Class OsIndicator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OsIndicator
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Constants
    Provide bean-like access to the collection of Logix, Routes, Memories, etc that make up a OsIndicator.

    An OS Indicator drives the lamp on the panel for a particular OS. Honors a separate lock/unlocked indication by showing occupied if the associated turnout has been unlocked.

    See Also:
    OsIndicatorFrame, OsIndicatorPanel, OsIndicatorAction
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      OsIndicator​(java.lang.String outputName)
      Create an object to represent an existing OsIndicator.
      OsIndicator​(java.lang.String output, java.lang.String osSensor, java.lang.String lock)
      Create one from scratch
    • Constructor Detail

      • OsIndicator

        public OsIndicator​(java.lang.String output,
                           java.lang.String osSensor,
                           java.lang.String lock)
        Create one from scratch
        output - User- or System name of output turnout to be driven
        osSensor - User- or System name of Sensor determining OS occupancy
        lock - Name of NamedBean used for Locking (type to be decided)
      • OsIndicator

        public OsIndicator​(java.lang.String outputName)
                    throws JmriException
        Create an object to represent an existing OsIndicator.
        outputName - name of output Turnout that drives the indicator
        JmriException - if no such OsIndicator exists, or some problem found