Class SpeedStepScaleSpeedMatcherConfig

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpeedStepScaleSpeedMatcherConfig

        public SpeedStepScaleSpeedMatcherConfig​(DccLocoAddress address,
                                                SpeedTableStepSpeed targetMaxSpeedStep,
                                                Speed.Unit speedUnit,
                                                boolean trimReverseSpeed,
                                                int warmUpForwardSeconds,
                                                int warmUpReverseSeconds,
                                                PowerManager powerManager,
                                                javax.swing.JLabel statusLabel,
                                                javax.swing.JLabel actualMaxSpeedField,
                                                javax.swing.JButton startStopButton)
        Create a config object for a Speed Step Scale Speed Matcher
        address - Address of locomotive to speed match
        targetMaxSpeedStep - Target maximum speed step (corresponds to maximum speed)
        speedUnit - Speed.Unit to speed match the locomotive in
        trimReverseSpeed - Set to true to trim the locomotive's reverse speed, false otherwise
        warmUpForwardSeconds - Number of seconds to warm up the locomotive before forward speed matching; set to 0 to skip the forward warm up
        warmUpReverseSeconds - Number of seconds to warm up the locomotive before trimming revers speed; set to 0 to skip the reverse warm up
        powerManager - PowerManager for turning on the DCC system power
        statusLabel - JLabel status label in the SpeedoConsoleFrame
        actualMaxSpeedField - JLabel for indicating the locomotive's actual max speed
        startStopButton - JButton for starting and stopping speed matching