector.addElement(newLine);
1856                        startIndex += endIndex;
1857                    }
1858                    //Check the remaining piece to see if it fits - startIndex now points
1859                    //to the start of the next piece
1860                    if (commentToken.substring(startIndex).length() < textSpace) {
1861                        //It will fit so just insert it, otherwise will cycle through the
1862                        //while loop and the checks above will take care of the remainder.
1863                        //Line feed is not required as this is the last part of the token.
1864                        textVector.addElement(commentToken.substring(startIndex));
1865                        startIndex += textSpace;
1866                    }
1867                }
1868            }
1869        }
1870        return textVector;
1871    }
1873    /**
1874     * Read a file containing the contents of this RosterEntry.
1875     * <p>
1876     * This has to be done before a call to loadCvModel, for example.
1877     */
1878    public void readFile() {
1879        if (getFileName() == null) {
1880            log.warn("readFile invoked with null filename");
1881            return;
1882        } else {
1883            log.debug("readFile invoked with filename {}", getFileName());
1884        }
1886        LocoFile lf = new LocoFile(); // used as a temporary
1887        String file = Roster.getDefault().getRosterFilesLocation() + getFileName();
1888        if (!(new File(file).exists())) {
1889            // try without prefix
1890            file = getFileName();
1891        }
1892        try {
1893            mRootElement = lf.rootFromName(file);
1894        } catch (JDOMException | IOException e) {
1895            log.error("Exception while loading loco XML file: {} from {}", getFileName(), file, e);
1896        }
1897    }
1899    /**
1900     * Create a RosterEntry from a file.
1901     *
1902     * @param file The file containing the RosterEntry
1903     * @return a new RosterEntry
1904     * @throws JDOMException if unable to parse file
1905     * @throws IOException   if unable to read file
1906     */
1907    public static RosterEntry fromFile(@Nonnull File file) throws JDOMException, IOException {
1908        Element loco = (new LocoFile()).rootFromFile(file).getChild("locomotive");
1909        if (loco == null) {
1910            throw new JDOMException("missing expected element");
1911        }
1912        RosterEntry re = new RosterEntry(loco);
1913        re.setFileName(file.getName());
1914        return re;
1915    }
1917    @Override
1918    public String getDisplayName() {
1919        if (this.getRoadName() != null && !this.getRoadName().isEmpty()) { // NOI18N
1920            return Bundle.getMessage("RosterEntryDisplayName", this.getDccAddress(), this.getRoadName(),
1921                    this.getRoadNumber()); // NOI18N
1922        } else {
1923            return Bundle.getMessage("RosterEntryDisplayName", this.getDccAddress(), this.getId(), ""); // NOI18N
1924        }
1925    }
1927    private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(RosterEntry.class);