Uses of Class
Packages that use LocoNetMessage Package Description jmri.jmrix.loconet Provides access to LocoNet systems, along with a lot of Swing-based tools.jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.almi jmri.jmrix.loconet.bdl16 jmri.jmrix.loconet.cmdstnconfig jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64 jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1 jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2 jmri.jmrix.loconet.locogen jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoid jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio jmri.jmrix.loconet.locomon jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp JMRI implementation of the LocoNet over TCP protocol.jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr2 jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3.swing jmri.jmrix.loconet.soundloader jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lncvprog jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lnsv1prog jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock Implementation and specialization for connecting to to an Uhlenbrock Intellibox-II via its in-built USB connection.jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet
Fields in jmri.jmrix.loconet declared as LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
SlotManager. immedPacket
(package private) LocoNetMessage
LnTurnoutManager. lastSWREQ
(package private) LocoNetMessage
LocoNetThrottledTransmitter.Memo. msg
(package private) LocoNetMessage
LnPacketizer.Echo. msgForLater
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description LocoNetMessage
LocoNetSlot. dispatchSlot()
Create LocoNet message which dispatches this slot Note that the invoking method ought to invoke the slot's NotifySlotListeners method to inform any other interested parties that the slot status has changed.(package private) LocoNetMessage
LocoNetThrottledTransmitter.Memo. getMessage()
static LocoNetMessage
LocoNetMessage. makePeerXfr(int src, int dst, int[] d, int code)
Return a newly created OPC_PEER_XFR message.protected LocoNetMessage
UhlenbrockSlotManager. progOnMainMessage(int hopsa, int lopsa, int val, int cvnum)
Internal method to create the LocoNetMessage for programming on main The table below contains value observed from an Intellibox II when doing programming on main.protected LocoNetMessage
UhlenbrockSlotManager. progOnProgrammingTrackMessage(int element6, int val, int cvnum)
Internal method to create the LocoNetMessage for programming on programming track.protected LocoNetMessage
SlotManager. progTaskStart(int pcmd, int val, int cvnum, boolean write)
Internal method to create the LocoNetMessage for programmer task start.protected LocoNetMessage
UhlenbrockSlotManager. progTaskStart(int pcmd, int val, int cvnum, boolean write)
LocoNetSlot. releaseSlot()
Create a LocoNet OPC_SLOT_STAT1 message which releases this slot to the "Common" state The invoking method must send the returned LocoNet message to LocoNet in order to have a useful effect.protected LocoNetMessage
UhlenbrockSlotManager. startIBComPT()
Internal method to create the LocoNetMessage for enabling programming track in IB-COM / Intellibox II Note: This method is specific to Uhlenbrockprotected LocoNetMessage
UhlenbrockSlotManager. stopIBComPT()
Internal method to create the LocoNetMessage for disabling programming track in IB-COM / Intellibox II Note: This method is currently not usedLocoNetMessage
CsOpSwAccess. updateOpSwVal(int cmdStnOpSwNum, boolean cmdStnOpSwVal)
LocoNetSlot. writeMode(int status)
Update the decoder type bits in STAT1 (D2, D1, D0)LocoNetMessage
LocoNetSlot. writeNullMove()
Create a message to perform a null move on this slot.LocoNetMessage
LocoNetSlot. writeSlot()
Creates a LocoNet "OPC_WR_SL_DATA" message containing the current state of the LocoNetSlot object.LocoNetMessage
LocoNetSlot. writeSpeed(int speed)
Update SpeedLocoNetMessage
LocoNetSlot. writeStatus(int status)
Update the status mode bits in STAT1 (D5, D4)LocoNetMessage
LocoNetSlot. writeThrottleID(int newID)
Sets the object's ID value and returns a LocoNet message to inform the command station that the throttle ID has been changed.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) void
SlotManager. checkLoconetProtocol(LocoNetMessage m, int slot)
(package private) void
SlotManager. checkSpecialSlots(LocoNetMessage m, int slot)
LocoNetMessage. equals(LocoNetMessage o, int[] masks)
Two messages are the same if their masked data content is the
SlotManager. findSlotFromMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Extracts the LocoNet slot number from a LocoNet message, if possible.void
SlotManager. forwardMessageToSlot(LocoNetMessage m, int i)
Forward Slot-related LocoNet message to the slot.(package private) int
SlotManager. getDirectDccPacket(LocoNetMessage m)
Extracts a DCC "direct packet" from a LocoNet message, if possible.(package private) int
SlotManager. getDirectFunctionAddress(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks a LocoNet message to see if it encodes a DCC "direct function"
LnReporter. getLocoAddrFromTranspondingMsg(LocoNetMessage l)
extract long or short address from transponding message Assumes that the LocoNet message is a valid transponding message.protected void
SlotManager. getMoreDetailsForSlot(LocoNetMessage m, int i)
If it is a slot being sent COMMON, after a delay, get the new status of the slot If it is a true slot move, not dispatch or null after a delay, get the new status of the from slot, which varies by CS.protected void
SlotManager. handleLongAck(LocoNetMessage m)
Handles OPC_LONG_ACK replies to programming slot operations.void
UhlenbrockSlot. iB2functionMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Load functions 9 through 12 from LocoNet Uhlenbrock Intellibox-II implementation to be used only for message with Op code RE_OPC_IB2_F9_F12.void
UhlenbrockSlot. iBfunctionMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Load functions 9 through 28 from LocoNet Uhlenbrock Intellibox-I and -II implementation to be used only for message with Op code RE_OPC_IB2_SPECIAL.void
LnSensorAddress. insertAddress(LocoNetMessage m)
Update a LocoNet message to have this address.(package private) boolean
SlotManager. isExtFunctionMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Determines if a LocoNet message encodes a direct request to control DCC functions F9 thru F28boolean
LnReporter. isTranspondingFindReport(LocoNetMessage l)
Check if message is a Transponding Find Report message A Transponding Location Report message is sent by transponding hardware in response to a Transponding Find Request message when the addressed decoder is within a transponding zone and the decoder is transponding-enabled.boolean
LnReporter. isTranspondingLocationReport(LocoNetMessage l)
Check if message is a Transponding Location Report message A Transponding Location Report message is sent by transponding hardware when a transponding mobile decoder enters or leaves a transponding zone.(package private) void
LnReporter. lissyReport(LocoNetMessage l)
Handle LISSY message(package private) void
LnReporter. lissyRfidReport(LocoNetMessage l)
Handle LISSY RFID-7 and RFID-5 messages(package private) void
LnOpsModeProgrammer. loadSV2MessageFormat(LocoNetMessage m, int mAddress, int cvAddr, int data)
Fill in an SV2 format LocoNet message from parameters provided.void
AbstractBoardProgPanel. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Processes incoming LocoNet message m for OpSw responses to read and write operation messages, and automatically advances to the next OpSw operation as directed byAbstractBoardProgPanel.nextState(int)
CsOpSwAccess. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Ln7gAccyRoutesManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
LNCPSignalMast. message(LocoNetMessage l)
LncvDevicesManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Extract module information from LNCV READREPLY/READREPLY2 message, if not already in the lncvDevices list, try to find a matching decoder definition (by article number) and add it.void
LnMessageManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Listen for status changes from LocoNet.void
LnOpsModeProgrammer. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNetInterface implementation to forward a LocoNet message from the layout.void
LnPowerManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
LnPredefinedMeters. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
LnReporterManager. message(LocoNetMessage l)
LnSensorManager. message(LocoNetMessage l)
Listen for sensor messages, creating them as needed.void
LnStringIOManager. message(LocoNetMessage l)
Listen for sensor messages, creating them as needed.void
Lnsv1DevicesManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Extract module information from a LNSVf1 READ_ONE REPLY message.void
LnTrafficRouter. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Receive a LocoNet message from upstream and forward it to all the local clients.void
LnTurnoutManager. message(LocoNetMessage l)
Listen for turnouts, creating them as needed.void
LocoNetListener. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNetInterface implementation to forward a LocoNet message from the layout.void
SE8cSignalHead. message(LocoNetMessage l)
SlotManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Listen to the LocoNet.void
UhlenbrockSlotManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Look for IB-specific messages on the LocoNet, deferring all others to the parent SlotManager implementation.void
LnReporter. messageFromManager(LocoNetMessage l)
Process LocoNet message handed to us from the LnReporterManagervoid
LnSensor. messageFromManager(LocoNetMessage l)
implementing classes will typically have a function/listener to get updates from the layout, which will then call public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) _once_ if anything has changed state (or set the commanded state directly)void
LnTurnout. messageFromManager(LocoNetMessage l)
LnTrafficController. notify(LocoNetMessage m)
Forward a LocoNetMessage to all registered listeners.protected void
SlotManager. programmerOpMessage(LocoNetMessage m, int i)
Handle LocoNet messages related to CV programming operationsprotected void
SlotManager. respondToAddrRequest(LocoNetMessage m, int i)
A sort of slot listener which handles loco address requestsvoid
LnPacketizer. sendLocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Forward a preformatted LocoNetMessage to the actual interface.abstract void
LnTrafficController. sendLocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Forward a preformatted LocoNetMessage to the actual interface.void
LnTrafficRouter. sendLocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Forward a preformatted LocoNetMessage to the actual interface.void
LocoNetInterface. sendLocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage msg)
LocoNetThrottledTransmitter. sendLocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage msg)
Accept a message to be sent after suitable delay.void
LocoNetSlot. setSlot(LocoNetMessage l)
Update the slot object to reflect the specific contents of a LocoNet message.(package private) void
LnReporter. transpondingReport(LocoNetMessage l)
Handle transponding message passed to us by the LnReporting Manager Assumes that the LocoNet message is a valid transponding message.Constructors in jmri.jmrix.loconet with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Constructor Description Echo(LnPacketizer t, LocoNetMessage m)
LocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage original)
LocoNetSlot(LocoNetMessage l)
Creates a slot object based on the contents of a LocoNet message.Memo(LocoNetMessage msg, long endTime, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
UhlenbrockSlot(LocoNetMessage l)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) static AlmMsgTypes
Alm. getAlmMsgType(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
Alm. isCsCapsRpt(LocoNetMessage l)
static boolean
Alm. isDevBAW(LocoNetMessage l)
static boolean
Alm. isDs74CapsRpt(LocoNetMessage l)
static boolean
Alm. isDs78vCapsRpt(LocoNetMessage l)
static boolean
Alm. isDs7xRQ(LocoNetMessage l)
static boolean
Alm. isPm74CapsRpt(LocoNetMessage l)
static boolean
Alm. isSe74CapsRpt(LocoNetMessage l)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.almi
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.alm.almi with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static java.lang.String
Almi. interpretAlm(LocoNetMessage l)
(package private) static java.lang.String
Almir. interpretAlmRoutes(LocoNetMessage l)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.bdl16
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.bdl16 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
BDL16Panel. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Interpret incoming LocoNet messages. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.cmdstnconfig
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.cmdstnconfig with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
CmdStnConfigPane. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
Process the incoming message to look for Slot 127 Read. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.ds64 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
Ds64TabbedPanel. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplDcs51QueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries DCS51 devices for IPL identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplDcs52QueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries DCS52 devices for IPL identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplDt402QueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries DT402x throttles for IPL identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplPr3QueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries PR3 devices for IPL identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplSpecificHostQueryPacket(java.lang.Integer hostMfr, java.lang.Integer hostDevice)
Create a LocoNet packet which queries IPL devices by specific host manufacturer and specific host device type.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplSpecificSlaveQueryPacket(java.lang.Integer slaveMfr, java.lang.Integer slaveDevice)
Create a LocoNet packet which queries IPL devices by specific slave manufacturer and specific slave device type.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplSpecificSlaveQueryPacket(java.lang.Integer hostMfr, java.lang.Integer hostDevice, java.lang.Integer slaveMfr, java.lang.Integer slaveDevice)
Create a LocoNet packet which queries IPL devices by specific host manufacturer, specific host device type, specific slave manufacturer and specific slave device type.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplUr92QueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries UR92 devices for IPL identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createIplUt4QueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries (some) UT4 throttles for IPL identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnIPLImplementation. createQueryAllIplDevicesPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries UR92(s) for Duplex group identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createSetUr92GroupChannelPacket(java.lang.Integer iChannelNumber)
Create a LocoNet packet to set the Duplex group channel number.static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createSetUr92GroupIDPacket(java.lang.String s)
Create a LocoNet packet to set the Duplex group ID number.static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createSetUr92GroupNamePacket(java.lang.String sGroupName)
Create a LocoNet packet to set the Duplex group name.static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createSetUr92GroupPasswordPacket(java.lang.String sGroupPassword)
Create a LocoNet packet to set the Duplex group password.static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createUr92GroupChannelReportPacket(int dupChan)
static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createUr92GroupIdentityQueryPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet which queries UR92(s) for Duplex group identification information.static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createUr92GroupIdReportPacket(int dupId)
static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createUr92GroupNameReportPacket(java.lang.String dupName, java.lang.String dupPass, int dupChan, int dupId)
static LocoNetMessage
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. createUr92GroupPasswordReportPacket(java.lang.String dupPass)
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static int
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. extractDuplexGroupChannel(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks that m is a message with a Duplex Group Channel encoded inside, then extracts and returns the Duplex Group Channel.static int
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. extractDuplexGroupID(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks that m is a message with a Duplex Group ID encoded inside, then extracts and returns the Duplex Group ID.static java.lang.String
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. extractDuplexGroupName(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks that m is a message with a Duplex Group Name encoded inside, then extracts the Duplex Group Name.static java.lang.String
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. extractDuplexGroupPassword(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks that m is a message with a Duplex Group Password encoded inside, then extracts and returns the Duplex Group Password.static java.lang.String
LnIPLImplementation. extractInterpretedIplHostDevice(LocoNetMessage m)
Extract the IPL Host manufacturer and Device information from m and return the interpreted information as a String.static java.lang.String
LnIPLImplementation. extractInterpretedIplSlaveDevice(LocoNetMessage m)
Extract the IPL Slave manufacturer and Device information from m.static java.lang.Integer
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentityHostDevice(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the host device number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.String
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentityHostFrimwareRev(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the host firmware revision number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Integer
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentityHostFrimwareRevNum(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the host firmware revision number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Integer
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentityHostManufacturer(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the IPL host manufacturer number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Long
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentityHostSerialNumber(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the host serial number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Integer
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentitySlaveDevice(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the slave device number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.String
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentitySlaveFrimwareRev(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the slave firmware revision number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Integer
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentitySlaveFrimwareRevNum(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the Slave firmware revision number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Integer
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentitySlaveManufacturer(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the slave manufacturer number from an IPL Identity report message.static java.lang.Long
LnIPLImplementation. extractIplIdentitySlaveSerialNumber(LocoNetMessage m)
Get the slave serial number from an IPL Identity report message.static DuplexGroupMessageType
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. getDuplexGroupIdentityMessageType(LocoNetMessage m)
Classifies a LocoNet Message to see if it is a Duplex Group Identity messagestatic boolean
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. isDuplexGroupMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks message m to determine if it contains a Duplex Group Identity message, including queries, reports, and writes, for Name, Channel, Password, and ID.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplBxp88IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDcs210IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDcs210PlusIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDcs240IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDcs240PlusIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDcs51IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a DSC51 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDcs52IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a DSC52 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDt402DIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDt402IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a DT402 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDt500DIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplDt500IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a DT500 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplIdentityQueryMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks message m to determine if it contains a IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Checks message m to determine if it contains a IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplLnwiIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplPr3IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a PR3 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplPr4IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplSpecificIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m, java.lang.Integer hostMfr, java.lang.Integer hostDevice)
Check message m to determine if it contains an IPL Identity Report message for a specific host manufacturer and specific host device type.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplUr92IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a UR92 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplUr93IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a UR93 IPL Identity Report message.static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplUt4DIdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
static boolean
LnIPLImplementation. isIplUt4IdentityReportMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check message m to determine if it contains a UT4 IPL Identity Report message.void
DuplexGroupScanPanel. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Process all incoming LocoNet messages to look for Duplex Group information operations.void
LnDplxGrpInfoImpl. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Process all incoming LocoNet messages to look for Duplex Group information operations.void
LnIPLImplementation. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Process all incoming LocoNet messages to look for IPL operations.Constructors in jmri.jmrix.loconet.duplexgroup.swing with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Constructor Description BasicIPLDeviceInfo(LocoNetMessage l)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
LnHexFilePort. generateReply(LocoNetMessage m)
Choose from a subset of hardware replies to send in HexFile simulator mode in response to specific messages.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
LnHexFilePort. generateReply(LocoNetMessage m)
Choose from a subset of hardware replies to send in HexFile simulator mode in response to specific messages.void
HexFileFrame. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1 that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createBroadcastProbeAll()
Create a message to probe all connected LocoIO (LNSV1) units on a given LocoNet connection.static LocoNetMessage[]
Lnsv1MessageContents. createBroadcastSetAddress(int address, int subAddress)
Compose a message that changes the hardware board address of ALL connected LNSV1 (LocoIO) boards.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createSv0Message(int source, int destination, int subAddress, int command, int svNum, int version, int newVal, int d6, int d7, int d8)
Create a LocoNet message containing an SV Programming Format 0 message.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createSv1Message(int source, int destination, int subAddress, int command, int svNum, int version, int newVal, int d6, int d7, int d8)
Create a LocoNet message containing an SV Programming Format 1 message.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createSv1ReadReply(int src, int dst, int subAddress, int version, int svNum, int returnValue)
Simulate a read/probe reply for testing/developing.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createSv1ReadRequest(int dst, int subAddress, int svNum)
Create LocoNet message for a query of an SV of this object.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createSv1WriteReply(int src, int dst, int subAddress, int version, int svNum, int returnValue)
Simulate a read/probe reply for testing/developing.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv1MessageContents. createSv1WriteRequest(int dst, int subAddress, int svNum, int newValue)
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static Lnsv1MessageContents.Sv1Command
Lnsv1MessageContents. extractMessageType(LocoNetMessage m)
Interpret a LocoNet message to extract its SV Programming Format 1 <SV_CMD>.static int
Lnsv1MessageContents. extractMessageVersion(LocoNetMessage m)
Interpret a LocoNet message to extract its SV Programming Format 1 <SV_CMD>.static boolean
Lnsv1MessageContents. isLnMessageASpecificSv1Command(LocoNetMessage m, Lnsv1MessageContents.Sv1Command svCmd)
Compare reply message against a specific SV Programming Format 1 message type.static boolean
Lnsv1MessageContents. isSupportedSv1Message(LocoNetMessage m)
Check a LocoNet message to determine if it is a valid SV Programming Format 1 message.Constructors in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf1 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Constructor Description Lnsv1MessageContents(LocoNetMessage m)
Create a new Lnsv1MessageContents object from a LocoNet message. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2 that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSv2ChangeAddressReply(int ida, int destAddr)
Create a LocoNet message for the reply for an SV2 "Change Address" message where the device requires a reconfigure.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSv2ChangeAddressReply(int ida, int newDestAddr, int mfg, int developer, int productId, int serialNum)
Create a LocoNet message for the reply for an SV2 "Change Address" message where the device requires a reconfigure.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSv2DeviceDiscoveryReply(int ida, int currentDest, int mfg, int devel, int prodID, int serial)
static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSv2Message(int source, int command, int destination, int svNum, int d1, int d2, int d3, int d4)
Create a LocoNet message containing an SV Programming Format 2 message.static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSv2ReconfigureReply(int ida, int newDestAddr, int mfg, int developer, int productId, int serialNum)
Create a LocoNet message for the reply for an SV2 "Reconfigure Reply"static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvDiscoverQueryMessage()
static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvReadReply(LocoNetMessage m, int svValue)
static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvReadReply(LocoNetMessage m, int[] svValues)
static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvReadRequest()
static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvReadRequest(int deviceAddress, int svNum)
Create LocoNet message for another query of an SV of this object.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvReadReply(LocoNetMessage m, int svValue)
static LocoNetMessage
Lnsv2MessageContents. createSvReadReply(LocoNetMessage m, int[] svValues)
static Lnsv2MessageContents.Sv2Command
Lnsv2MessageContents. extractMessageType(LocoNetMessage m)
Interpret a LocoNet message to determine its SV Programming Format 2 <SV_CMD>.static boolean
Lnsv2MessageContents. isLnMessageASpecificSv2Command(LocoNetMessage m, Lnsv2MessageContents.Sv2Command svCmd)
Compare reply message against a specific SV Programming Format 2 message type.static boolean
Lnsv2MessageContents. isSupportedSv2Message(LocoNetMessage m)
Check a LocoNet message to determine if it is a valid SV Programming Format 2 message.Constructors in jmri.jmrix.loconet.lnsvf2 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Constructor Description Lnsv2MessageContents(LocoNetMessage m)
Create a new Lnsv2MessageContents object from a LocoNet message. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locogen
Fields in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locogen declared as LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
LocoGenPanel. mNextEcho
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locogen that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
LocoGenPanel. createPacket(java.lang.String s)
Create a well-formed LocoNet packet from a String.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locogen with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LocoGenPanel. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNetInterface implementation to forward a LocoNet message from the layout. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoid
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoid that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
LocoIdPanel. createReadPacket()
Create a LocoNet packet to Query panels for the LocoNet ID(package private) LocoNetMessage
LocoIdPanel. createSetPacket(java.lang.String s)
Create a LocoNet packet to set the LocoNet ID.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoid with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LocoIdPanel. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Process the incoming message, see if it is a panel response, and if so parse the LocoNet ID. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
LocoIO. readSV(int locoIOAddress, int locoIOSubAddress, int sv)
Compose a LocoNet message from the given ingredients for reading the value of one specific SV from a given LocoIO.static LocoNetMessage
LocoIO. writeSV(int locoIOAddress, int locoIOSubAddress, int sv, int data)
Compose a LocoNet message from the given ingredients for reading the value of one specific SV from a given LocoIO.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locoio with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LocoIOData. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Listen to the LocoNet. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locomon
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locomon with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LocoMonPane. message(LocoNetMessage l)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp
Fields in jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp declared as LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
ClientRxHandler. lastSentMessage
(package private) LocoNetMessage
ClientRxHandler.ClientTxHandler. msg
Fields in jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp with type parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) java.util.LinkedList<LocoNetMessage>
ClientRxHandler. msgQueue
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.loconetovertcp with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
ClientRxHandler. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.locostats with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LocoStatsFunc. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
LocoNet message handler. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.messageinterp with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static java.lang.String
LocoNetMessageInterpret. interpretAlm(LocoNetMessage l)
Interpret messages with Opcode of OPC_ALM_READ, OPC_ALM_WRITE.static java.lang.String
LocoNetMessageInterpret. interpretMessage(LocoNetMessage l, java.lang.String turnoutPrefix, java.lang.String sensorPrefix, java.lang.String reporterPrefix)
Format the message into a text string. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr2
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr2 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LnPr2PowerManager. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3.swing
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3.swing with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
Pr3SelectPane. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.soundloader
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.soundloader that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. getEraseMessage()
Get a message to erase the non-volatile sound memory(package private) LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. getExitMessage()
Get a message to exit the download process(package private) LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. getInitMessage()
Get a message to initialize the load sequence(package private) LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. getSendDataMessage(int type, int handle, byte[] contents)
Get a message to tell the PR2 to store length bytes of data (following)(package private) LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. getStartDataMessage(int type, int handle, int length)
Get a message to start the download of data(package private) LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. initTransfer(int type, int handle, java.lang.String name, byte[] contents)
Start a sequence to download a specific type of data.LocoNetMessage
LoaderEngine. nextTransfer()
Get the next message for an ongoing WAV download.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.soundloader with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) void
LoaderEngine. throttleOutbound(LocoNetMessage m)
Delay to prevent too much data being sent down. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lncvprog
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lncvprog with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
LncvProgPane. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNetInterface implementation to forward a LocoNet message from the layout. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lnsv1prog
Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.swing.lnsv1prog with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
Lnsv1ProgPane. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNetInterface implementation to forward a LocoNet message from the layout. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock
Fields in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock declared as LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) LocoNetMessage
UhlenbrockPacketizer. lastMessage
Fields in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock with type parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Field Description java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue<LocoNetMessage>
UhlenbrockPacketizer. xmtLocoNetList
Synchronized list used as a transmit queue.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createAllProgEndRequest(int articleNum)
Create LocoNet broadcast message to end LNCV programming.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createAllProgStartRequest(int articleNum)
Create LocoNet broadcast message to start LNCV programming.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createCvReadRequest(int articleNum, int moduleAddress, int cvNum)
Create LocoNet message for a query of a CV of this object.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createCvWriteRequest(int articleNum, int cvNum, int newValue)
Create LocoNet message for a write to a CV of this object.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createDirectWriteRequest(int moduleAddress, int ledValue, boolean range2)
Create LocoNet message to set aseries of Track-Control module display LEDs.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createLncvMessage(int opc, int source, int destination, int command, int articleNum, int cvNum, int moduleNum, int cmdData)
Create a LocoNet message containing an LNCV Programming Format message.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createLncvMessage(int source, int destination, LncvMessageContents.LncvCommand command, int articleNum, int cvNum, int moduleNum)
Create LNCV message fromLncvMessageContents.LncvCommand
enum plus specific parameter values.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createLncvProgStartReply(LocoNetMessage m)
In Hexfile simulation mode, mock a ProgStart reply message back to the CS.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createLncvReadReply(LocoNetMessage m)
In Hexfile simulation mode, mock a ReadReply message back to the CS (when simulate replies is ON).static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createModProgEndRequest(int articleNum, int moduleAddress)
Create LocoNet message to leave programming of this module.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createModProgStartRequest(int articleNum, int moduleAddress)
Create LocoNet message for first query of a CV of this module.Methods in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createLncvProgStartReply(LocoNetMessage m)
In Hexfile simulation mode, mock a ProgStart reply message back to the CS.static LocoNetMessage
LncvMessageContents. createLncvReadReply(LocoNetMessage m)
In Hexfile simulation mode, mock a ReadReply message back to the CS (when simulate replies is ON).static LncvMessageContents.LncvCommand
LncvMessageContents. extractMessageType(LocoNetMessage m)
Interpret a LocoNet message to determine its LNCV compound Programming Format.static boolean
LncvMessageContents. isLnMessageASpecificLncvCommand(LocoNetMessage m, LncvMessageContents.LncvCommand lncvCmd)
Compare reply message against a specific LNCV Programming Format message type.static boolean
LncvMessageContents. isSupportedLncvMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Check a LocoNet message to determine if it is a valid LNCV Programming Format message.void
UhlenbrockPacketizer. sendLocoNetMessage(LocoNetMessage m)
Forward a preformatted LocoNetMessage to the actual interface.Constructors in jmri.jmrix.loconet.uhlenbrock with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Constructor Description LncvMessageContents(LocoNetMessage m)
Create a new LncvMessageContents object from a LocoNet message. -
Uses of LocoNetMessage in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21
Methods in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 that return LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description LocoNetMessage
Z21Message. getLocoNetMessage()
Z21Reply. getLocoNetMessage()
Methods in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Modifier and Type Method Description void
Z21LocoNetTunnel. message(LocoNetMessage msg)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNet Interface implementation to forward a LocoNet message sent to the layout.void
Z21XNetOpsModeProgrammer. message(LocoNetMessage m)
Member function that will be invoked by a LocoNetInterface implementation to forward a LocoNet message from the layout.Constructors in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 with parameters of type LocoNetMessage Constructor Description Z21Message(LocoNetMessage m)