Uses of Interface
Packages that use Manager Package Description jmri Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI layout management Provides specific implementations of various audio systems.jmri.jmrit.beantable Provides table GUI for manipulating NamedBean objects: Turnouts, Sensors, SignalHeads.jmri.jmrit.beantable.block jmri.jmrit.beantable.light jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout jmri.jmrit.catalog Provides a tree-based catalog for browsing.jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor Layout Editor currently represents both structure and graphical display through a single set of objects.jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.blockRoutingTable jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor jmri.jmrit.entryexit Implements Entry/Exit ( NX ) dispatching using Layout Editor panels.jmri.jmrit.logix Support for implementing Warrants in JMRI.jmri.jmrit.logixng jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation jmri.jmrit.logixng.util jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing jmri.jmrit.picker jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder Provides throttle-controlled locomotive sound simulation without the need of an on-board sound decoder.jmri.jmrit.withrottle jmri.jmrix.acela This package handles communications for the CTI Acela hardware.jmri.jmrix.anyma jmri.jmrix.bidib jmri.jmrix.can.cbus Defines classes for interfacing to a MERG CBUS network.jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial Provides basic interfaces and certain core implementations for the JMRI C/MRI serial implementation.jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc jmri.jmrix.dccpp jmri.jmrix.easydcc jmri.jmrix.ecos Support for the ESU ECoS.jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.locodatabase jmri.jmrix.grapevine This package handles communications for the ProTrak Grapevine hardware.jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee jmri.jmrix.internal The jmrix.internal package contains a JMRI connection implementation for use without a layout.jmri.jmrix.ipocs jmri.jmrix.jmriclient jmri.jmrix.lenz jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite jmri.jmrix.loconet Provides access to LocoNet systems, along with a lot of Swing-based tools.jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile jmri.jmrix.maple jmri.jmrix.marklin Classes to interact with a Marklin Network Connection.jmri.jmrix.mqtt Provides JMRI layout objects that use MQTT connections.jmri.jmrix.mrc jmri.jmrix.nce jmri.jmrix.oaktree jmri.jmrix.openlcb Implementation of the JMRI OpenLCB hardware interface.jmri.jmrix.pi jmri.jmrix.powerline This package handles communications for powerline adapters, such as X10.jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 This package handles communications for CM11 powerline adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 This package handles communications for CP290 powerline adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 This package handles communications for DMX lighting adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s This package handles communications for Insteon 2412S adapters.jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator jmri.jmrix.rfid This package handles communications for RFID adapters.jmri.jmrix.rfid.generic.standalone This package handles communications for Generic RFID stand-alone readers.jmri.jmrix.rfid.merg.concentrator This package handles communications for MERG RFID Concentrators.jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 jmri.jmrix.rps This package contains software specific to the RPS system from NAC Services, Inc.jmri.jmrix.secsi This package handles communications for the TracTronics SECSI hardware.jmri.jmrix.sprog jmri.jmrix.srcp Provide a JMRI connection to an SRCP server.jmri.jmrix.tams Support for the ESU ECoS.jmri.jmrix.tmcc jmri.jmrix.xpa jmri.jmrix.zimo jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 jmri.managers Provides implementations of various JMRI managers.jmri.managers.configurexml jmri.server.json The JMRI JSON Services provide access to JMRI via JSON data objects via a RESTful interface over HTTP or via JSON messages via a socket interface over TCP or jmri.swing Provides small Swing-based tool and utility classes for JMRI basic forms.jmri.util.swing Tools and utilities for doing a systematic reworking of the JMRI GUI.jmri.util.table Various classes and methods for working with JTables. -
Uses of Manager in jmri
Subinterfaces of Manager in jmri Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Interface for obtaining AnalogIOs.interface
Locate an Audio object representing some specific audio information.interface
An audio manager that only returns audio sources.interface
Locate a CatalogTree object representing some specific information.interface
Interface for obtaining Conditionalsinterface
Locate an IdTag object representing a specific IdTag.interface
Interface for obtaining Lights.interface
Interface for obtaining Logixsinterface
Locate a Memory object representing some specific information.interface
Interface for obtaining Meters.interface
ProvidingManager<E extends NamedBean>
ProxyManager<B extends NamedBean>
Interface for Managers of NamedBeans that are proxies for a collection of Managers for the same type of NamedBean.interface
Locate a RailCom Object representing a specific RailCom Enabled device.
RailCom is a registered trademark of Lenz GmbH.interface
Locate a Reporter object representing some specific device on the layout.interface
Interface for obtaining Routes.interface
Basic Implementation of a SectionManager.interface
Interface for controlling sensors.interface
Interface for obtaining information about signal groups.interface
Interface for obtaining signal heads.interface
Interface for obtaining signal masts.interface
Interface for obtaining information about signal systems.interface
Interface for obtaining StringIOs.interface
Implementation of a Transit Managerinterface
Locate a Turnout object representing some specific turnout on the layout.interface
Interface for obtaining VariableLights.Classes in jmri that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Basic implementation of a BlockManager.class
Instance for controlling the issuing of NamedBeanHandles.Methods in jmri that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<B>
ProxyManager. getDefaultManager()
Get the default manager or the internal manager if no default manager has been set.Manager<E>
Manager.ManagerDataEvent. getSource()
Get the source of the event in a type-safe manner.Methods in jmri that return types with arguments of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<Manager<B>>
ProxyManager. getDisplayOrderManagerList()
Get a list of all managers, with the default as the first item and internal default as the last<Manager<B>>
ProxyManager. getManagerList()
Returns a list of all managers, including the internal manager.Methods in jmri with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description default void
AnalogIOManager. addBeanType(java.lang.Class<? extends AnalogIO> clazz, Manager<? extends NamedBean> manager)
Add a type of NamedBean, for example VariableLight, that should be also registred in AnalogIOManager.void
ProxyManager. addManager(Manager<B> manager)
Add a Manager to the collection of Managers.default void
AnalogIOManager. removeBeanType(java.lang.Class<? extends AnalogIO> clazz, Manager<? extends NamedBean> manager)
Remove a type of NamedBean, for example VariableLight, from beeing registred in AnalogIOManager.Constructors in jmri with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description ManagerDataEvent(Manager<E> source, int type, int index0, int index1, E changedBean)
Create aListDataEvent
object. -
Uses of Manager in
Classes in that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Provide the concrete implementation for the Internal Audio Manager.class
The default AudioSourceManager. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable
Fields in jmri.jmrit.beantable declared as Manager Modifier and Type Field Description (package private) Manager<Light>
LightTableAction. connectionChoice
(package private) Manager<Sensor>
SensorTableAction. connectionChoice
(package private) Manager<E>
AbstractTableTabAction.TabbedTableItem. manager
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected abstract Manager<E>
AbstractLogixNGTableAction. getManager()
AbstractLogixNGTableAction.TableModel. getManager()
protected Manager<E>
AbstractTableAction. getManager()
Get the Bean Manager in use by the TableAction.protected abstract Manager<E>
AbstractTableTabAction. getManager()
protected abstract Manager<T>
BeanTableDataModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.protected Manager<Block>
BlockTableAction. getManager()
IdTagTableDataModel. getManager()
protected Manager<IdTag>
IdTagTableTabAction. getManager()
Get the Bean Manager in use by the TableAction.protected Manager<Light>
LightTableTabAction. getManager()
protected Manager<GlobalVariable>
LogixNGGlobalVariableTableAction. getManager()
protected Manager<Module>
LogixNGModuleTableAction. getManager()
protected Manager<LogixNG>
LogixNGTableAction. getManager()
protected Manager<NamedTable>
LogixNGTableTableAction. getManager()
LRouteTableAction.LBeanTableDataModel. getManager()
MemoryTableDataModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.protected Manager<Reporter>
ReporterTableTabAction. getManager()
Get the Bean Manager in use by the TableAction.protected Manager<Sensor>
SensorTableTabAction. getManager()
protected Manager<StringIO>
StringIOTableTabAction. getManager()
Get the Bean Manager in use by the TableAction.protected Manager<Turnout>
TurnoutTableTabAction. getManager()
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AbstractTableAction. configureManagerComboBox(ManagerComboBox<E> comboBox, Manager<E> manager, java.lang.Class<? extends Manager<E>> managerClass)
Configure the combo box listing managers.protected void
AbstractTableAction. setManager(Manager<E> man)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.protected void
BeanTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<T> man)
Set the Model Bean Manager.void
IdTagTableAction. setManager(Manager<IdTag> t)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.protected void
IdTagTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<IdTag> mgr)
LightTableAction. setManager(Manager<Light> man)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.void
OBlockTableAction. setManager(Manager<OBlock> om)
Configure managers for all tabs on OBlocks table pane.void
RailComTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<IdTag> mgr)
ReporterTableAction. setManager(Manager<Reporter> man)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.void
ReporterTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<Reporter> rm)
Set the Model Bean Manager.void
SensorTableAction. setManager(Manager<Sensor> s)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.void
StringIOTableAction. setManager(Manager<StringIO> man)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.void
StringIOTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<StringIO> rm)
Set the Model Bean Manager.void
TurnoutTableAction. setManager(Manager<Turnout> man)
If the subClass is being included in a greater tabbed frame, then this is used to specify which manager the subclass should be using.Method parameters in jmri.jmrit.beantable with type arguments of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
AbstractTableAction. configureManagerComboBox(ManagerComboBox<E> comboBox, Manager<E> manager, java.lang.Class<? extends Manager<E>> managerClass)
Configure the combo box listing managers.Constructors in jmri.jmrit.beantable with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description IdTagTableDataModel(Manager<IdTag> mgr)
Create a new IdTag Table Data Model.MemoryTableDataModel(Manager<Memory> mgr)
Create a new Memory Table Data Model.RailComTableDataModel(Manager<IdTag> mgr)
Create a new Memory Table Data Model.ReporterTableDataModel(Manager<Reporter> mgr)
StringIOTableDataModel(Manager<StringIO> mgr)
TabbedTableItem(java.lang.String choice, boolean stdModel, Manager<E> manager, AbstractTableAction<E> tableAction)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<Block>
BlockTableDataModel. getManager()
Constructors in jmri.jmrit.beantable.block with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description BlockTableDataModel(Manager<Block> mgr)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable.light
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.light that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<Light>
LightTableDataModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.light with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
LightTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<Light> manager)
Set the Model Bean Manager.Constructors in jmri.jmrit.beantable.light with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description LightTableDataModel(Manager<Light> mgr)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.oblock that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<OBlock>
OBlockTableModel. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<Sensor>
SensorTableDataModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
SensorTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<Sensor> manager)
Set the Model Bean Manager.Constructors in jmri.jmrit.beantable.sensor with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description SensorTableDataModel(Manager<Sensor> manager)
Create a new Sensor Table Data Model. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.signalmast that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<SignalMast>
SignalMastTableDataModel. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout
Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<Turnout>
TurnoutTableDataModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Methods in jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
TurnoutTableDataModel. setManager(Manager<Turnout> manager)
Set the Model Bean Manager.Constructors in jmri.jmrit.beantable.turnout with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description TurnoutTableDataModel(Manager<Turnout> mgr)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.catalog
Classes in jmri.jmrit.catalog that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Provide the concrete implementation for the Internal CatalogTree Manager. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor
Classes in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implementation of a Manager to handle LayoutBlocks.Constructors in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description BeanDetails(java.lang.String beanType, Manager<B> manager)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.blockRoutingTable
Methods in jmri.jmrit.display.layoutEditor.blockRoutingTable that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<LayoutBlock>
LayoutBlockNeighbourTableModel. getManager()
LayoutBlockRouteTableModel. getManager()
LayoutBlockThroughPathsTableModel. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor
Methods in jmri.jmrit.display.switchboardEditor that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<?>
SwitchboardEditor. getManager()
Get the currently active manager.protected Manager<?>
SwitchboardEditor. getManager(char typeChar)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.entryexit
Classes in jmri.jmrit.entryexit that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implements an Entry Exit based method of setting turnouts, setting up signal logic and allocating blocks through a path based on the Layout Editor. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logix
Classes in jmri.jmrit.logix that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Basic Implementation of an OBlockManager.class
Basic Implementation of a WarrantManager.Methods in jmri.jmrit.logix that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<Warrant>
WarrantTableModel. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logixng
Subinterfaces of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logixng Modifier and Type Interface Description interface
Manager for AnalogActionBeaninterface
Manager for Expressioninterface
BaseManager<E extends NamedBean>
Base interface for the LogixNG action and expression managers.interface
Manager for ConditionalNGinterface
Manager for DigitalActionBeaninterface
Manager for DigitalBooleanActionBeaninterface
Manager for DigitalExpressionBeaninterface
Manager for GlobalVariableinterface
Manager for LogixNGinterface
Manager for LogixNG modulesinterface
A manager for a NamedTableinterface
Manager for StringActionBeaninterface
Manager for ExpressionMethods in jmri.jmrit.logixng that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<? extends MaleSocket>
LogixNG_Manager. getManager(java.lang.String className)
Get manager by class nameManager<? extends NamedBean>
NamedBeanType. getManager()
Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
LogixNG_Manager. registerManager(Manager<? extends MaleSocket> manager)
Register a manager for later retrieval by getManager() -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions
Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.actions that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<? extends NamedBean>
CommonManager. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation
Classes in jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
AbstractBaseManager<E extends NamedBean>
Abstract partial implementation for the LogixNG action and expression managers.class
Class providing the basic logic of the ActionManager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the ExpressionManager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the ConditionalNG_Manager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the DigitalActionManager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the DigitalBooleanActionManager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the DigitalExpressionManager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the GlobalVariable_Manager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the LogixNG_Manager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the LogixNG_Manager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the NamedTable_Manager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the ActionManager interface.class
Class providing the basic logic of the ExpressionManager interface.Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<? extends MaleSocket>
DefaultLogixNGManager. getManager(java.lang.String className)
Get manager by class nameMethods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.implementation with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
DefaultLogixNGManager. registerManager(Manager<? extends MaleSocket> manager)
Register a manager for later retrieval by getManager() -
Uses of Manager in
Constructors in with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description DeleteBean(Manager<E> manager)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logixng.util
Methods in jmri.jmrit.logixng.util that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<E>
LogixNG_SelectNamedBean. getManager()
Constructors in jmri.jmrit.logixng.util with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description LogixNG_SelectNamedBean(AbstractBase base, java.lang.Class<E> clazz, Manager<E> manager, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
LogixNG_SelectNamedBean(AbstractBase base, java.lang.Class<E> clazz, Manager<E> manager, InUse inUse, java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing
Constructors in jmri.jmrit.logixng.util.swing with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description LogixNG_SelectNamedBeanSwing(Manager<E> manager, javax.swing.JDialog dialog, SwingConfiguratorInterface swi)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.picker
Methods in jmri.jmrit.picker that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<Audio>
PickListModel.AudioPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Block>
PickListModel.BlockPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<DestinationPoints>
PickListModel.EntryExitPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.abstract Manager<E>
PickListModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<GlobalVariable>
PickListModel.GlobalVariablePickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Light>
PickListModel.LightPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Logix>
PickListModel.LogixPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Memory>
PickListModel.MemoryPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<OBlock>
PickListModel.OBlockPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Reporter>
PickListModel.ReporterPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Sensor>
PickListModel.SensorPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<SignalHead>
PickListModel.SignalHeadPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<SignalMast>
PickListModel.SignalMastPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Turnout>
PickListModel.TurnoutPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager.Manager<Warrant>
PickListModel.WarrantPickModel. getManager()
Get the Table Model Bean Manager. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup
Methods in jmri.jmrit.sensorgroup that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Manager<?>
BeanTableModel. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder
Methods in jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
VSDecoderManager. registerBeanListener(Manager<Block> beanManager, java.lang.String sysName)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrit.withrottle
Methods in jmri.jmrit.withrottle with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractController. buildList(Manager<?> manager)
Build list only if there are no controller listeners. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.acela
Classes in jmri.jmrix.acela that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for Acela systems.class
Manage the Acela-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for Acela systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.anyma
Classes in jmri.jmrix.anyma that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for Anyma dmx usb systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.bidib
Classes in jmri.jmrix.bidib that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for BiDiB systems.class
BiDiBReporterManager implements the ReporterManager for BiDiBclass
Implement SensorManager for BiDiB systems.class
Implement turnout manager for BiDiB systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.can.cbus
Classes in jmri.jmrix.can.cbus that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for CAN CBUS systems.class
Implement ReporterManager for CAN CBUS systems.class
Implement SensorManager for CAN CBUS systems.class
Implement TurnoutManager for CAN CBUS systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial
Classes in jmri.jmrix.cmri.serial that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for CMRI serial systems.class
Manage the C/MRI serial-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for CMRI serial systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc
Classes in jmri.jmrix.dcc4pc that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Dcc4PcReporterManager implements the ReporterManage for dcc4pcclass
Implement SensorManager for Dcc4Pc systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.dccpp
Classes in jmri.jmrix.dccpp that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for DCC++ systems.class
Implement SensorManager for DCC++ systems.class
Implement TurnoutManager for DCC++ systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.easydcc
Classes in jmri.jmrix.easydcc that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement turnout manager for EasyDcc systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.ecos
Classes in jmri.jmrix.ecos that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Class to manage the ECoS Loco entries within JMRI.class
EcosReporterManager implements the ReporterManager for ECoSclass
Implement sensor manager for ECoS systems.class
Implement turnout manager for Ecos systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.locodatabase
Methods in jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.locodatabase that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<NamedBean>
EcosLocoTableTabAction. getManager()
Methods in jmri.jmrix.ecos.swing.locodatabase with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
EcosLocoTableAction. setManager(Manager<NamedBean> man)
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.grapevine
Classes in jmri.jmrix.grapevine that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for Grapevine serial systems.class
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for Grapevine systems.Methods in jmri.jmrix.grapevine with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description (package private) static java.lang.String
SerialAddress. validateSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String name, Manager<?> manager, java.util.Locale locale)
Validate a system name. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee
Classes in jmri.jmrix.ieee802154.xbee that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for XBee connections.class
Manage the XBee specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for XBee connections -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.internal
Classes in jmri.jmrix.internal that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement a AnalogIOManager for "Internal" (virtual) AnalogIOs.class
Implement a LightManager for "Internal" (virtual) lights.class
Implement a MeterManager for "Internal" (virtual) Meters.class
Implementation of the InternalReporterManager interface.class
Implementation of the InternalSensorManager interface.class
Implement a StringIOManager for "Internal" (virtual) StringIOs.class
Implement a turnout manager for "Internal" (virtual) turnouts. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.ipocs
Classes in jmri.jmrix.ipocs that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.jmriclient
Classes in jmri.jmrix.jmriclient that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for JMRIClient systemsclass
Implement reporter manager for JMRIClient systemsclass
Implement sensor manager for JMRIClient systems.class
Implement turnout manager for JMRIClient systems -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.lenz
Classes in jmri.jmrix.lenz that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for XpressNet systems.class
Manage the XpressNet specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for Lenz (XpresssNet) connections. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite
Classes in jmri.jmrix.lenz.hornbyelite that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement XNet turnout manager - Specific to Hornby Elite -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.loconet
Classes in jmri.jmrix.loconet that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for LocoNet systems.class
Manage the LocoNet-specific Reporter implementation.class
Manage the LocoNet-specific Sensor implementation.class
Manage the LocoNet-specific Sensor implementation.class
Manage the LocoNet-specific Turnout implementation.class
Concrete implementation for the InternalIdTagManager
interface that manages TranspondingTags. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile
Classes in jmri.jmrix.loconet.hexfile that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Manage the LocoNet-specific Sensor implementation via a LocoNet hexfile emulator. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.maple
Classes in jmri.jmrix.maple that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for Maple serial systems.class
Manage the specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for serial systemsMethods in jmri.jmrix.maple with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description static java.lang.String
SerialAddress. validateSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String name, Manager<?> manager, java.util.Locale locale)
Validate the system name. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.marklin
Classes in jmri.jmrix.marklin that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement sensor manager for Marklin systems.class
Implement turnout manager for Marklin systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.mqtt
Classes in jmri.jmrix.mqtt that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for MQTT systemsclass
Provide a ReporterManager implementation for MQTT communicationsclass
Implementation of the MqttSensorManager interface.class
Implement turnout manager for MQTT systems -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.mrc
Classes in jmri.jmrix.mrc that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
New MRC TurnoutManager -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.nce
Classes in jmri.jmrix.nce that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for NCE systemsclass
Manage the NCE-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for NCE systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.oaktree
Classes in jmri.jmrix.oaktree that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for Oak Tree serial systems.class
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for Oak Tree systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.openlcb
Classes in jmri.jmrix.openlcb that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Central functions for OlcbMeters.class
Manage the OpenLCB-specific Reporter implementation.class
Manage the OpenLCB-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement a StringIOManager for OpenLCB StringIOs.class
OpenLCB implementation of a TurnoutManager. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.pi
Classes in jmri.jmrix.pi that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Manage the RaspberryPi specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement Pi turnout manager. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.powerline
Classes in jmri.jmrix.powerline that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for Powerline serial systems.class
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for Powerline systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11
Classes in jmri.jmrix.powerline.cm11 that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for powerline serial systems with CM11 adapters.class
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290
Classes in jmri.jmrix.powerline.cp290 that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for powerline serial systems with CP290 adaptersclass
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512
Classes in jmri.jmrix.powerline.dmx512 that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for powerline serial systems with DMX512 serial adapters. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s
Classes in jmri.jmrix.powerline.insteon2412s that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for powerline serial systems with Insteon 2412S adaptersclass
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator
Classes in jmri.jmrix.powerline.simulator that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for powerline serial systems with Insteon 2412S adaptersclass
Manage the system-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.rfid
Classes in jmri.jmrix.rfid that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Rfid implementation of a ReporterManager.class
Manage the Rfid-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.rfid.generic.standalone
Classes in jmri.jmrix.rfid.generic.standalone that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Rfid implementation of a ReporterManager.class
Manage the Rfid-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.rfid.merg.concentrator
Classes in jmri.jmrix.rfid.merg.concentrator that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Rfid implementation of a ReporterManager.class
Manage the Rfid-specific Sensor implementation. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21
Classes in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Z21ReporterManager implements the Reporter Manager interface for Roco Z21 systems.class
Manage the Z21Specific Sensor implementation.class
Implement z21 turnout manager.Methods in jmri.jmrix.roco.z21 with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description static java.lang.String
Z21CanBusAddress. validateSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String name, Manager<?> manager, java.util.Locale locale)
Validate a system name format.static java.lang.String
Z21RMBusAddress. validateSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String name, Manager<?> manager, java.util.Locale locale)
Validate a system name format. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.rps
Classes in jmri.jmrix.rps that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
RPS implementation of a ReporterManager.class
Manage the RPS-specific Sensor implementation.Methods in jmri.jmrix.rps with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description java.lang.String
RpsSystemConnectionMemo. validateSystemNameFormat(java.lang.String name, Manager<?> manager, java.util.Locale locale)
Validate RPS system name format. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.secsi
Classes in jmri.jmrix.secsi that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement LightManager for SECSI serial systems.class
Manage the system-specific SECSI Sensor implementation.class
Implement turnout manager for SECSI systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.sprog
Classes in jmri.jmrix.sprog that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement turnout manager for Sprog systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.srcp
Classes in jmri.jmrix.srcp that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement SensorMmanager for SRCP systems.class
Implement TurnoutManager for SRCP systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.tams
Classes in jmri.jmrix.tams that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement sensor manager for Tams systems.class
Implement turnout manager for Tams systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.tmcc
Classes in jmri.jmrix.tmcc that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement turnout manager for TMCC serial systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.xpa
Classes in jmri.jmrix.xpa that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement turnout manager for Xpa+Modem connections to XpressNet Based systems. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.zimo
Classes in jmri.jmrix.zimo that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement turnout manager for Mx1 Turnouts. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611
Classes in jmri.jmrix.ztc.ztc611 that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Implement turnout manager - Specific to ZTC ZTC611 -
Uses of Manager in jmri.managers
Classes in jmri.managers that implement Manager Modifier and Type Class Description class
Abstract partial implementation of a AnalogIOManager.class
Abstract partial implementation of an AudioManager.class
Abstract partial implementation of a LightManager.class
AbstractManager<E extends NamedBean>
Abstract partial implementation for all Manager-type classes.class
Abstract partial implementation of a MemoryManager.class
Default implementation of a MeterManager.class
AbstractProvidingProxyManager<E extends NamedBean>
Implementation of a Manager that can serves as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
AbstractProxyManager<E extends NamedBean>
Implementation of a Manager that can serves as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Abstract partial implementation of a ReporterManager.class
Abstract base implementation of the SensorManager interface.class
Abstract partial implementation of a SignalHeadManager.class
Abstract partial implementation of a StringIOManager.class
Abstract partial implementation of a TurnoutManager.class
Basic Implementation of a ConditionalManager.class
Concrete implementation for the InternalIdTagManager
Basic Implementation of a LogixManager.class
Provide the concrete implementation for the Internal Memory Manager.class
Concrete implementation for the InternalRailComManager
Basic Implementation of a RouteManager.class
Basic Implementation of a SectionManager.class
Default implementation of a SignalGroupManager.class
Default implementation of a SignalMastLogicManager.class
Default implementation of a SignalMastManager.class
Default implementation of a SignalSystemManager.class
Implementation of a Transit Managerclass
Default implementation of a VariableLightManager.class
Implementation of a AnalogIOManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a IdTagManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a LightManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a MeterManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a ReporterManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a SensorManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a StringIOManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.class
Implementation of a TurnoutManager that can serve as a proxy for multiple system-specific implementations.Fields in jmri.managers declared as Manager Modifier and Type Field Description protected Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. defaultManager
Methods in jmri.managers that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. createSystemManager(SystemConnectionMemo memo)
Try to create a system manager.protected Manager<Meter>
ProxyMeterManager. createSystemManager(SystemConnectionMemo memo)
Try to create a system manager.If this proxy manager is able to create a system manager, the concrete class must implement this method.Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. getDefaultManager()
Get the default manager or the internal manager if no default manager has been set.Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. getInternalManager()
protected Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. getManager(java.lang.String systemName)
Get the manager for the given system name.protected Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. getManagerOrDefault(java.lang.String systemName)
Get the manager for the given system name or the default manager if there is no matching manager.protected Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. initInternal()
protected abstract Manager<E>
AbstractProxyManager. makeInternalManager()
Create specific internal manager as needed for concrete type.Methods in jmri.managers that return types with arguments of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.List<Manager<E>>
AbstractProxyManager. getDisplayOrderManagerList()
Get a list of all managers, with the default as the first item and internal default as the last<Manager<E>>
AbstractProxyManager. getManagerList()
Returns a list of all managers, including the internal manager.Methods in jmri.managers with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
ProxyAnalogIOManager. addBeanType(java.lang.Class<? extends AnalogIO> clazz, Manager<? extends NamedBean> manager)
Add a type of NamedBean, for example VariableLight, that should be also registred in AnalogIOManager.void
AbstractProxyManager. addManager(Manager<E> m)
Add a Manager to the collection of Managers.void
ProxyTurnoutManager. addManager(Manager<Turnout> m)
Add a Manager to the collection of Managers.protected abstract E
AbstractProvidingProxyManager. makeBean(Manager<E> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
Defer creation of the proper type to the subclass.protected IdTag
ProxyIdTagManager. makeBean(Manager<IdTag> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
protected Light
ProxyLightManager. makeBean(Manager<Light> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
Defer creation of the proper type to the subclass.protected Reporter
ProxyReporterManager. makeBean(Manager<Reporter> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
protected Sensor
ProxySensorManager. makeBean(Manager<Sensor> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
Defer creation of the proper type to the subclass.protected StringIO
ProxyStringIOManager. makeBean(Manager<StringIO> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
Defer creation of the proper type to the subclass.protected Turnout
ProxyTurnoutManager. makeBean(Manager<Turnout> manager, java.lang.String systemName, java.lang.String userName)
Defer creation of the proper type to the subclass.void
ProxyAnalogIOManager. removeBeanType(java.lang.Class<? extends AnalogIO> clazz, Manager<? extends NamedBean> manager)
Remove a type of NamedBean, for example VariableLight, from beeing registred in AnalogIOManager. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.managers.configurexml
Methods in jmri.managers.configurexml with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description <T extends NamedBean>
NamedBeanHandle<T>AbstractNamedBeanManagerConfigXML. checkedNamedBeanHandle(java.lang.String name, T type, Manager<T> m)
Service method to load a NamedBeanHandle to a NamedBean by name, check it for validity, and if need be notify about errors.<T extends NamedBean>
java.lang.StringAbstractNamedBeanManagerConfigXML. checkedNamedBeanName(java.lang.String name, T type, Manager<T> m)
Service method to reference to a NamedBean by name, and if need be notify about errors.<T extends NamedBean>
TAbstractNamedBeanManagerConfigXML. checkedNamedBeanReference(java.lang.String name, T type, Manager<T> m)
Service method to load a reference to a NamedBean by name, check it for validity, and if need be notify about errors.(package private) <T extends NamedBean>
voidAbstractNamedBeanManagerConfigXML. checkNameNormalization(java.lang.String rawSystemName, java.lang.String rawUserName, Manager<T> manager)
Common service routine to check for and report on normalization (errors) in the incoming NamedBean's name(s) -
Uses of Manager in jmri.server.json
Methods in jmri.server.json that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<T>
JsonNamedBeanHttpService. getManager()
Get the expected manager for the supported JSON type.Methods in jmri.server.json with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
JsonNonProvidedNamedBeanHttpService. doGetList(Manager<T> manager, java.lang.String type, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data, java.util.Locale locale, int id)
Respond to an HTTP GET request for a list of items of type.protected com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
JsonNonProvidedNamedBeanHttpService. doGetList(Manager<T> manager, java.lang.String type, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode data, JsonRequest request)
Respond to an HTTP GET request for a list of items of type. -
Uses of Manager in
Methods in that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description protected Manager<Audio>
JsonAudioHttpService. getManager()
Uses of Manager in jmri.swing
Methods in jmri.swing that return Manager Modifier and Type Method Description Manager<B>
NamedBeanComboBox. getManager()
ManagerComboBox. getSelectedItem()
Methods in jmri.swing with parameters of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
SystemNameValidator. setManager(Manager<?> manager)
Set the Manager used to validate system names.void
ManagerComboBox. setManagers(java.util.List<Manager<B>> list, Manager<B> selection)
Set the list of managers, selecting the passed in manager.void
ManagerComboBox. setManagers(Manager<B> manager)
Set the list of managers to the single passed in manager, and select it.Method parameters in jmri.swing with type arguments of type Manager Modifier and Type Method Description void
ManagerComboBox. setManagers(java.util.List<Manager<B>> list)
Set the list of managers, selecting the first manager in the list.void
ManagerComboBox. setManagers(java.util.List<Manager<B>> list, Manager<B> selection)
Set the list of managers, selecting the passed in manager.Constructors in jmri.swing with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description ManagerComboBox(java.util.List<Manager<B>> list, Manager<B> selection)
NamedBeanComboBox(Manager<B> manager)
Create a ComboBox without a selection using theNamedBean.DisplayOptions.DISPLAYNAME
to sort NamedBeans.NamedBeanComboBox(Manager<B> manager, B selection)
Create a ComboBox with an existing selection using theNamedBean.DisplayOptions.DISPLAYNAME
to sort NamedBeans.NamedBeanComboBox(Manager<B> manager, B selection, NamedBean.DisplayOptions displayOrder)
Create a ComboBox with an existing selection using the specified display order to sort NamedBeans.NamedBeanComboBox(Manager<B> manager, B selection, NamedBean.DisplayOptions displayOrder, java.util.function.Predicate<B> filter)
Create a ComboBox with an existing selection using the specified display order to sort NamedBeans.SystemNameValidator(javax.swing.JComponent component, Manager<?> manager)
Create a SystemNameValidator.SystemNameValidator(javax.swing.JComponent component, Manager<?> manager, boolean required)
Create a SystemNameValidator.Constructor parameters in jmri.swing with type arguments of type Manager Constructor Description ManagerComboBox(java.util.List<Manager<B>> list)
ManagerComboBox(java.util.List<Manager<B>> list, Manager<B> selection)
Uses of Manager in jmri.util.swing
Constructors in jmri.util.swing with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description BeanSelectCreatePanel(Manager<E> manager, E defaultSelect)
Create a JPanel that provides the option to the user to either select an already created bean, or to create one on the fly.BeanSelectPanel(Manager<E> manager, E selection)
BeanSelectPanel(Manager<E> manager, E selection, NamedBean.DisplayOptions display)
BeanSelectPanel(Manager<E> manager, E selection, NamedBean.DisplayOptions display, boolean maxRows)
Create a JPanel that contains a named bean combo box.BeanSelectPanel(Manager<E> manager, E selection, NamedBean.DisplayOptions display, boolean maxRows, java.util.function.Predicate<E> filter)
Create a JPanel that contains a named bean combo box. -
Uses of Manager in jmri.util.table
Constructors in jmri.util.table with parameters of type Manager Constructor Description NamedBeanBoxRenderer(Manager<T> mgr)