Class EcosPreferencesXml

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EcosPreferencesXml
    extends AbstractXmlAdapter
    This class is here to prevent error messages being presented to the user on opening JMRI or saving the panel file, when connected to an Ecos. It currently serves no other function. The ecos preferences are stored under the connection configuration
    • Method Detail

      • store

        public org.jdom2.Element store​(java.lang.Object o)
        Description copied from interface: XmlAdapter
        Store the object in XML
        o - The object to be recorded. Specific XmlAdapter implementations will require this to be of a specific type; that binding is done in ConfigXmlManager.
        The XML representation Element
      • load

        public boolean load​(org.jdom2.Element shared,
                            org.jdom2.Element perNode)
        Description copied from class: AbstractXmlAdapter
        Create a set of configured objects from their XML description.
        Specified by:
        load in interface XmlAdapter
        load in class AbstractXmlAdapter
        shared - Top-level XML element containing the common, multi-node elements of the description
        perNode - Top-level XML element containing the private, single-node elements of the description
        true if successful